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Posts posted by PyROTech

  1. I voted yes but with a caveat - only if I have the right to expunge my DNA details from any database after they've determined that I am not relevant to the case. And I agree with Chuck, it depends on why I'm being questioned. If Law Enforcement is just fishing then no, I have nothing to hide and you have no need to verify that fact just because I live on the block.

    I believe, yes, they do dispose of the information collected.

    "“Once the test is conducted, if it does not form a match, the sample will be destroyed by the Centre for Forensic Sciences,” Leon said." http://www.thestar.com/news/crime/article/996425--dna-samples-sought-in-varaschin-murder-probe

    But you also replied with your concerns over it being a fishy expedition just b/c you lived on the same block. Also a concern of mine.

    What bothers me is that if it becomes a regular procedure, then its slippery slope. Soon after it may just become standard practice to just DNA test everyone around a crime scene b/c that is how its just done.

    Another problem i have with this... what level or type of crime will justify the DNA request??? In the case above, a brutal crime took place, but what if its a break and enter a couple houses down from you and the perpetrator cut himself/herself on the window? DNA for a 2 block radius still seem within reason? Neighbors mail was stolen and a cheque cashed, time to finger print a 2 block radius? Are your answers still the same in those circumstances?

  2. Who cares. Its already on file for all armed forces employees. I would have no problem doing it. All my bodies are soaked in chlorine gel after anyways so who cares. :ph34r:

    I think the better question is, "why am I being questioned". Personally I do not answer the door for cops. If you have any questions I have repersentation. Otherwise bugger off

    b/c you live in the immediate area of a crime, yet no other evidence exists to link you to the crime other than you house happens to be on the next block.

    Also you have a unique scenario as your information is on file due to work. Same goes for many other jobs or even just crossing the border ie. nexus pass (fingerprint and iris photo). Im not sure in your case or really any others, but the DNA search would not include a military database unless specifically requested. If infact a searchable database existed the same as a national police database. I base this totally on speculation (my own personally opinion and no one else's) related to the Col. Russel Williams case in Canada with nothing to back it up.

  3. I have a specific example below but im sure that many people know of more than atleast a few cases were DNA has been used as a tool to solve cases.

    But my question relates to providing your DNA during an investigation. Assuming your arent guilty, not a sex offender and arent a criminal...

    Q: if asked, would you provide your DNA

    Specific case:

    http://www.thestar.com/news/crime/article/996631--dna-will-lead-to-nurse-s-killer-within-weeks-police-say?bn=1 Please take into account, that i chose the quotes from the article, and chose to leave certain elements i didnt find relevant. But you may find other parts relevant to the question above. Also the quotes below are refering to two different cases.

    "“If you have nothing to hide, then it’s is your obligation to provide that DNA sample.”"

    "Asked whether requests for DNA samples could be seen as an invasion of privacy, Leon said the need to solve the case trumps those concerns"

    "In 2003, police went door-to-door in west Toronto asking men to provide a DNA sample during their investigation into the murder of 10-year-old Holly Jones.Michael Briere, 35, refused, one of only two men out of 300 who said no. After a month under around-the-clock surveillance, Briere was arrested when his DNA matched a sample taken from a discarded pop can. He was convicted and is serving a life sentence."

    Interestingly, in the case about the 10 year old, they went door to door. 300 people, a 2 block radius of the deceased. Yes they found the person, and it happened to be one of the 2 people who refused. But what about that other guy??? was he also subjected to a month of 24/7 surveillance? Was his guilt assumed just because he refused? Did the neighborhood subject him to intense pressure and scrutinized his every move as if he had committed the horrible crimes?

    Note: i made this a public poll, so if you asnwer "no" then are we to think you have little timmy locked in the basement?

  4. A SEAL team, an Army platoon, and a full Battalion of cops are sent into a forest to catch a rabbit

    The SEAL team goes in. They're in there for twenty-three minutes, there's a single gunshot, and they come out with a rabbit.

    The Army platoon then charges in. They're in the forest for four hours and there's hollering, unending gunfire, massive mortar explosions, screams of bloody murder, and then silence. They emerge, battle worn and weary, but with a rabbit.

    Then the police force enters the forest. They're in there for four days. Eventually, they come out with a squirrel.

    No, no, guys, you have to go catch a rabbit.

    So they go back in. Two hours later, they emerge with that same squirrel but now it's all beat to hell; black eye, bloody nose, broken arm, it's trembling and waving frantically. "Okay! Okay!" screams the squirrel, "I'm a rabbit! I'm a fuckin' rabbit!"

    • Upvote 5
  5. My dads 99 C70 Convertable .

    Just the rear bumper and metal support rail nothing major

    Just annoys me since I wanted to get a new rear bumpers for both her and my car and the one day I borrow his car some person rear ends me.

    shit happens, just ask this furry guy below.


  6. ok captain jackass. you currently have -21, well on your way to needing liquid oxygen when descending to the abyss depths of negative alien life where we all dont give you free health care. Yet the only person who didnt give you a negative point, you decide to fuck in the ass (play last south park episode clip seen below)... hey this guy puts your comments into something resembling normal left wing communism. "Why dont i go a fuck him and rep him down"

    Im very sorry you pay so much for health care that doesn't cover RETARDED. We simply just dont have enough to fix your problem.

    enjoy south park and have a nice day.


    • Upvote 1
  7. i would atleast say formulate this into a couple points so we can move it over to political... but

    - I just started a new job and the f-ing health insurance is 150 a month

    -when cat it was 30 a month.

    -What a rip off just cause it's a smaller company

    -I seriously can't afford this

    -this is the worst country and proving it day by day.

    - no no spedlimit roads,fatest country in the world, any us versions of cars get jacked up cause of bs saftety stuff, most openly corupte gov.

    -if you get sick and you havent paid some billion dollare company in adavnce your screwed

    -And you wonder why the rest of the world hates us

    -you must be a nascar fan.

    -Go ahead and suspend my acct and act like you run something in the band and suspended users section

    -when most of you would get punked out in person

    ... To some this up this

    -is set up to support the weak and rich

    -i say get f ing serious and wait for the collapse( political parties are for idiots along with religion)

    - good day

    edited part: time to move over to the drunk and hung over thread.

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