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Posts posted by Honeyman

  1. 15 hours ago, Fudge_Brownie said:

    Do you know that the problem is isolated to the iphone, or is that just where you've been trying it? I think there's a broad problem with uploading photos at all right now. Someone brought it up in the mod forum. Initially Chuck thought it was a size constraint, but doesn't look like that's the case.

    I can't upload anything as a result of my "attachments alllotment" being near full.  How can I delete some of those mf's?   

  2. Interesting comments.

    Last  time I checked there is no measuring tape for spirituality or inner space... and if we consider that religions were created by man, the implications of abuse within these systems only point to our nature of being manipulative human beings when it comes to our physical survival, security, and procreation.  That said, people have been using the "church" since forever to further there own aims under the auspices of divine righteousness. But, if one believes that we are spiritual beings, (whatever that means individually)  then these religions are only particular vehicles in which we feel more connected to that element which is greater than us, whether that is Christian-based, or otherwise.  So to continue the analogy, if you don't like Fords don't drive one.  And don't whine when someday you realize you don't have any wheels for such endeavors.

    The real problem as I see it, besides some negative human elements, is spiritual vacuity.  All those that don't believe in anything related to this are living life missing a connection that is both profound and fulfilling, and it doesn't have to be with a thunder-bolted man sitting on a throne or a heaven filled with virgins. 

    So what's worse... religious fervor or no acknowledgement of a higher power at all?  Go out and see something beautiful, do something nice... feel some gratitude.  God is in there.

    • Upvote 2
  3. 47 minutes ago, Yellow95 said:

    My take on that is.  Name one president that actually did what he promised to do when he was campaigning.  I am confidant that we will be the empty suit that every other president not named Reagan was.  The thing that makes him attractive is the fact that both parties are terrified that the money train will stop if he is elected. 

    On to the next part of your question.  Will we care what the world thinks?  God I wish we wouldn't.  Its time we stopped worrying about anything outside the continental US that isn't going to harm us. Pull out of the United Nations and turn around and grab our crotch as we leave.   Has there ever been more of a one sided relationship outside of marriage?  Really?

    Now that's the reasonable guy I was lookng for although pulling for someone thinking they're not going to do something is tricky.  I am also not looking for pandering to the world, but I'm pretty sure both of our families came from Europe.  Sooner or later we'll have to think of ourselves as a world community whether we like it or not. I'm thinking we should be a part of the process rather than being at the effect of it.  Any politicos boasting that we can stand alone doesn't understand the situation in my view, even though I wish all these mfs would just stay in their own countries. (And we, the same...)  And yes, I know it doesn't work like that.

    • Upvote 1
  4. ... hears pin drop....

    Gary, in all seriousness, how do you reconcile that wall/fence across 1100 miles of desert?  (I understand there is already 700 miles of it.)

    We learn about the Great Wall in China as kids with a certain amount of bemusement, then we cheer when the Berlin Wall comes down, but now we think it's a good idea to cordon off Mexico?  C'mon, man.  

    And don't get me wrong, Hillary (and co.) represent everything I loathe about politics, and I'm not feeling the Bern, either.

    It's obvious we need to change things, but Trump will cement the idea to the rest of the world that yes, in fact, we are the assholes they thought we were.  Do we want that?  Do we care?

    My two pennies.

    • Upvote 2
  5. 1. Patrick - FaultyPiston2 - size small 

    2. Mat - MattyXXL - 6 months or 3T

    3. Michael - RBoy8 - youth L/XL

    4. Kevin - Kevin. - Regular L 

    5. Matt - mattb - medium/large

    6. Timo - Timbo Slice - Medium

    7. Jon - Survolvo - L/XL

    8. Erik - L

    9. Tiberio - Tizio, medium?/L

    10. Shackman - Shack Man XL

    11. Brandon - Volvoskiah- N/A

    12. Kalvin - kalvin - M

    13. AJ - Honeyman - XL

  6. Funny thing is that this country has been sitting on a lot of guns since what, the early 1900's?  Why is it now that we have a problem with them... controlling or confiscating them won't take the fear, violence or hate away.  A better move might be to become community active and turn the damn television off.  Television?  haha old school, but you know what I mean.  Those damn video games, too....

  7. Seems to me we've displayed a need for controls, although I really don't know how we can articulately set up a structure such that whackjobs and predator types can't get guns and reasonable people can.  It's a complex filter with lots of moving parts.  I cringe to think how many departments and corporations would be involved to make a well-coordinated effort. (Plus that, bad communication, political maneuvering, nobody agrees)  Accountability from manufacture to gun owner, proficiency/responsibility programs, background checks, and some kind of "clean bill of mental health" certificates prior to purchase wouldn't be bad.  I think most responsible gun owners would jump through the hoops if it provided for a safer environment, but there's a lot of fear out there. People don't want you messing with their guns as the violent use and access to them in general perpetuates the mechanism.  Stinkin' conumdrum. The scary thing to think of is what will those assholes use when they can't get their hands on a firearm. 

  8. I don't have enough profanity for that motherfucker and others like him.  I do believe that he would have used whatever he could get his hands on to make that event happen as well.  Guns are tools and are only animated when used by the person holding it.  That said, even a  pro-gun guy like me thinks we need to control them in such a way that diminshes these possibilities. But therein lies the crux... how do you go about doing that in this fucked up political climate?  Also don't think concealed carry would have saved anyone, but it would have been satisfying if he had gotten his due with the same malice.

    To Alain... now  establishing a social media pattern, I fear the nut jobs will be coming out of the woodwork. (Most regrettably)  

    Somewhere along the way we've lost our moral compass...

  9. A friend used a go pro when he was fishing out on a lake

    Not even he could watch it

    Its all in the editing...

    I broke mine out for the first time skiing last week and it came out pretty cool, except for an aiming issue... nice shot of ski tips and snow! (moe-ron)

    Travis, do you use the gopro editing software?

  10. Anyone ever run tire chains? I have zero experience with them and I'm debating getting a set for this winter. I'll be in my S90 this winter, and I drive a lot in the snow (you know, for practice). I've had limited experience with RWD in the snow, but I'm worried about hill traction. I'll have non-studded snows all around, but will the lack of engine weight be a significant hindrance? The biggest problem I'm seeing with them is the speed limitation, 30mph tops? Is it accurate to say they're only useful if you can't get up the hill, but otherwise you'll wish they weren't on?

    My perception with RWD in the snow is that the negative opinion is mostly a carry-over from the older generation driving heavy cars, with torquey motors and shitty tires. Am I wrong?

    Instead of chains, maybe consider those cables like some police depts. use for their cruisers. I think you can run faster with those than chains. (But I don't know for sure) The other key is weight. Load her up in the back so you can get some traction. If she's not sagging, you haven't put enough ballast in. Chains will rattle your teeth out except in the fluffiest conditions.

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