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Posts posted by PyROTech

  1. Well here it is from my perspective.

    1) these regions will never be safe by our standards.  It's really kind of like that Maslow hierarchy of needs.  Once you can eat then you worry about being safe then blah blah blah you self-actualize.  Well, when your entire world is dirt, you never have enough to get passed worrying about what to eat.


    Next time you fill up your car, remember that the single largest oil source for the US is us... CANADA.

    * i do recongize that we have the greater benefit in this economy/trade game, but don't be so ignorant to think that we owe you anything - cause we don't, and we never will!

    sounds like phsyc or politics 100 to 200 in unversity., lol


    BFD- America has 140K in Iraq, which is twice the size of the CDF. Iraq is a necessary evil, the Hitler-in-the-making needed deposing, and we (all of us, Canada included) underestimated the attraction this would become for the terrorists who will continue their attacks. stuff happens in war.

    So, back on a kinder, gentler plain:

    I personally know the former Operations Officer of the PPCLI (Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry) involved in the fratricide event to which you allude (so badly). We both grieve for the Canadian dead. I honor the sacrifice of their families by displaying a Canadian flag on Canada Day, and on Armistice Day. They died because of a dumb mistake, made under terrible stress, in a war where people really die. Professional armies HATE the rambo-type. We do not tolerate their kind. Your imagination has been seized by the mediatainment folly of a lone-wolf crazed killer. They do NOT exist in the American OR the Canadian Armies.

    In war, stuff happens. People make dumb mistakes. Unlike the media or (Canadian) government, who have never made a mistake, eh hoser :blink: .

    So take your self-pity and shove it up your bloody arse. Get buggered. We soldiers don't give a whit for what you protected sheep think. Your Canadian DF is as good as it gets. Honor them, and quit bitching. Better yet, grow some hair and join.

    You can play, or you can sit on the bench. YOU are obviously a bench-warmer in this event.

    PS- read "Tommy' by a certain Commonwealth poet-laureate. Youll understand why WE mistrust most FN civilians.


    Was that hot enough? :angry:

    i didnt say we had a bigger army, so read my comments first. and i never complained this and that about our military. And what pity?, read a line of mine that reflects self pity! Nothing is as good as it gets, there is always room for imporvement. I aint no hippy on the side lines that thinks we all should get high, so dont make canadians out to be some hippie pot smoking bumbs "even though there are alot of em". Also my point was we were putting in a high percentage of forces to afgh than the us is. And we are also commiting ourselves and not to just judge canada for not joining in iraq.

  2. 7.62 > 5.56



    62,000 military personnel including 9,500 sailors, 19,500 soldiers, 14,500 air force personnel and 20,000 administrative and support personnel. There are also about 22,000 reservists.

    United States:

    499,000 active duty Army troops, backed up by 700,000 National Guard and Army reservists.

    So 80k canada 1.2million US.

    Those numbers are from DoD of both

    i didnt mean in total. and i wasnt taking information from rambo, it just came to mind when watching rambo, lol. All i was saying is next time i hear "also something that came to mind b/c of someone else" (the canadians never do anything) i wanted to inform our friends to the south werent arent just sitting up here drinking wheat beer, and by the way i dont drink wheat beer nor do any of my friends so i dont know where that came from. I assume yer talking when you say wheat beer, that god awfull stuff in the yellow label thats supposedly natural "not regular beer". Also we have stupid hemp beer which also tastes bad.

  3. ok, so as a canadian, i get to read the news. Maybe true or not, but this is what i know. Our press says that canada is now the number 1 in the amount of troops in afgan. and we are proposed to stay for 20 years, we have commited to stay till the region is safe, so when the americans say we do nothing we are here b/c we believe that there is some truth to the 911 attacks and agree that it does come from afgan. so we are there, but we dont believe iraq has anything to do with the current attaks on the US. But still our best troops are there to protect the rest of the world, yet i remind you that if you watch one of the rambo movies we see that at the time the us was on side with the people we as canadians are fighting. YOu weapons are killing our troops.

