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Posts posted by ross84volvo

  1. Sounds like you know how to run a free country...

    Bring on higher taxes? Are you kidding? You don't think they are high enough?

    A ban on large suv's? How are those the problem, and why should we stop people from owning one should they have the need?

    You believe everything you're told? You know those documentries are funded by the same liberal news-media outlets,right?

    So there actors dressed up as navy and red cross staff? Haha yes people "need" suv's, I've never seen a muddy h2 or h3. Some people might need them and should have to apply for them. Not higher taxes on everything so no I am not kidding you. Alot of dumb sh!t should be taxed higher, like a tax on forgein goods, taxes for the rich, and dumb crap that people want and don't need. The potential is there, but as long as we have people refusing higher taxes, and keep over populating and living beyond there means then nothing will work. I talked to a engineer at CAT one time and he said in Germany he pays about 10 for a pack of smokes.

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  2. If you saw we all deserve free healthcare... where do you think the free healthcare comes from?

    You can either pay for healthcare via like everyone else who is employed (out of their paycheck) or you can just be taxed to death on EVERYTHING (booz, cars, gas, toothbrushes, soap, food, etc) and get your "free healthcare" there is no such thing as a free healthcare. Heck look at Canada's taxes.

    Bring on the higher taxes. I agree the funds have to come from somewhere, like forgein aid and our military that are a waste of money. Were was Haiti during Katrina? We should tax the hell out of booze, people that still buy suv's,large corporations, ect. The plan is there in theory but this country is run to get rich at any cost and will eventually fail. Our infrastructure is failing, the gov is openly accepting money from private interests, blah blah blah.... nothing new there, were putting our nose in the worlds buisness. One thing that would help is a one child program like China( over population is a blame on most the worlds problems) and a ban on large suv's......................

    They are not getting free care... they are getting supplies to survive and live. Plus the majority of that funding for that free care is actually donations and the generosity of others.

    Yes they are, I've seen documentries on the red cross medical boat and they showed them getting dental work and surgeys. FACT

    • Downvote 3
  3. Ding.

    L-O-L speachless

    100% serious, you realize how hypocritical that is, right?

    This topic is a great debate topic and I'd love to see it discussed, but your comments are laughable.

    I'm up for debate, but not when there's moronic comments like move then. Low intellegence right there. Sadly most of the forum goons can only act tough online.

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  4. amurrrrica.jpg

    Wow, way to make yourself look like a fat lazy american. Sad that you took the time to find that pic. Your dumbass doesn't even realize that were one of the only countries without a free option. I take it your fine with the fact that you have to pay into a corupte system just to stay alive or your monkey@d.


    Stop posting pics of your cyclopse GF as well

    I can't even believe I'm responding to this tripe. I'm the small family business guy with 14 employees... Over the past 5 years, we've been going through major changes trying to hold onto a small group plan so that we can offer affordable benefits to our peeps, and support them by paying a percentage of those costs. Overall it wasn't that bad this year from other years,it only went up 18%! <_<

    In any event it places more burden on the small company and as a matter of course, that burden trickles to the employees. You can't get around it. I can't afford to pay 100% of someone's health insurance without asking them to work for a pittance. It's not good for anyone, and so the company takes a sizable hit along with the employees. I dealt with this in March, and I'm not happy about it.

    I guess what I find so irritating about this is the sense of entitlement. To the OP, the world doesn't owe you anything, and I would encourage you to go out and make your own way. If you don't like the health insurance scenario, do something about it or don't use it. The same goes for living here...make it a better place, love your country, or move.

    Listen dipsh!t I'm not asking for anything, we all deserve free healthcare. Its a BS system that's set up to screw people and especially small buisness.I hope you all enjoy us getting into the middle easts' buisness, I'm sure the costs of all that mess would help us cover everyone's healthcare..... prob get a gold plated toliet too.

    • Downvote 4
  5. So OP,

    What do you plan to do? I know you are upset about your health insurance going up, so stop paying health care or stop paying through your work and find a 3rd party. I promise you that 3rd party will be more expensive and not cover as much. Or seriously move to Canada. I am not jabbing at you, but what are you going to do now?

    Probably not get the coverage until next jan. I haven't had healthcare for the past two years so whats one more I guess. There saying a new plan is in thw works and to split the cost 50/50 between the employer and us. I'll just get the dental and hope that works.

    • Downvote 2
  6. As a capitalist, I'll sell you some rope if you promise to hang yourself. Deal?

    Cool, we'll call it venture capital.

    HAHAHA,,,change garbage...yeah thats what she does...sure.. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif....go ahead.. "pound her better than I can"..cool comeback man, I can tell you put some thought into it... what are you, like 13 yrs old?



