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Posts posted by EricF

  1. Ok, now I'm pissed.  After watching those loser priests on the today show this morning, now I have to read about the Vatican Cardinal saying it was an affront to God himself.

    Look you religious num-nuts, 50 years ago nothing would have kept Terri's shell alive.  Science is the only thing doing it.  Does anyone not see the colossal hypocrisy here?  Not to mention the fact she is a vegetable.  Do they actually think her soul is still in that carcass?  And if it is, don't you think she's in a nightmarish condition?  And then, what are they so afraid of?  She's going to heaven everlasting, so what's the big deal?

    I hope I have religion someday, that way I can lose the ability to reason.

    Obviously a fair generalization of and attack on all people who are religious.

  2. Make Prostitution Legal.  Regulate and Tax them.  Put them under the Department of Health or the National Park service.  Instead of costing money to prosecute and imprison the states will make Millions.  Reduce STD's like AIDS because all Brothels would require regular testing and protection.

    Luck running that bad with the ladies right now? :P

    Though I'm not one to talk.

    I'm just kidding, I agree though it would make sense, health-wise and economically.

  3. werd up to the 417......

    get this shits...so i'm all set to go out to NHaven tonight, then this chick from my mgt clas calls me and is like the paper is allwrong and jodi (this other chick) decided to re write it...so i'm like WAHT? 20pg paper between 4 of us and this chick all the sudden says no and she's re-doing it? so i call jodi and am like what the F, but you know polietly and stufff. So she's redoing it and the presentation needs tobe redone...me being the MIS guy knows the most about the .ppt files so, no more going out i have to wait for jodi to get the paper to me to see what she did!?!? then i can go over it and maybe start the presentation...can't do it tomorrow b/c i have family stuff then school for ANOTHER group project...so much for snowboarding tomorrow morn i'm 2 TALL saphire/tonic's deep and getting the creative juices flowing

    :angry::( stupid :monkey: 's and :lunchbox: 's and :sheep: 's

    darn man, that sucks...

    Yeah the nautic blue ain't bad, but I think the pearl white might be the hottest color ever, with my black virgos and black grille and headlight surrounds...


    the bottom 3-26-05 pictures show my progress I made today in stripping it. I pulled out like 10 pounds of wires so far :o

  4. I will also ask you the question:  If the total cost of executing a prisoner, including legal fees was a figure identical to the total cost of imprisoning the offender for life, would you still support execution?

    I know it's not directed towards me, but...

    Only if it's televised or at least available to rich spectators. To generate income for the government of course (say, $5000 a plate at a royal execution dinner show).

    But I'm just kidding :P

    No I'm not... Yes I am. No, I'm not. Really though, yes I am. Well I guess I'm flipping back and forth.

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