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Posts posted by RAzOR

  1. but do they have oil? i guess cheap asian whores are out, but Greeks can be whores to, so where do we stand on delivery times?

    Nope. It's why nobody really cares. They have some good cheese though and their salads are great. Getting hungry.

    How the hell is India? You must be worth a jizbillion dollars by now. Thought you might know about this dude as well, He's awesome...

  2. The Greek government and from the news I hear, see, read, many Greek activists have their head up their ass. They have had it there for some time. And I am half-Greek.

    They continually embarrass me.

    My relatives and whatnot are very cool folks but their leaders and lunatics are shameful.

  3. lol, that will be an issue.... your definition of healthy foods is different from mine... and it would be different from the Government's idea of what is healthy.

    so that will not work

    Taco bell is not healthy...but for a 300lb man who eats lard straight it is considered healthy. yeah... think again :)

    just cause someone eats healthy does not make them healthy

    I can eat Healthy Choice fozen foods no problem... but if an overweight person eats 8 of them... yeah thats not healthy

    I meant mainly grocery items. And I think there is no debate on taco bell. Somethings are not relative. And broccoli is not relatively healthy. It is healthy. Zingers are not relatively healthy. They are unhealthy. But I love em.

  4. Bottom line is a national health care plan Will Not work in the United States... and it's completely stupid to even think that it will. Doesn't mean shit if it does or doesn't work in Canada, England or France, or where ever else, it's completely irrelevant, cause we're not Canada, England or France. It's pathetic and shameful that a national health care plan is the best we can come up to attempt to solve the issues.

    This whole country is fucked, imo, and the morons we have running for office offer nothing in the way of making it better... and the united states has no one to blame but themselves.

    +1000 FINALLY someone who agrees with me. Once the average American's comfort level is disturbed, shit will happen. Until then, this is what will continue to go on.

    It is very sad how our leaders today are "stuck" and won't to do anything.

    To the Heallthcare point, IMHO, the solution to health care is to remove the HMOs from completely controlling it all.

    I propose:

    1. Government funded preventative and routine care: Checkups, antibiotics, routine tests, emergency, tax credits for "fit" people, no sales tax on healthy foods, etc.

    2. Competitive system for doctors, hospitals, and prescription drugs (to serve item 1 above), no insurance allowed until a cost or treatment threshold is reached (like cancer, etc).

    3. Health insurance is encouraged for major medical costs and programs.

    4. Clear healthcare policies must established on tough issues, such as Euhtanasia and access to high-cost treatments for those who cannot make payment.

  5. It's a blatant and typical CNN report against gun ownership.

    Listen to the reporter he almost slows down when he says "S E M I A U T O M A T I C" handgun. If the shooter had a pistol, the reporter would have said "handgun" not "pistol". It's obvious when one actually looks at the report itself rather than its story. He could have just said had a "gun". He did say the victim only had a cell phone. Gee, poor thief. The pizza guy didn't get the memo in time.

    Take the info, sure it's valuable, but what's far more valuable is to recognize the provocative choice of words, delivery, and sequence editing in the piece CNN created to feed you.

    Obviously trying to muddle the moral clarity here.

    The community is scared. What a terrbile thing to have happen. What thing? The robbery or the shooting? CNN will try to leave every viewer looking at each other wondering.

  6. I agree with both of you but this issue is at the heart of the matter. It's the "gray" area that happens every day and how we deal with it. She was a dumbass to go outside. I would have done what the two of you said, stayed inside and locked the door and called the cops. In LA, espcially in Watts, response times can be bad and she would likely have been on her own. Nonetheless, her property was invaded, they had a gun (and probably knives). Why should it be her fault? THEY are the ones taking their lives into their own hands. If you were to jump someone's fence with the intent of robbing them and they had kids inside, what do think might happen?

    She was stupid to go outside but let's not forget what happened.

    To the point, if the common criminal assumes that most homeowners have guns and were ready to use them, what would happen to the rate of at-home incidents like this? To that point, if a criminal is contemplating robbing one of two houses and he knows one owner has a gun and the other doesn't, which is he/she more likely to rob? What if they all had guns?

  7. This happened yesterday:


    Mother of four killed. She went outside to stop four guys who were trying to break in. She had a knife. They had a gun. She's dead.

    In LA it is very difficult for the law abiding citizen to get a gun legally. In this case, the policy may have resulted in a mother of four dying while the criminals escaped.

    Is this fair?

    I thought the intent of gun control legislation was to reduce crime, not get law abiding citizans killed. But this is what seems to happen more and more.

    If she had a gun, my bet is that the outcome would have been different and this woman would be alive today and one or more of those pieces of shit would have been dead.

  8. I don't buy it, not for one second. His head, on his neck, moved BACKWARDS.

    Common sense. Slow mo, frame by frame. He got hit from the front. No question. Simplest of physics.

    When you smash a skull, the direction you smash it from is going to be the direction it moves.

    Kennedy moved backwards, he was hit from the front.

    Come on Chuck, your someone who calls them like he sees them.


    ...they've gotten to you too. :ph34r:

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