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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2010 in all areas

  1. From what I've seen since I joined, if someone on VS screws people over, we do what we can to bring it right back to them. Karma is a bitch. Good luck guys.
    2 points
  2. Not true. A good friend of mine is in the Army Reserves and he was called to Haiti with less than 3 weeks notice. He also was deployed to A-stan with less than two months notice. Special Forces or not, when they call, you come. Sean has been a stand up guy for years on Tbricks. I think you guys are getting all whipped up. Did somebody see him POST on these other sites? I leave my laptop and PC logged into my accounts all the time. If my sister goes to any of those sites, I appear online. It has happened before with my father and I being on Rennlist. Where are the threads he has shown up in? Proof that HE was there? I could be wrong. You guys could all be getting screwed. If so, sorry. I hope it all works out. There is enough info out there to get the ball rolling legally. I am sure one phone call to his local PD would let you spazz balls know where he is. A LEO will be able to tell you if he is deployed. But no, I have a better idea, sit here and poke each other with hot sticks until you are foaming at the mouths. If you guys don't want to call, give me his full name and town and I will call the PD. And hell no this isn't Sean. Seans name is Sean. Mine is Tom. I am 2fast4u on Tbricks. Been there awhile. I just joined this board because I bought an 850T. Don't jump on my junk because of this. I stated my opinion and I wasn't rude about. You guys are jumping up like cats being sprayed with a hose...And rep points? What is this a Honda board? Who ever has the brightest HIDs? Jesus christ. Tom
    -1 points
  3. I wanted to be a police officer when I was a kid, ironically enough I went the complete opposite direction. Aside from that mess which is disappearing into the past I chose Industrial Offset Printing as a career. I now have a total of 6 years experience between my previous place of employment and current, and counting.........my goal is to achieve a very near future promotion and hold steady as an Assistant Press Operator. I'm happy doing what I'm currently doing I am just a go getter, plain and simple. I know I can successfully and effectively take the next step and I refuse to settle for less. Not to mention the extra 15K per year will compensate for my 2.5 hour round trip. Regardless of place which can change dependent upon circumstances, Offset printing is where I will spend my working years. I put in 5 years at my previous place of employement, was terminated due to tardiness and granted unemployment, drew maximum UC benefits for 16 months while I searched for a job pertaining to what I wanted to do, found that sucker finally............ Now I get gift cards for perfect attendance and have called off once due to a huge snow storm, nothing to stop me now. I am a very firm believer of the little saying that, "everything happens for a reason."
    -1 points
  4. Rear wheel (stock) Front wheel (new) Looks so much better.
    -1 points
  5. No seriously I like Cetus wheels.
    -5 points
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