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Posts posted by Sinbad

  1. We are, if one goes to the Mosque we are told to control ourselves and remember what the Phophet (Pbuh) would teach. But you can't control everyone, that's not possible.

    Plus some countries want the extremist to cause a problem so that their own domestic problems get concealed.

    Where are the high-profile calls for peace and tolerance? The extremist element gets all the publicity, and the people calling for calm are never heard from... I think Islam needs some decent PR officers ;)

  2. Whoever the driver of the car no matter if he was Black or White deserved a tune up by the cops.

    Advocating police brutality over your own much vaunted justice system shows your true colors. Thanks :)

    And yeah, in general, african leadership sucks. But we're not the ones whining because a bunch of people want to see us dead.

    Maybe you should come and nuke us because certain elements of society hold some monkeyed up beliefs...

  3. Your comments about the US becoming isolationists is ridiculous. We have economic and political interests around the globe and will protect them fiercely.

    Ever stop to wonder WHY so much of the world hates america?

    Now I know this is going to be viewed as an attack on the USA, but it's not. I am just emphasising the perceived negatives to make a point. I am not anti america...

    Right - US foreign policy - you stick your noses in where they're not welcome - eg Israel. The Muslims have as much of a religious claim on Jerusalem as the Jews and Christians do, yet you support a regime that seeks to keep Jerusalem for themselves. Never mind the similarities between Israel in the West Bank and China in Tiananmen Square (Using military force to squash protest)...

    Hypocrisy - your government was instrumental in trying to cripple MY country via economic sanctions. I KNOW apartheid was wrong, but we were getting bitchslapped by a country with a brutal history of slavery, CURRENT race problems (Rodney King riots anyone?), not to mention the forced relocation of Native American Indians into "reservations" (How is that different to Apartheid's bantustans?)

    More hypocrisy - On the plaque on the Statue of Liberty is engraved

    "Give me your tired, your poor,

    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,

    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

    Reconcile that with your border policy with Mexico, and your problems with "Illegal Immigrants".

    Selfishness - Refusal to sign the Kyoto treaty on greenhouse gases - The crap your gas guzzling monster trucks spew out affects the globe.

    So yeah. I am wearing my flame proof suit. I am NOT ATTACKING AMERICA! I am playing Devil's Advocate here, hoping to give you an ...insight into why some people in the world DON'T believe that the USA is the greatest nation on earth

    And no, I'm not anti Israel either. I just have the ability to see both sides...

  4. but from a PR point of view, he's a disaster. As an outsider whose opinion on a country is greatly affected by the actions and utterances of its leaders, I almost feel that america is a bunch of illiterate bumbling idiots who totally "misoverestimate" their leader. Never mind the florida votes fiasco...

    No I have nothing against americans... but this is the impression your president gives to foreigners *dons ceramic flameproof suit*

    Oh and yes, I know thabo mbeki is a prat. KTHX.

  5. Hiya!

    Got some questions about these.

    How much less light will a 6500K kit put out than a 4300K kit?

    Theres a 4300 Philips kit for my car for $399 and an XtremeHID 6500kit for $299

    I assume they're both complete conversion kits (ie, not missing any bits like ignitors or whatever).

    Does the quality of the kit and brightness of the light justify the extra $100?

    Thanks! :)


  6. Aww.. you guys are so patriotic! :)

    I don't even know all the words to my national anthem and I've never had to sing or stand up for it either.

    God save the queen her fascist regime

    It made you a nice guy a potential h bomb !

    God save the queen she ain’t no human being

    There is no future in england’s dreaming

    Don’t be told what you want don’t be told what you need

    There’s no future no future no future for you

    God save the queen we mean it man (God save window leen)

    We love our queen God saves (God save... human beings)

    God save the queen cos tourists are money

    And our figurehead is not what she seems

    Oh God save history God save your mad parade

    Oh lord God have mercy all crimes are paid

    When there’s no future how can there be sin

    We’re the flowers in the dustbin

    We’re the poison in your human machine

    We’re the future your future

    God save the queen we mean it man

    There is no future in england’s dreaming

    No future for you no future for me

    No future no future for you

    *run like hell* ;)

    Sex pistols rock!

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