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Blog Entries posted by 1ajs

  1. 1ajs
    ok well dam hot out today but rather then lay around the house i have pulled both my seats perhaps i shoulda left my drivers one alone but eh

    anyhow the passenger side is not as bad as the driver side upan closer look but still i need to go beef up my structur as my door closes bit stiff like the other side was doing hopefully i can also get my suspention mounting point beefed up also as the local potholes will take their toll on it if i don't

    after pulling up the carpet and sound damping i grabed this eek what a mess

    after taking the tar damping off i find i am left with this

    front passinger side floor i found the floor in way better shape then the driver side but still the damping pading was soaked not surprizing but still surprize how well the floor and subframe is just need to pic up some silica and get to sand blasting i gues and see how bad it realy is and get some new peaces welded in

    after diging and scraping and vacuming out all the crap this is what i'm left with still have a bunch more prop work to do befor i can put any new metal in but so far its looking prity good and i found what apears to be a plastic bag being used to patch some sorta previous hole in the floor

  2. 1ajs
    fired the tank up today for the first time this year in otherwards i still have her sitting here and now my mothers talking of stealing it back and driving it to central amarica

  3. 1ajs
    found her on facebook of all places the guy has to many projects lol hes curently restoring a 1959 Volvo PV 544 said 1k the 68 145 is mine probly go get in in the spring when got the time to do it its in hamilton though sure a hell of a ways away

    both cars in this shot lol

  4. 1ajs
    now its time to figure out were all the signal light crap went to on me :S and put it back together so its street legalas in the next week i will probly get plates put on here and take it pout for a spin and see how shes runing...

    emptyed my bucket and cleaned my misc parts to see what i have for screws and crap... figures the parts i don't need i got tuns of spares :S but the one i need i missing half the parts :S

    i will probly need to replace some bushings :S since shes sat for 5 years put about 40miles on it during thoughs 5 years though o well aslong as its city driveable i think i should be fine for now and go do the drivers test lol my goal is around the corner then i will be able to drive to work ect and make some money to fix the little things to keep it going... and maybe get a new body
  5. 1ajs
    2 weeks ago i picked this up on ebay and it finaly came today

    don't know if any of the fellow 140 guys on here need any info outa it just ask me and i can photography the pages

    also finshed the floor last night now to finish the wheel well

  6. 1ajs
    so finsied off the floor on the driver side and reatched the rear seat floor... to the gunel

    interesting note about this is my doors close properly again and open smoother even notice a change on the pasinger side and its solid as hell in this area

  7. 1ajs
    well started the slow teadious part of rebuilding my wheel well artch and tieing it into the floor / structure

    this what we got done tonight ran outa wire again for the welder DOH! sprayed it with the zink oxide primer for the time being

  8. 1ajs
    hmm yea haven't done much more since we welded thouse peaces of metal in due to rain

    anyhow a pic of the beast

  9. 1ajs
    beefed up the sub frame today by welding in some new peaces man the metal they used sure is thiner to what we used lol
    b ut then you look a new cars and they use thiner sheet metal then whats on the poor old 145 lol its amazing how cars are built so cheaply and yet we spend so much on them......
  10. 1ajs
    still have the car still runs like a cherry guna fix it up enuff for the summer and see about finding another body for her

    so what have i been doing since my last entry

    lets see started an aprentership for industrial electrician
    and went to mexico/belize for 3 months and drove around in the 240 benz that my mother has with my guts in it lol

    all thats left of my benz the guts live in the one above lol

  11. 1ajs
    makes me sad to see how bad the rust is :S i think my best option is to find another 145 and build 1 out of 2 and store all the spare parts i can get in a storeage locker for it. down the street is an old warehouse thats rented out for storeing boats and working on cars ect should give the number on the building a call and find out how much they want for rent
  12. 1ajs
    well i moved it out from the back yard to the front car port also drove it around the block first time actualy driving the beast my self its a tank
    but ones its moving its happy

  13. 1ajs
    Another Quest Done.

    Found new brake pads who woulda thought i would have such a hard time finding pads for my car. if i had girling calipers i would of found a set real esay. But i have the ATE

    So today i was out runing around looking for pads agian and was sent to a shop by another shop and get there and ask and the guy looks on his computer then shook his head and then said wait here while i see what i have in the back back for old stock and vala he came back with a set of premium pads witch was not what i was looking for. but i got them marked down from 47.95 cause they were old stock and got them for 30$ couldn't say no to that cheaper then have ordering the cheapest set localy or online after shiping and taxs can't complain

    so my next quest is a set of dust boots for my caliper pistons already gone out looking around for them today gues i gota get them online or go for a 6 hour bike ride to the only volvo dealer in town to get told to buy a new volvo or get lost lol or suck up to my dad and go for a drive out there
  14. 1ajs
    well being we have the parts car almost striped and have the doner motor for the acord sitting waiting to be tossed in the accord we decided to move the volvo but..... if you recall my brake lines are all rusty while trying to move the tank it stalled and moved forward and niped the brake lines on the flower box infront for the volvo doh so we get the volvo outa the way anyhow i move the car slowly and we put nail in to plug the line so we get it outa the yard and push the parts accord back into the yard were the volvo used to sit and take the volvo out for a spin around the block with barly working rear brakes lol sure got lota pick up still anyhow we get it back in the yard

    and pop the hood and to see were the leek is and notice its monkeyed..... so we went down to a automotive parts store and bought 25' of hose for 27$ and get back and get the aproparit tools out of the tool chest in the basement.

