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Posts posted by USMC850T

  1. Funny how everything starts coming out right before election time.....verrrryyy interesting. <_<

    They sprung it too early to do the damage it could have done. I work on a campaign as an intern for a NY congressman. It hurt us real bad at first, but we've come back to a dead heat as of last week. I think we were a point or three ahead today (not bad for a Republican in NYS).

  2. I don't have time to read all these posts, but I'll just throw this in since i'm a political science major.

    Jack Abramoff, and his peers are the American political system. Intrest groups, which represent larger segments of the population, drive policy. Lobbyists like Abramoff are simply an extension of these groups. Like it or not, this is the way our system operates.

  3. I've done 140 on the local highway- stupid. Actually, retartedly stupid. We have cops and state troopers on our highways, with some clever places to hide. We also have quite a few deer around our area, especially in the places which are condusive to high speed runs. In NY tickets over 95 are a license revoking offense too.

  4. ya... when your throttle snaps shut at 20+ psi and stock BOV can't dump the pressure you can bend stuff, or your throttle can snap back open due to the pressure and you end up in the ditch or the back of another car. i never said it was the cure all for high boost, just another idem to consider if your running high pressure.... gee whiz save the attitude, everyone's so stuck up around here i think i'm about to ignore all the posts.... well not everyone.

    I've never experienced this phenomenon, and trust me my throttle snaps shut at 18 -19 psi alot :)

  5. Wow, you are right how does the Underlord, Javodoc, '95R and Torquesteer to name a few, seem to run @ 19psi w/o bending rods for all this time, maybe they should play the lottery :rolleyes:

    USMC 850 @ 19 psi, soon to be added 3" downpipe to boot. From what I understand it's extremly difficult to bend rods at mid/high rpms - only at low RPM / high boost is it an issue. Has anyone any experience with an MBC and 3" downpipe, or a good way to keep boost from building too quickly and avert rod bending catastrophes?

  6. israel is a bunch of hypocritical cowards who are taking a land that's not theirs. Get the monkey off of the ME and everything will be fine<<fact.

    When Israel was attacked repeatedly by several nations, namely the majority of the arab world, and time and time kicks the shit out of them, I think that they are entitled to any land they want from their conqured enemies.

    Also if you remember back a little while in recent history, you will recall that Israel did pull out of Gaza in the fall. They packed up and left an area which they had controlled for 38 years. During this time neither side was willing to budge. Palistinians said they were fighting to expell the jews from the area they claimed was "rightfully" theirs. After 38 years of neither side budging, Israel said ok we'll leave, which in my mind is a really big deal. It is this point in the conflict that the Palistinians true colors shine. Instead of ending the conflict, which this disputed territory was the cause of as they claimed, they decide to launch rockets into Israel proper. There have been more than 1000 rockets sent into Israel since they left Gaza. So much for the territorial dispute, it seems as if Palistine is really set on the total elimination of Israel. And I have to say kidnapping 2 Israeli soldiers is just the icing on the cake for this class act we call palistine. I think kidnapping 2 American soldiers is a better idea than taking 2 Israeli soldiers. Their military has been dealing with these twats for years, and is very experienced and they do not fuck around at all. I really hope they can clean house in "palistine". I have no problem seeing their military operate over their after shit like this happens. It is never a good thing when non combatants die, never. As long as the appropriate steps are taken to make sure colateral loss of life is kept to an absolute minimum, that is all we can ask. For this reason undertaking military operations in an urban setting is extremely difficult, especially when the enemy chooses to mask themselves with the civilian population.

    OoRah Israel.

  7. So it's ok for you to criticize my government and nation, but not for me to criticize yours? Hmm that's kinda strange. Oh wait it's ok because you know more than 80% of Americans do right? Because you read some blog page and everything you read is true right? Wow you are smart, I guess I should have known! Silly ignorant American me!

    From a Socieoeconomic standpoint, I beg to differ. We have had one of the lowest, if not the lowest, unemployment rates in the G8 for years. Chalk it up to steady GDP/ GNP growth or a lack of a permanent unemployement welfare handout like most G8 nations. From a social standpoint we are vastly different. We are not a welfare state, other G8 nations. We do not have state run health care, higher education, or many other services. Thus we are not taxed for them.

    I happen to like it that way. If you want to go to college, get a poking job and pay for yourself. I also like the fact that we have no permanent unemployment insurance. Kinda gives a little motivation to find a job, instead of cashing those checks and waiting till you find the perfect job which will fulfill everything missing in your life!

    I personally believe that privitization is a more efficient way of running things. Thus you can see why I may be inclined to keep health care privatized, along with a number of other things. I guess I just don't agree with the social democratic ideology of many of the G8 nations.

    If you like it so much, just stay up there. It won't be happening in the US anytime soon.

    I'd say the arguement boils down to pure ideological differences. No one has ever been persuaded by forum debates, which is why they are more or less futile.

    Oh yeah I almost forgot: McCain 08

  8. If your government tells you there is a category 5 hurricane coming, and you know you live below sea level, but decide to stay anyways, it's not untrue to say that you bear some responsibility for what happens to you. Hey!! Could be fun right??

    If I lived below sea level and knew any hurricane was coming, let alone a cat 5, I would be driving my jerk outta there as fast as possible. If I had no car, I would ride a bus. No bus? You bet I would be walking my jerk to high ground if it took all day and night.

    As far as comparing economies goes, you need to compare the US to an established industrialized economy. China is undergoing a rapid industrialization right now, which is why they are starting to consume so much more oil. If you think our economy is stagnating, take a look at Germany and France. They have unemployment upwards of 10% and virtually no GDP growth.

    And if you think our health care system is bad, well you socialist gimmie health care for free cause I deserve it just cause I'm here is total stuff. I've seen first hand the incopentence of some of your doctors, and heard of far worse. Just cause it doesen't cost you anything doesen't mean it's any good.

    "My concern here, is that for the past 6 years the President has generally done a pretty good job running his office wihout letting the American people have one iota of an idea of what's really going on."

    I don't really see why it's your concern. Should we cross the border and decide to annex the great white nothing (eerr north, i forget sometimes), then it would become your concern.

    Your entire whiny ranting post follows pretty closely to the whiny teenage liberal I just heard my professor at school say this so I'm gonna post it so I sound smart and cool stereotype which plauges the internet blogs like a bad rash.

  9. Back to the topic, I'm willing to bet that when Iran becomes a serious problem, Israel will spank the living stuff out of them. By looking at recent middle eastern history you can see that it is in fact Israel, not the United States, who has defined pre-emption.

    On a side note, I'm pretty sure we (I mean the US whenever I say that by the way) have already been poking with Iran. Several months ago there were reports of several random explosions around sites where Iran had been working on reactors and nuclear science. I am quite certain that these explosions were far from random... :->

    When it does come time for Israel to make a move, I wouldn't be suprised to see some coordination between US and Israeli forces in an attack, such as tanker support or even F-22s as air cover for an Israeli strike package.

  10. With freedom of speech comes responsibiliy. Also I'd say the Muslims who were offended lack quite a bit of control. Maybe you can chalk it up to cultural or societal differences, but still the response was not merited.

    If a paper printed cartoons critical of italians, the welch, or Americans, I'm not going to take to the streets and riot, or burn the offending nations embassy to the ground. Perhaps that speaks to the differences in our cultures.

    Personally I find it 100% unnacceptable to hide behind religion in defense of the kind of conduct we've seen from factions of the Muslim world lately.

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