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Posts posted by donstruke

  1. Interesting that you lot in the US get a different cover on Newsweek than the rest of the world.......



    Full story and vid above.......

    Yeah, it's always interesting and occasionally enlightening to read foreign news media. But just as with our own news outlets, be sure to have a good stash of salt nearby. Never know when a few grains will be needed.

    Anyway, this Newsweek caper is sad to see. I had forgotten about checking the Huffington blog. Thanks!

  2. on a related note 711 dropped Citgo, actually found that interesting

    This is from hotair.com on 26 Oct:

    BHL has obtained a copy of a letter from Janey Carpenter, Manager of Consumer Affairs that states 7-11 Stores are ending their 20-year supply agreement with CITGO Petroleum Corp. According to Carpenter, the contract ends next week and 7-11 is now making the switch to its own branded gasoline. The company says the change has nothing to do with derogatory comments made last week by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez at the United Nations. Nevertheless, 7/11 Stores will begin selling in October gas provided by US companies, such as Tower Energy Group in Torrance, CA., Sinclair Oil of Salt Lake City and Frontier Oil Corp of Houston. Carpenter says the signs will start to change, with CITGO signs coming down from the stores’ gas canopy and off gasoline dispensers. More than 2,100 stores are affected. While most of the signs will be changed by end of ‘07, not all CITGO signs will be off gas canopies until ‘08.

    7-11 is owned by a Japanese corporation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7-Eleven

  3. "Don't order from me if you're gay," is what he's saying. "I'm not a bigot, but homos are morally wrong." Hypocrites, intolerant hypocrites is all they are.

    Andy, I have studied your photo very carefully, and I think you have one hell of a leaky basement. Also, check that roof because there's just too much sunshine down there.

  4. I didn't think he said anything any Dumbocratic member of Congress hasn't already said? Let them all speak and we can clearly see what they really are all about and who is aligned with who.

    Well, one amusing thing he said was when ol' Fidel was in the hospital, and Chavez asked everyone to pray for him. Hey, Chavez, uh, to what god would godless communists be prayerfying? Prayerfication. Praymatizing. Whatever.

  5. The sad thing is we are Venezuela's largest oil consumer, so even if we nix Citgo it really doesn't matter :(

    But Venezuela's economy is oil, so you think they want us to stop buying? A viscous circle indeed! :huh:

    UN stands for Useless Nations, we should take the building and let Trump convert it to condos!

    "viscous circle" GOOD ONE!!

  6. Anyone else simultaneously disgusted and amused by Venezuela's Top Taco, Chavez? (I'm about 98% disgusted and the rest of me is amused.) I'm sure everyone knows that Citco is owned by the Venezuelan government.

    I have a friend who owns a Citgo station (also has a Euro-model S8 that cost big bux to get Federalized, and a turbo Porsche, so the man's got to make a living) and I haven't had the heart to broach this with him. Yet.

  7. Welcome to Oklahoma:

    Gary England Drinking Game

    By Canada and Moose


    1. Everyone selects a storm chaser other than Val Caster. Every time Gary talks to your storm chaser, you take one drink. Take two drinks every time we see footage from your storm chaser. Take four drinks if your storm chaser says "tornado on the ground."


    MORE much more and yadda yadda yadda

    Now we know why no one ever says "I think I'm gonna move to Oklahoma."

  8. Hey, Shaun (seriously), your recap/summary is pretty dayam right on. Bottom line all politicos have some bad habits and many are not strangers to what might be illegal practices in some circumstances. Personally I looked at everything I could find (as opposed to what both sides were putting out) about W and Kerry, and decided Dubya was the better qualified of two basically unqualified candidates. Tuh-RAH-zah didn't help improve my view of Kerry. Also I considered Laura Bush a much more positive influence on the next prez than Heinz would have been (duh...).

    I think all politicians are opportunists to one degree or another, but Marry 'em Rich Kerry reached a new level.

  9. woooooow......what is wrong with dumbasses? i hate when they cut even the word butt on radio. what should people use if they wanna say butt? a$s is no good, anal too

    Once upon a time in the Lebanon, Pennsylvania, newspaper I saw an ad by some gas station that was so proud of its new engine analysis machine that it made a big announcement. Unfortunately, the name of the machine was Anal-O-Scope. I saved that ad for a long time.

    Also, once upon another time Continental Airlines (I think) ran some print ads with a cartoon caption coming out of a plane taking off, and for whatever reason the unseen person in the plane was saying "They really did show us their tail." I have NO idea what that was about.

  10. holy shizz!  that is seriously some of the most crazy hilarious crap I have ever read.  oh my god you have no idea how passively hysterical that was.

    :your so silly:  :your so silly:  :your so silly:  :pizza:

    Well, take out the word "fantastic" and it works. But as far as Yalies needing legal access to drugs: :your so silly: :your so silly: :your so silly:

    On that note, Dubya's grade average (77) at Yale was one point better than Captain Ketchup. Yay for our side!

  11. First, I think the original post was full of rumor and unconfirmed claims (possibly some other ethnicity??  huh?? Like I *think* they *might* were Mexican, but they could have been anything.) 

