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Posts posted by TM850R

  1. Almost all of those plastic pieces I have seen on 850s and S70s have worn out along the flexing points (ridges). I wouldnt worry if its a little worn and exposed. If its torn in half I would replace it. Cant be too expensive from a dealer. Part number is right on it.

  2. And, as I was scanning through this worldly debate, I read a statement on the terms of: "it's not okay to defend your territory if you're not wearing a uniform?"

    Of course it's not okay to do such a malicious evil. When you don't wear a uniform, you are capable of mixing into the civilian population at any given moment, and thus use civilians as human shields. Ask the hundreds of deceased Lebanese about how that feels. Using your own people as human shields is NOT okay. This is why Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, Al-Macsa Martyr's Brigade, and other "groups" are called terrorists, and not armies.

    So if a foreign nation invaded your home town, you would just sit there and let them roll through. Defending ones land as a civilian if far different from attacking another as a civilian. If some country came into my town I would be at the local gunshops in no time. I would defend my family and my property. But I wouldnt just go to Canada and start shooting people in the streets.

  3. Easy if you have some tools. I might be up at Jeremy's place looking for some help if the time comes during the school year. I wouldnt have a problem except compressing the tensioner. I just dont have an assortment of tools handy at home or school. It was 500 for parts and labor at my indie last time we had it done on my old car. Tensioner, t-belt, serp belt, water pump/gasket, and a couple pullies make it seem expensive. ;) Itll be fun when, where and however I do this.

  4. and for the next car to turn some heads:

    IPB Image

    hahah that would turn some heads if you got this thing to move out of its own way.

    Oh and GL with the sale. I think most on the board admire your car. Who ever buys this car better baby it, thats all I gotta say about it.

  5. One thing however that really pissed me off the other day. POLICE! They are driving around in big SUVs and the chiefs have their Suburbans, and they drive around with just one person in each one... cause we are footing the bill for their gas, so what do they care? Now that is rediculous.

    THe police get a break on gas though. They dont have to pay the 50 cent per gallon tax (at the most depending on the state) for gas. So really they can still afford those cars and trucks (somewhat).

    This is just the gas companies gouging again. They did it during the hurricanes and they are doing it again. Why wouldnt they, Congress did nothing the first time. Record profits again this quarter? We will see in a few weeks.

  6. I got out of work tonight...server at a brew pub (ever heard of fat bastard beer?) and me and a couple friends looked a my debadge and I totally dig it. I really didn't know if I liked it till I didn't look at it for 8 hours. I also removed the sash on my black mesh w/ chrome surround grill. Just takes a little time away. LOVE IT! Thanks for all of the honest advise....wait I've read your threads for a while and seems we can always count on everybody to be brutally honest! thanks!

    I thought you were gonna say you got your back window smashed for the sticker. Being in a navy town and all im sure not too many of those guys like that sticker.

    Car looks good. Its got a a nice clean, smooth look to it now.

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