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Everything posted by besthaticouldo

  1. he released the short form over 2 years ago. this is not news. he just released the long form to get trump to shut his big mouth.
  2. you missed what i was asking...what if they weren't terrorists? what if they were just citizens from a different country that were suspected of being terrorists? or are you under the ignorant impression that everyone from that region is in fact a terrorist? because we did torture what turned out to be non terrorists. is that upholding our laws and ways and morals? i don't think so.
  3. what if they weren't terrorists, and just being suspected of being terrorists. or what if they were american citizens?
  4. you can trample the constitution all you want, but it is the place of the president to uphold it to the highest regard. he didn't. and there has been study after study proving that the information receiving via torture is almost always inaccurate, so really whats the point.
  5. most presidents mistakes don't result in war and thousands dead. clinton got his dick sucked, yea a mistake. but no one died because of it. edit: not to mention authorizing waterboarding...not a really good way to uphold the constitution of the US. they found every way possible to usurp the laws of this country. touting a really fine line as they did it. i love how most people write his mistakes off as, oh just mistakes. no one holds him accountable. but i guess thats hard to do when he doesn't really understand the full ramifications of his actions, being that he has the mental capacity of soap.
  6. what about the bulbs in the window switches??
  7. thanks for the info bro...i am gonna do this soon.
  8. i prefer it so much, less bickering, less horseshit in the system. way easier to browse. nice to know you probably are not going to get ripped off. great system VS mods. love it. thanks for a badass forum btw.
  9. soooooooo badass, i would love a bug eyed volvo...mmm yes.
  10. ah i hate that! everyone makes parts for the 98s, but no love for 99+ cars....this sucks. i want a manual.
  11. wait...you did a manual swap and kept your AWD? i must know how to do this. you just made my R the perfect car if i can pull that off!!!!!!!!!!! let me know please!
  12. besthaticouldo


    my 99 V70R
  13. besthaticouldo


    From the album: V70R

  14. besthaticouldo


    From the album: V70R

  15. besthaticouldo


    From the album: V70R

  16. besthaticouldo


    From the album: V70R

  17. besthaticouldo


    From the album: V70R

  18. i know sean, i've meet him once. i don't know him well. but i dont know him through volvos, i met him through jeeps. i just posted on NAXJA.org which is the forum i met him through. hopefully someone will know how to get a hold of him on there, i can't remember him sn on there.
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