  4. The American news media practices corporate censorship. I don't think that should be a surprise to anyone. Those who care get their news elsewhere (hint: BBC streams online, amongst other major international news networks).

    nogoat: you don't want to live in Canadia. It's full of Canucks and wanna-be-Frenchmen. Trust me on this.. Australia is where it's at. Oh yea.

    im an aussie in canada, so that a weird statement. Canada isnt better than the us. I actually love americans, and own a house in flordia where i go to get away from the world. But americans arent bad people, they all have good intentions, what bothers me is the fact they only seem to make 10 percent the right decisions, but only b/c they believe what they do is right. And doing something they believe in is a good thing imo.

  5. so, what i have always wondered is a coin with 2 sides. When we "canadians" have a media ban on criminal court trials that the us can see the stuff but in canada its blacked out. But then when we see the reports of the britsh bombs we are advised not to relay any information to our american counterparts? And the videos we see are blocked from every us tv stations, so all americans are not allowed to see what other tv stations around the world see?

    As americans, are you mad you arent allowed to see other tv reports, or videos of the actual events? Does it both you that when you get the delay about world events to the US? or it has tobe censored before you read it and dont actually get the whole story?

  6. UA-603 or MA-P1, both are H rated.  The Hydroedge is a T rated tire which by no means is a performance tire but a touring one.  Sure you will get 70K out of them but the have no traction when compared to a UHP tire.  Wheels magazine recently did a report on the MA-Z1 and MA-P1 and we faired very well in the both the Z rated segments and H rated segments.  I have a the full article but it is very big, like 10mbs, PM me if you would like to read it.

    send it to admin@sexycarsonline.com

  7. Well a lot of you probably do not know about Maxxis tires outside of bikes but we also make Ultra High Performance passenger car tires.  I am in charge of sponsorship for the automotive division, we mainly sponsor rockcrawlers, but I also have a few drifters.  We have a decent z rated tire that is very good.  It was recently introduced in the US market but has been on the asian market with very good results for a few years.  There are articles and what not on our website maxxis.com check it out and let me know if you are interested.  As long as this car gets some type of press we could probably work something out.  Also we can always use a display car for our SEMA booth, NOPI booth or any of the other PCR shows we go to.  PM me if you have any questions.

    never heard of those tires, so what tire you think would be comparable wif a michelin hydro edge with better dry performance?

  8. Says who??

    All I know is that Haldex is limited by internal temperature, revelations which seems to be at it's max near a topspeed of 265 km/h (165 mph) ,although I have driven faster than that without any errors coming on, and according Haldex it can withstand 1000Nm of torque (737.5 pounds) which can easily be met with a 5000 RPM clutch dump.

    i stole yer post and put it on another message board to make myself look like i knew what i was talking about, hope ya dont mind. :ph34r:

  9. that's what the supporting member thing was for, i knew it!

    seriously though, you bought an S60R?  are you calling it a project car for some kind of write off?  you hound you.

    the haldex is maxed at 420bhp.  what are you going to do about that?

    least were thinking in the right direction

    I think thats setting sights low but whatever

    its amazing, if any other new member said there going to make there car better than 11's it would be a arguement "re: the post about the drag seat and hpt joe comments"

    by the way actually supporting members went to buy Rich a new camera.  The banners are funing this car.  So with that said clicking a banner or two will make the project car cooler.  100% of the banner money goes into the car.

    what i believe you ment was clicking the banner to check out the great products for potential purchase does no harm, yet a side affect is a cooler car, and faster LOL.

    To run a faster 1/4 than you on only 3 cyls

    new system to shut down cycls to save fuel and environment during regular light driving? i am jk'ing

    note: what is yer definition of a sponsor? money vs reward i ment?