    Uh, genius, I was drinking beer with the guy's partner about 10 hours after he found out his friend was shot, and AT THAT TIME there was no confirmation who it was or even what they used for a weapon. You obviously don't know there's a whole mix of Hispanics south of Mexico engaged in drug smuggling. The perps probably were Mexican but who knows until it's confirmed?

    So excuse me, chief, my post was not "full of rumor" but you might be full of something else. <_<

    Fake name... <_<<_<

    I'll be sure to pass along your concern about the wounded BP. That (seriously) will be appreciated. These guys (and guyettes) have a thankless job.

  12. Anyone see the news item last Friday about the Border Patrol cop shot by Mexicans (possibly some other ethnicity) during an attempted drug bust?


    His partner is my friend's son; we had drinks Friday night at the Coyote Bar & Grill in Carlsbad, where he told us his bud was OK - just a lower leg wound - despite five shots coming in through the windshield. At the time we talked it was not known if the five were rounds or shotgun pellets. The fact remains the BP is restricted by what they're permitted to do. Also, the Bush administration abolished the BP union, put it in the Home Security agency, AND froze (I might have the wrong verb) any pay increases.

    What do you think should be done to reduce illegal immigration? Along with innocent hard working people just trying to find a living in the U.S., many drug smugglers are among the aliens who cross. Whatever, they laugh at our laws.

    I understand that the Mexican government (this may be just a rumor) provides tips on where/when to cross and other advice including how to take get medical care, welfare, and other ways to take advantage of America's legendary generosity.

    This site is the Arizona BP union, but the same conditions exist for California and the other border states:


  13. When you say the boader there is a fence that lies between us but the problem goes well beyond the boarder. I fact the most illegals are not even on the boarder, they have gone north  or even out of CA. We all pay for this in federal taxes but we just see it more than other because we are on the boarder.

    BORDER. Don't spell like a Mexican. :)

  14. well if you are going to get techinical.... you never render a hand salute, uncovered (indoors) or in civilian attire, only come to attention at these times and face the flag. it is only proper to salute when you are in uniform and covered

    NOT true for all branches of the service.

  15. LOL my first thought was "that thing needs some pegs"  :lol:

    Better yet, take the Pegs, put them on a T-5R, junk the 960, and let your customers walk. Healthier and they'll live longer = more years of car-buying.

    Got to look long term.

  16. :blink:


    no more bypassing to type in words such as jerk monkey and stuff.....


    good policy though, keeps the kids playing nice!!

    whatever happened to Chopper?

    jerk monkey jerk monkey jerk monper jerk mopper jer hopper jehopper chopper - just want to see what happens when I actually type j-e-r-k m-o-n-k-e-y.

    Look! It transmogrifies to "chopper". Cool.

  17. Obviously you have never seen 3 guys with guns and only had 2 mags.  I still train pop em all once then preform clean up.  Besides if your using cover thier last few seconds should not matter to you.

    Oh, you train. Me: Been there, got the T-shirt :).

    And if you train to use cover, better include instructions how to work that cover magic of yours in a big open rice paddy.

    But you're 100% right...I've never seen three guys with guns when I only had two mags.

  18. This comming from someone who lives in Belgium?!  Mind your own business over there! :lol:

    :lol: AND let's remind ol' Vig if it weren't for our elections, as flawed as they are, his parents would have had to raise him as a sauerkraut-chomping, lederhose-wearing German-speaking kid.

    There were a lot of American B-17s, B-24s, Mustangs, and P-47s shot down over Belgium flown by guys who voluntarily left this nation with its democratic elections to save Europe's undemocratic a-s-s.

  19. Conservation of ammo.  Engage all targets and then come back and shoot them in the head if you have ammo left.  If you carry a caliber thats correct for the job neither double tap or tripple tap is usually needed.  I doubt many civilians will ever encounter a true multi-target environment though.

    Obviously you haven't spent time in Baltimore...

    PLUS ammo is cheap; my life isn't. An engaged target is not always a disabled target. You know that, using large cal or not.

    I don't want those last few breaths dedicated to squeezing one in my direction.

  20. To quote the great Bill Hicks:

    "I, ah...this abortion issue in the States is dividing the country right in half. You know, and even amongst my friends - we're all highly intelligent - they're totally divided on the issue of abortion. Totally divided. Some of my friends think these pro-life people are just annoying idiots. Other of my friends think these pro-life people are evil monkeys. How are we gonna have a consensus? I'm torn. I try and take the broad view and think of them as evil, annoying monkeys."

    (Thanks Charles :P that didn't say "monkeys" originally.)

    Oh, that's really sweet. There's also this from Hicks, at his life's end: ""I left in love, in laughter, and in truth, and wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit."

    Which do you imagine he'd prefer to be remembered by?

  21. Jross and VS Admin must have been out of town at their annual Looking for 4-Leaf Clovers party when the Social Conscience delivery truck arrived.

    The opposite of Pro-Life is Pro-Death...oh, I guess that should be "Pro-Abortion". Sorry...certainly don't want to offend such sensitive and caring people. :lol:

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