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Posts posted by TM850R

  1. Just remember, be proud of who you are. Do we have a "White history month?" Hell no. DO blacks have a "black history month?" Hell yes. They also have BET, FUBU, and a slew of other black power bs. How come this is allowed? They are the ones starting the biggotry and "racism." I gurantee if we had a white entertainment television or FUWBU for us whites by us whites, we would all be hated and considered "racist." This is a total crock. If anything, black folk have more rights than we do, and thats a fact. Its only a matter of time until we are the minority and they are the ones really picking on whites. Lets face it, blacks dont dish out hate to mexicans or jews etc etc. Its always been black against white and white against black. I mean, I can't even go to the mall in Fairview Heights Illinois without feeling unfortable or have some black people flash gang signs etc at me or other white people. Let me remind you I have several black friends, and my dad's best man at his wedding was black.

    My roomate has the same views on things. Like Jon said, it seems like he is afraid of what he doesnt know. He grew up in a 99% white area outside of Cleveland. Its sad that I listen to him go off about black people and foreigners the way he does. He went off on my birthday in front of my mom and it was really embarrassing. You really only see these kind of racist remarks from someone who grew up in a sheltered environment with very little interaction with people of different races. I could be off with these assumptions but thats all I have been able to see in the last few years after coming down to the south. Things are very different down here to say the least.

  2. That whole noose thing is fucked up. Those kids should have been expelled. I dont care if it was a joke. There is a line where a joke is no longer funny, three nooses hanging from a tree is just a bit over that line.

    Its sad that we still live in country where this type of racial tension happens. The families of Jena should be ashamed of themselves.

  3. Do you never see the good stories, or do you just not pay attention to them. Everything in this country runs on money. The "media" as you would call it, does what they need to do to sell ads. The real media (newspapers, magazines, TV, etc.) does run these stories.

    Saying that the media outlets should not make money by reporting the war would be like telling Colt to stop producing weapons because they kill people in the war.

  4. Buick does well over there because its not the same Buick that is in the US. The Buick in China is a combo effort between Buick and Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. Group. They decided that Buick is expected to be well built with attention to quality in China. There was an article that I read a couple weeks ago that had a Reuters reporter that visited China and checked out a couple of the Buicks over there and said that they are nothing like the Buicks in the US. Thats rather disappointing. An American car manufacturer doesnt hold high standards for their cars in the US but does in China.

  5. Just because this guy played football the media makes a huge deal about it. What about the hundreds of other men and women who died due to friendly fire? What about the thousands of others who died? He died in war, war is not a pretty thing. The media just needs to get over it.

  6. I didnt think they made Oldsmobiles anymore. I also didnt think that GM's were known for electrical problems. Thats a pretty broad statement if I have ever heard one. Dont get me wrong, I most likely would never buy a GM vehicle but I dont see the need to say their cars are the worst thing on the planet.

  7. bah, I have 0 comments. Not that I really care. :)

    I am going to start leaving negative comments. There seem to be a lot of people with duplicate mod entries. I know of one person who has 3 duplicates.

    Others have mods that are no longer on their cars. 2 turbos listed, so both of these are on your car? Post up and let us all see this unique setup!

    Finally, there are "mods" that aren't really mods. Copper spark plugs are NOT a mod. Fixing body damage where it is returned to stock is NOT a mod. A thermostat is NOT a mod, especially when it is stock temp. Radiators, fender liners, etc. I am surprised I haven't seen an RMS listed yet.

    I know of one person who has items listed that fall in all three catagories! :lol:

    But I love having 100 mods to my car...

    Check your comments again. :P

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