  10. work release programs..................they can still make money for their families back in mexico, just not able to rape our country.

    the canadian border has its own problems as well.  allowing terrorist to enter our country freely.  but thats a whole other debate.

    ohhh please, allowing terrorists to enter your country! Yer right, im a fing terrorist, white male conservative, who likes to own a home in sarasota florida. Im on the no fly list? You just watch me and my canadian beef come to your country! by the way im not a terrorist "just so the cops dont come to my house b/c some parnoid vs member reports me for the post". You really think that canada has to do with how terrorists get into your country, yes they may come in through canada but they arent picking it b/c we support the killing of americans. They come in b/c we are the 2nd largest place to directly goto the US. And personally it may serve you better not to have us involved in your crack foreign policy so when the rest of the world comes "female dogging" to you we can actually say we like your country and they dont hate you as much.

  11. ya it sucks to starve, it would have been better to just put her to sleep with no pain and quick. WOrst case scenario "my nightmare", your paralized, have no control over your body, your blind and deaf, you cant speak. You live basically in a black hole for 15 years wondring why you didnt goto heaven and why yer in hell. You go insane b/c your stuck, the poor people who love you want to keep you alive, but guess what you have no idea whats going on outside your body, its just 15 years of blackness, no feeling, no seeing, no hearing, no moving, nothing, except for you really feel hungry all of a sudden?

  12. something that really bothers me about canada is the anti american things going around. I have a nice place in florida and love the states and maybe i dont agree with alot of bush policies but i do agree with some. And being canadian it seems the americans dont like me, and being canadian and conservative i get the same thing from the canadians, so where do i go?

  13. Hummm lets see. Yes the straight numbers say out of any given missile we can shoot it down. As for a bomb hitting DC effecting you....... Do you own a map? You know how many miles DC is from your boarder? Its the same as saying if a bomb hits france germany is done for. You must think the yield of a nuke is like 3trllion^30 megatons.

    I have read news reports on effectiveness of your system, but i have also read the effectiveness of my companies reports on our network secuirity and how it stops all viruses, yet how come i get a call telling me everything is down b/c a virus infected everything and my f'ing emails are gone... Lets look at another scenario, the distance thing "i will get the exact figures on distance soon" but how come all you pollution seems to be carried by wind into our cities. We get acid rain and many other toxic problems, not to mention the water pollutions that dont care about where the border line is in the lake. So you theory has flaws, you think the radio active fall out will remain in one area?

  14. nice, im glad were now bundled with the french. Us doesnt like our beef either i see. Is this b/c our lack of participation in iraq or not willing to be part of the missle defense program. Do you really think you will be able to stop all the missles if the system even works? And we also know were toast if a nuclear blast hits washington since were so close, so its not an issue of we dont care what happens to the US.

  15. You know, they know, and I know that no one is going to fling a missile at Canada, so why should they spend the money?  If some one does hit Canada with a missile, it was probably aimed at us, in which case we should have helped.

    thats not the reason but still a good point.

  16. I'll get right on that, 'cause I'm sure you can really school me on economics and the real world being that you are still in school... :rolleyes: I was just joking though, well...to a certain extent. I lost my job and my father lost his job due to the "cheaper" labor, so...I have every right to dislike them and want them out of here. If they are here illegally, then they need to be delt with ASAP.

    if you still have negative feelings like that for your father our you loosing your job thats fine, but if you continue with the idea that its unfair you and your country will untimatly fail and become poor. Being competitive,effecient and effective is part of globalization. If i am not mistaken its what you want in iraq and what you stand for. Maybe thats why people study toyota instead of any american company for the best manufacturing and management. Also not to mention GM is predicted by most to go under in the next 3-7 years. And thats from actual top people working there! Reason they say is b/c of american mentality of exactly what you mentioned about the job thing and the fact that no one is willing to change. The us is also likes to cause problems with WTO policies dealing with trade and also likes to set its own way of picking what part of NAFTA they want to follow. The rest of the world isnt going to wait around till the US figures out whats going on, and they wont look at anything else but price. I personally dont care if the tech guy in India answers my phone call opposed to someone in the us with equal knowledge, especially when my product of same quality is 70% cheaper! Infact it could be i would rather have the guy in the Us answer my call but i cant afford to waste my money and I am wondering why the company isnt thinking about how international trade and commerce affects its company and products.

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