    Yes,I am 13 and pay for my own health insurance.

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  7. maybe you could get a job that paid more if you knew how to spell?

    And a slam dunk from a retard. It's called being laid off and switching careers. So sorry I didn't take the time to spell check like alot of you clowns and mispelled on a car forum. Oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    • Downvote 5
  8. Hey man...the tampon doesn't go in that hole..try taking it out and taking a few relaxing breaths...

    and then think about the fact that my wife works at 2 of the best hospitals in the country (and lets just say its not an hourly position) and our healthcare is @ 550 a month with a high deductible and high co-pays for the family plan...welcome to real life.

    HMM..I also am pretty sure hes never NEEDED healthcare in a "socialized medicine" country..

    It's ok, I understand your upset I could pound your wife better than you could. I'm sorry she has to change the garbage at two hospitals. It has nothing to do with real life dip sh!t, it's called a f'd up system. It's highway robbery, anyone who has said some dumbass comment just supports the problems with this country. Also to whoever said it's not good to support terrorist, you know some conservatives call the founding fathers terrorists for fighting with England in the first place and not being a slave like all of us are to this stuff country. I happily support the human race, not a single gooverment or country. That's for idiots, Go wave your flag, I'll be pissing on one at the same time.

    • Downvote 8
  9. this is why i never would work for small company :lol:

    I work for a large healthcare org (we also have our own insurance umbrella under same org). The benefit of that is my vision plan cost the most which is $26 per month for both me and my wife. I paid $0 for health insurance but my deductible is $350 per year. They're trying to increase the premium next year but nothing we can do as it is still dirt cheap compare to any other company. :lol:

    You sir are a idiot! You should of said luckily you don't have to work for a small company. Incase uyou don't have a tv or news paper not everyone is hiring and alot of people have to take what they can get.

    • Downvote 10
  10. If you leave, nobody will miss you. I promise :)

    I hear Syria is a nice place these days, maybe you should check them out and see what kind of job benefits you might find over there.

    Ha I hope I can meet you and beat the monkey out of you, Syaria? true intelligence right there. That's about as dumb as the mexico comment.I hope most you monkey sticks realize were the laughing stock of the world.

    Like Dave stated earlier...don't come here to Canada. Sure it's "free", but you'll wait forever in the waiting room because every goddamn immigrant goes there when they have a common cold. Also "free" isn't so much...considering that we in Ontario pay 13% in tax for our awesome social medical system. You want great health care...move to Cuba and call it a day. They hate the US there too so you should fit in alright.

    Sold, order my ticket!

    I'm glad most you retards fail to realize the point that were one of the few modern countries without a free option. No here your taxes pay for the worlds biggest military and if you get hurt without healthcare your monkeyed. God bless america???? haha I support the terrorist. Atleast they don't give a monkey about apple and famous people like this ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD clown news driven country. Kiss my ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD

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  11. This should be a topic allowed to swear. I just started a new job and the f-ing health insurance is 150 a month when cat it was 30 a month. What a rip off just cause it's a smaller company. I seriously can't afford this and hope I get hurt and lose everything and add my debt to the country and creditors. Land of the free my %%%, this is the worst country and proving it day by day. I hate to go straight to anti- america but f this place. no free healthcare, no no spedlimit roads,fatest country in the world, any us versions of cars get jacked up cause of bs saftety stuff, most openly corupte gov. No matter what responses this gets its bs that if you get sick and you havent paid some billion dollare company in adavnce your screwed And you wonder why the rest of the world hates us, ha you must be a nascar fan. Go ahead and suspend my acct and act like you run something in the band and suspended users section, when most of you would get punked out in person. To some this up this country is set up to support the weak and rich. god bless america? i say get f ing serious and wait for the collapse( political parties are for idiots along with religion) good day

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  12. well from what i've heard they'll still be built in sweden but the ones for the asian market will be built in china. and maybe the performance and mileage will go up. example. skyline gtr, nissan gtr, it could go either way but atleast its out of fords hands. thats why american car comapnys suffer cause our emissions and mileage are to bad to be sold over there. and to say that cause its made in china or japan you wont buy it just makes you sound like a dumb a@@. look at your trans along with plenty other parts on your car that are made over there. china has got to be doing something right besides cheap labor to produce pretty much everything you own. so dont go believing everything you hear like that hoax about global warming. merry christmas every body. jk

    and i'll take asian quality over mexican quality. cough cough vw!!!!!!! who cares who owns them thats like saying the camaro is a american muscle car when it was designed in australia and built in canada. " sad trumpet noise"

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