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850R Sleeper

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Posts posted by 850R Sleeper

  1. I had an issue that sounds slightly similar. My car would drive perfectly fine when I first started it and drove around for a few minutes. Then after the engine warmed up, I would try to accelerate and the rpms would go up, but the car wouldn't accelerate. Even from a stop at a light, I would try to accelerate and the car would just sit there basically. I thought it was a transmission issue, but it ended up being a problem with my air intake. Fixed the intake, fixed the problem. Good luck with yours, I hope it's something as simple as mine.

  2. I'm assuming that they are the US spec jewels. If they are then they use the standard 9005 and 9006 bulbs. If they are the Euro spec jewels then they would use the H1 bulbs.

    Also, I have used the silverstar bulbs in both my old euro spec jewels and my oem headlights since I got the car three years ago. They really don't burn out that often. They produce a brighter looking light, but actually produce less light. I like em though. Good luck.

  3. I'm an economics major and I understand the gas prices.

    The reason that the rice in prices sucks so much is because it's come on so suddenly. If you go back and look at the prices of gas in the 1970's it's probably not that far off from what it was in the late 90's and up to a few years ago. This is kind of rediculous if you really think about it. Think about the rate of inflation and how the price of everything else has gone up over the years. If gas prices had risen from the 70's along with the inflation rate like everything else in the market, we would be looking at prices upwards of $7 - $8 PER GALLON now.....you know what though....we're not. So I guess we should be happy with the prices now and hope it takes some time before prices go up even more.

    Prices are still stupid!

  4. You know what I thought was pretty ironic...the fact that she died of starvation. I'm not sure if anyone knows, but the reason she became a veg. in the first place was because when she was bulimic years ago, her heart stopped, and she sufferred brain damage. What a way to go, she died of the exact thing that she was doing to herself to begin with....

  5. My bad Hitler, I was typing too fast because I was so frustrated. That's one spelling error, how many for you in one post?

    I got a good website for you though, it's www.dictionary.com. Check it out sometime, it might help.

    And who are you to say that I don't express my views in the proper manner. It's a free country and I have the right to express them however I deem necessary. So now I cry for you no neck...for being so stupid...now I cry for you.


    And for everyone else, I'm making a new poll. So go check it out. It's about how many times that you have stood next to someone of Indian background and said, "wow, what is that awful B.O." And I know it's happened to everyone at least once.

    Actually you are not doing anything for a while.

  6. Tell you what. Never post in the political section again and we will all ignore this. Other wise mods here will make your stay here an awful one, and we will sign you up for a Mexican room mate in your local paper. BTW Brazilian are not Mexicans. That is all. Have a nice day :)

    I didn't know we couldn't freely state our opinion. My bad. I won't make such judgemental posts in the future.

    I'm offended that someone called America "naive'" but I guess that's ok to you.

    Oh yeah, and "room mate" is supposed to be "roommate." And obviously I know that "Brazilians" aren't Mexican; and I don't have a problem with them, or any immigrants, if they come here legally. That is all, have a nice day :)

  7. Wow, I completely agree with the first post. I live in MA, and the town next to me is something like the second largest immigration spot for Brazilians in the country per capita. It's ridiculous and unacceptable. They should just go back to their own darn country so we don't have to pay for their dirty asses. Stupid god darn Mexicans, and most of the other third world countries. They should be so lucky to live here, and what do they do, they commit crimes and bring our society down. I mean, if they're legal, I have no problem. It's the ones that are free loaders that piss me off. I say that illegal immigrants running the border should be shot at first sight. I mean, if anything at all, it would only be cutting down on world over population. And don't even get me started on that stupid Tsunami relief stuff! It was probably the greatest thing that happened to those people. Now some poeple can eat because all those other dirty monkeys died!

    But yeah, if they're legal, then welcome to the good old USA!

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