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Status Updates posted by TaskMule

  1. "crazy looks different on the outside"

  2. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." Napoleon, Leader of the Pigs, from Animal Farm by George Orwell, 1945

  3. The 3 hour sleep I had last night was so good, I'm going to have another right now. See you at dinner.

  4. Tomorrow's menu; Smoked Whole Pork Tenderloin, in "Memphis Dust" dry rub, sweet potatoes, and grilled asparagus. Left-overs Monday at school, yo.

  5. No cup for you, Marty.

  6. ; Mrs. Meathead: "Where are you going?" Meathead: "To watch the smoker." Mrs. Meathead: "Mind if I come along?" Pulled pork tacos are heading this'a way:-)

  7. ; "Oh, bother" said Pooh, as he chambered another round.

  8. Romney clinches the Republican title. Can this actually be happening? What the hell is happening to peoples minds?

  9. So the recent budget cuts include a $7.5 mil cut to Elections Canada. Any co-incidence that EC is investigating the cons robocalls, and this will impact the efficiency of their progress? Honestly, this current admin is just awful. No shame or integrity at all.

  10. has amazing and impressive friends.

  11. Not cancer. Benign. Moving ahead.

  12. is pukin rainbows! Just sayin...


  14. - Hey, a working cell phone. THERE'S a novelty around here.

  15. Sigh...looking for a place to live. Again. July 1 or maybe sooner. Could be later. 1 bdrm apt, or a share with the right person. What do ya got?

  16. For my friends who are going through some issues right now, including me: Let's start a thought avalanche. We all need supportive thoughts right now. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my "FB Family" wherever you may be to kindly copy, paste and share this status for one hour to give a thought of support to all those who have family problems, health, struggles, worries and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us, for no one is immune. I hope to see this on...

  17. is snipping introns and splicing exons. So are you.

  18. still no phone. email or FB only please.

  19. Folks, say so long to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act which has been repealed. In it's place? We get The "Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act." It should be called the "destroy the land, deplete all resources, and screw clean water and air act". We don't need any of those latter things, do we? Call your MP and say NO to the Omnibus Bill!

  20. Cell phone down. E-mail only til further notice please.

  21. And the wheeeeels are off in Philly.

  22. I'm not weird. I'm "Limited Edition".

  23. May I ask a personal favor.... and this is REALLY personal for my family....only some of you will do it, and I know who you possibly are, if you know someone who fought a battle with cancer and passed away, or someone who is still fighting, (or someone in remission)... please add this to your status for 1 hour as a mark of respect and remembrance. I hope I was right about the people ♥

  24. Tortora is incomprehensible. I've switched to the "dummies" version.

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