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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2016 in all areas

  1. I agree with you in part, and that's why I've been having a mental debate of which story to side with. However, any way you look at it, you've got a (likely) Democrat Nominee who is either extremely stupid and ignorant, or highly corrupt and seemingly above the law. No matter how you slice it, she's not fit for office IMHO.
    1 point
  2. Someone posted this, and though I don't know new quote formatting on VS, this message resonates with me. "My take: -The Clintons have a personal net worth in excess of 100 million. -They run a foundation that pushes through ~$100 million per year. -One of them is a former President. The NSA use to report to this guy. He knows plenty of people that can do cybersecurity right. -These are not your friendly naive retired neighbors down the street living on a pension and asking the fourteen year old next door how to send emails. They have serious cash, serious connections, and the things that they do are intentional. People with this kind of wealth, power, and access don't do oopsies. In other words, the extreme lack of security on Clinton's server is a feature, not a bug. They are WAY beyond competent and wealthy enough to have avoided this shit. If you step outside the Overton window that the mainstream media has painted for you, it is immediately obvious that the private server was a means of distributing national security information to foreign buyers under the cover of plausible deniability. This is straight up treason and everyone in intelligence circles knows it."
    1 point
  3. We've already had this debate. Clinton is FAR more qualified to lead this country than Trump is. End of story. What Kevin sees as lack of focus is Trumps SOP. He lives the authentically erratic life. I don't think that personality should have access to the big red button. The "grow up" comment was directed at Timo and primarily Kevin. You interjected in the middle of what I was writing before I posted so it would seem pointed at you when it wasn't originally. Sort that out as you may. While the Johnson choice seems attractive it's an ignorant decision as anyone who was old enough to vote in 1992 will explain to you. Why did Bill Clinton defeat GHW Bush? Thank Ross Perot. If anyone thinks that choosing Johnson is going to achieve some great moral victory they're deluding themselves - just like Sanders' supporters - and only increasing the probability that Trump will win. That cannot happen. Life is full of Faustian decisions. This is one of them.
    -1 points
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