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Posts posted by PyROTech

  1. This is why I am Liking Alaska more and more. Gun control consists of don't take your weapon to government buildings, i.e. schools, and the court house, everything else is fine, concealed or not. and there is almost no crime here. I don't know if this island is the exception or a good testing grounds, but from my viewpoint it works pretty well here.

    the laws in alaska make perfect sense.

    completely left stock, it was a gift from my uncle. I've only taken it to the range once. I don't take it to school ( that would be a HUGE mistake ) so it sits in a safe in the basement most of the year. My dad keeps his toys in there too except for a P220 .45 that is somewhere in his room.

    the school thing is fucked, for work you have to conceal any weapon, but by law it has to be open, thus you will violate school/work policy for having it open on your person, but if you conceal it then you are breaking the federal laws. This is for a job that allows you to carry any weapon while preforming your duties/part of your duty for work (ie. security, leo).

  2. gun control doesnt work were i live. Its a pia to legally buy for first timers (i found this out myself). I can get myself most common guns at cheaper prices than i can legally buy them. And its easier for me to get prohibited weapons than normal shit or restricted. And if you do own a gun, you cant legally register it even if you got your permits if you havent bought it legally in the first place. And wtf is with 10 rounds for a handgun.

  3. the fact of the matter is that tasers kill, a healthy human can handle a taser fine. But the majority of the time tasers are used on people who are criminals, and some of those people use drugs and it weakens them to the point were they cant take the taser. I dont mind the use of them, but i think its important to remember (in my eyes) you should only use a taser when you are willing to us your gun. Otherwise pepper spray and a baton are a much better option. The guys got a knife, then pepper spray him, if the guy is going insane then 5 officers at once tackle. Before chuck rips me apart im not saying an officer should put himself in harms way in order to maybe avoid the suspect person from being harmed, but in many cases tasers are used like pepper spray.

  4. i forgot to add one piece ...... the business set up in the states would have to "purchase" the items first... although you would purchase them from yourself at a much lower rate than you were really selling them for. Therefore there is still a paper transaction. your income will be too low to be taxable.

    It's taken from international business practice.... most big businesses have shell companies in countries that have low to no sales tax rates, therefore can be re-purchase by the U.S. company at a lower taxable cost.

    cool if i setup in the delwarin area but i still have to pay taxes back in canada on what i made there so now im double taxed. Im just saying i hate taxes.

  5. i'm kind of thinking out loud here but:

    you get a license to operate in a state.... not license your business in the state. then set up a bank account in montana or something..... since the U.S. cannot obtain that information like your government can from ebay they cannot generate a number for your revenue. This said the U.S. Government cannot audit your small business since your actually based in another country. and on the flipside you can show your government that the company is actually operated within another country and all revenues are held in that country.

    I have some more thoughts... but no time right now to type them

    yes well, how about i vote and a government is elected that doesnt tax me and i pay for my services as i need them. Btw i dont break the law and what was suggested would break the law for me assuming i spend the money. I have spent along time figuring out taxes and there a pain in the ass.

  6. I don't think for a second that the overwhelming majority of Americans actually know what the President has been accomplishing.

    More so, I don't believe most Americans if given a choice to easily learn what the President was doing would even bother.

    I'll bet more Americans know more about the recent doings of some dumbass celebrity than any elected federal, state or local politician or issue.

    true, but i dont think credit (good or bad) can be directed towards the president. Its a major network with the president being the representative of all actions done by the government. Its also annoying to me that any negative image done by a person totally unrelated to bush (yer so called sided with conservatives) is considered to be part of the bush administration. example: mr fellow who is a conservative that runs some small little school program fucks up then we just assume bush is responsible.

  7. I heard that in Kitchener (just east of me) they are handing tickets out for noisy air intakes now! What a fricking joke.

    wtf? noisy air intakes? what the hell does a noisy air intake sound like when you arent ripping it down the street at wot?

  8. I'm sorry I'm biased I work for GM. Stupid quality problems of the 80s and 90s screwing us over, but alas let me interject although this probably isn't the right forum…

    The vette starts at 45K for the base 53K for the convertible and 70K for the Z06.

    So is this why our JD power IQS scores are getting closer to the likes of Toyota and Honda? I suppose this is also the reason for several favorable reviews of new products as well including one that pitted the new Saturn Aura against the Camry where it asked the question if Toyota has lost its edge.

    Yeah we've had our problems, we've admitted it. Are there still problems, yup. Are we working on fixing them, damn straight we are. Toyota has them too look at the new Tundra cam shaft failures or the previous generation's suspension failures. Again you don't hear about those problems now do you? Toyota was also under investigation in Japan for hiding safety problems.

    Ford recently beat out Toyota and Honda for quality, funny how good news doesn't travel as fast.

    I can't speak for the other companies, but there is a lot of pride here at GM. Oh and finally GM designers are above the accountants that's why cool cars such as the Saturn Sky and Chevy Camaro are actually making it somewhere. If we didn't care about quality we would have died a long time ago and wouldn't have increased our warranty. Our Saturn dealers also wouldn't invite you to drive a Civic and Camry when you test drive an Aura.

    GM just took back that crown thank you very much.

    I disagree. Pontiac as well as the other brands are getting face lifts (give it time) to take them back to their roots to a degree. Pontiac is going back to being the sporty brand that's why the GTO came back (they shouldn't have called it that though), the G8 is coming, and the Solstice is here. What GM needs to do and is doing to a degree is differentiate its products that are on the same platform so there isn't as much competition among its brands. Look at the Sky and Solstice.

    Oh Toyota also has Scion…

    Let's face it we're all biased. We all know someone who got screwed by a GM product. We also know that one black mark is worth 10 positive ones. I'm not saying Toyota or Honda make a bad car, I'm not I think they make a good car, and so does GM. GM needs work and so does Toyota (as evidenced by an increase in recalls as the industry trend is down as is GM's).

    I'd like to end with an experiment that my coworker ran. He had a Buick that he took to customers to get their opinions on. They played with it and overall the response was negative. He returned later with the same car badged as a Toyota, response was positive.

    just to add there, my old sunfire build quality was the same as my popisicle barn house i made when in grade 5. I dont think its that gm and ford arent making good cars, we as the public dont trust you anymore, 10 years of my crappy cars is hard to overcome. Do you think if your wife cheated on you for 10 years you would think in the 11th that she is gonna be faithfull?

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