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Posts posted by banksie312

  1. You are not free to go to school naked. You are not free to walk down the street naked. And I disagree it is implied. It is an extension of FoS. By not allowing you to go to the movies naked, your freedom of speech is not impuned, that is why Freedom of Expression is not carte-blanche(?)

    Thats an obscenity...fyi going naked is not allowed

    i will agree...plus it violates the schools right for a decent dress code

    im not saying everything should be put in place and everything allowed...thats absurd

    it does not materially and substantially disrupt the school day...therefore it should be allowed

    i took it to my argumentation and debate teacher and my you and the law teacher for clarification and said since spirit week (showing class pride) is technically a school event...not the normal school day (although attendance is required and it is a commpletely school day just wearing different clothing) that the hazelwood case would apply saying that the school is allowed to use any sort of censorship at the descretion of the principle...

    kind of a bogus thing that could be argued both ways....anyway...the point is that i wasnt like "I KNOW MY RIGHTS I CAN DO ANYTHING" i thought that it was a legitimate battle to be fought and that it should be surfaced

    anyway....that kind of expression IS protected...but is easily disputed by both sides. im not asking to do wahtever i want...im simply requesting my rights and the clarification if i was wrong....

  2. No, it doesn't. Where in the Constitution does it grant 'Freedom of Expression"?

    wait are you kidding me?!

    freedom of expression is granted within the 1st amendment

    1st amendment doesnt stop at freedom of speech, or religion

    it protects non vocal freedom of speech...now if you are a textualist to the constitution..then you would still believe in this right

    Sit-Ins were nonvocal means of speech that were interpreted later as freedom of speech which has been called freedom of expression...just to let you know

    have you read the 1st amendment recently?

    haha im not actually mad...its right in there

    and there are 2 precident cases

    tinker v. des moine and hazlewood v. (i forget which state) school district

  3. i did alot worse things in highschool "i mean like seriously worse", and they never affected my post secondary education acceptance, it never even came up.

    First big mistake was getting the teacher to make the shirts, second was giving them the shirts you had on, 3rd was the fact you pooled all the money together and accepted the liabilty of having to deliver the shirts, you should have taken orders off school property "not mention this on school property/make any arrangements" and done shirt for cash at same time.

    these steps would have prevented any sort of trouble you would have had. Why expose yourself before hand to your plans up until the last second.

    perfect example is like a kegger in relation to this. you get someone who basically works for the cops to supply the beer, then you accept entrance fee 2 weeks in advance for the kegger and pay the guy who works for the cops the money, then you advertise all around town that your having the kegger so the cops know ahead of time whats going on so they can bust all over your little parade.

    the way it went was that we werent trying to piss off the school... at first we wanted our own class tshirts to wear on that day and approached a teacher that had made tshirts for my band...they turned out very well and hes nice to deal with (not to mention cheap)

    that is why we used him

    we then took orders from kids that wanted the tshirts because we thought that there were other kids that didnt like the class tshirts that could be a part of it

    everyone liked them so much we had somewhere over 80 orders (which is probably like a little over a quarter of my class or about a quarter) even our class officers had orders in

    someone tipped off one of the teachers and the next day they said we couldnt wear them.....and from there is all written above

    thats what happened and its over now...i met with the principle to let him know why we did it and that we werent merely trying to piss them off but believed it was our right to have and taht it did not interfere with the schooling process

  4. well i wore my we pwn n00bz tshirt today

    i got sent to the office and they asked me what it meant and al that

    and they explained why i couldnt wear it and they said it was because it is insinuating that "we own freshman" which is slavery

    and they said that since it could be taken that way that it is disruptive to the school

    then the teacher noticed my tshirt underneath that said

    "if you can read this, the administration revoked my right to free expression"

    and on the back had supreme court cases THAT DO APPLY and are still the precendent (spelling?)

    anyway he met with 2 officers, both assistant principles, the principle and a member of the board of ed after reading the white tshirt

    then he came in and told me to wear this shirt and threw it at me and closed the door

    i took off my we pwn noobz shirt and put on the shirt they gave me and put my homemade rights tshirt in my backpack when he came in, took BOTH tshirts and put them in a drawer, i told him he couldnt take my white tshirt and told me to get out of his office

    then i asked when i would get it back and they said after school

    i went after school and they refused to give them back

    i will be meeting with the principle on monday to discuss better ways to inform students of WHY they are saying that and about the white tshirt incident

    i also at one point asked what my punishment would be if i wore it reguardless and they walked out of the room without telling me

    when they told anyone else that came into the office what their options were, and it was wear the tshirt and lose homecoming or surrender and nothing happens

    so it was pretty I'm dumb but i will be talking to the principle (and im not doing this just to do it, i believe stuff like this shouldnt happen in the future)

    you might get a kick out of this....the admin is PISSED because they just found out what the homemade senior shirts last year said

    "Seniors '05, were gunna shock the world"

    and on the back it showed a hand in the "shocker" position

  5. You are represented by the School Board, ergo a self-governing body. Not fed.gov. Since the 1st Amendment ONLY guarantees that you canot be 'pwned' by fed.gov, it does NOT apply in this situation.

    All that schmuck about federal dollars affecting your school is tripe. So, as the Eagles say: Get over it.

    Congress had no part in your little mellee. Get your school board involved IF you must, but this ain't no 1st Amendment problem. They may not suspend you, but they can require you to behave IAW their rules on school property. The Board has been empowered by the local vote to act as the representative of the parents and government.

    actually in the supreme court ruling of Tink v. Des Moines School Dist. the ruling was that if the expression is passive, non offensive, and doesnt obstruct the learning process, we have full freedom

    i didnt think that there was a federal case for this at first, but someone mentioned black arm bands in the 60s supporting the men who came back from the war

    in fact, our handbook QUOTES Justice Fortas in his speach for the opinion of the court

    they are only representatives as parents in cases of danger and of searches, no parent has the right ot take away the freedom of expression, and it is a freedom of expression, not speach...that i want to make clear

  6. every year before hte homecoming football game and the homecoming dance, a "spirit week" ensues

    during this week there are different themes for the day and you can choose to dress accordingly to get points and to hopefully win spirit week for the sake of bragging rights

    on friday, we all wear our class tshirts which are made and printed by the Student Association

    The slogans are always terrible and about 1/4 of my grade doesnt get the tshirts

    we had a great idea of making our own that say "We pwn n00bz" and on the back say "Junior '07"

    which would mimick our class tshirts

    we collected money from 70 people and sent our shirts to get ordered (from the shop teacher in the school who happens to have an OUTSIDE business)

    teachers got word and they talked to my friend who was in charge of it all

    they told him to cancel the orders and that if they didnt everyone who wore one wasnt allowed into the pep rally during our friday school day

    he said "well were doing it anyway"

    then the school board got word and "spoke" with the teacher that was printing the shirts for us, magically he couldnt do it anymore

    hes not even sure if he can refund our money

    so now, the day before friday, they say that anyone wearing the tshirt AT ALL will be suspended and my friend will be suspended for the sum of everyone who wears a tshirt

    ive looked in out student parent handbook, researched the district file codes, and supreme court cases and have found that they in fact CANNOT suspend us for wearing these tshirts in school, and if they dont want us to wear them at the pep rally they must first warn us ON THE OCCASION OF THE OFFENSE

    if they request i take off my shirt in the pep rally, i will have a tshirt underneath stating my rights to wear the shirt i had on and that the administration force me to remove it

    they cant do anything because the other shirt i made will comply strictly with every rule

    if you dont know what we pwn n00bz means, it is in no way outwardly offensive or insinuating anything

    anyone agree with my position?

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