    in order to replace the lines the rad had to come out

    when we got it out we took the pressure washer and proceeded to wash the engin bay
    once we were finished that we decided to replace this part (the replacment one)

    being we had this part sitting in the back portch for 10 years and we had the rad out we replaced it maybe this will fix part of the oil leak anyhow we put the fan back on and the fan belt...... and proceed to start working on the brake lines

    replace all the main lines and then decide to call it a day after mucking around with it for 8 hrs and call it a day the next day we get back to finishing it and bleeding the lines and wind up riping the pasinger side bracke caliper after relizing it was seazed

    puting the caliper back together

    we get it back together and put it back on and relize while we were bleeding the lines for that side that driver side one is seazed so we take it off and are having a hell of a time trying to get it apart when we relize its about 4:30
    so we stop for the day and clean up and relax o well the tank has almost all new bracke lines in the front now and soon cleaned calipers and new pads what a weekend next on the list befor we put the rad back in do some rust treatment work and some patching but soon i shall get my mother to fax me some documents so i can legaly take tittle and throw plates on it... don't need to get it saftied since its staying in the family

  15. 1ajs
    well its just sat all summer till today we fired it up first turn with out the choke in it purred was like holy stuff lol but then the back carb started acting up so we pulled it and cleaned omg it was full of some weird grey mudy substance....... put it back on and fired it up with the chocke on this time and it pured then the main fuel line starts squrting now i need a new one of those.... gues over the years the bracket that mounts it to the motor wore a hole in it lol...... just gota fix that and then move the parts car honda we have for the accord...... and park it in the front drive so we can swap parts onto the accord and fix up the volvo a bit more maybe finaly get off my jerk and go do the drivers test........

    so other than that the other half of that tree fall over so now theres a stump and its got shoots coming up gues its got a will to live lol i miss the shade of that tree out front o well.

  16. 1ajs
    what a beatifull winter we have had so far. its been hovering around zero since befro christmas and its a rather nice change from are normal -50 in jan we get here witch puts a smile on my face. the holidays were fun got to see my grandma who flew out this year instead me going to see her lol. as usual i don't get much boot but its stuff i need so i am happy lol. all i realy did on my holiday was play simcity4 and take my grandma to the bay in downtown winnipeg witch was kinda nice brought back some meories of the old eatons store were the new arena is now witch i mis like many cdn's miss eatons. then new years i played sc4 and listend to coast to caost am with my grandma to the predictions show was intresting then on the 9th school was back on so now i am back in the grind but one of the teachers aids has grabed me and is giving me help with my english cause i am on the verg of failing the year. witch hopefuly i will graduat this year lol.

    this coming spring break i am heading to mexico for 2 weeks to work. was offerd a job on a archylogical site that the feild museam of chicago is working on to do survaying they guna give me crash coures on it and get me seting up a grid for them so see how that goes

    as for my 145S it just sits under the tree under the snow with are accord to keep it company lol.

  17. 1ajs
    been a while since i was last here sorta forgot about this place anyhow this week we had a foot of snow fall in 12 hours. the temp was only like -3°C during this storm then after it ended the temp droped down to -20°C then yesterday friday it whent back up to +3°C and today same thing supost to go up to 3°C. this was are first major storm and snow fall for this winter season all and all we have had wores storms that shut the city down completly just this one caught us off gard lol

    pics i took while i was playing hookie that day

    front steps

    flower box

    out the back window

    looking down my street

    at the end of my street looking to your left

    side walk on grove

    looking towards euclid on grove

    what i saw out my window when i woke

    last nite the street was plowed now its like a sheet of ice

    proceeding this pic i whent out for a walk along the dyke witch has a road on it
    and this is what i have been basicaly been doing with my spare time latly
    my jurnal for my sc4 city

  18. 1ajs
    went out to bucks with my dad to get parts for the hond grabed these 2 radios see if i can get one of them to work and put it in the volvo to replace the pos thats in it. the curent one is a pos tapeplayer that eats tapes

    trany died on accord so the volvo got moved back under the lylock tree for now ....
    also got one of thoughs inflatible hot tubs works great just gota move it into the basement befor it snows.
    hmm not mutch els to report other than the accord has taught me somthings that i can use to work on the volvo
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