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Posts posted by TM850R

  1. Hopefully everything turns out for you Pras. Someone had luck with Blackjack before and had only good words about them. Its crazy that there are so many options out there for people to choose from and so many of them are complete let downs in terms of quality. Good luck with everything. I wont ask for pictures since everyone else did...

  2. Thats BS!

    Including your picture you have 7 lines.

    Including my picture I have 9 lines...I tried reducing it to 7 lines but it still wont work. What gives?

    Is there really a need for more than about 5 lines?


    /QUE echo sound effects

    Sounds like the mods will decide what is quality and what is not so great. We all know what quality posts look like and we should all have a great idea of what crappy posts look like. There may be a bit of bias in there but if the mods dont like you, its probably because you make bad posts. Thats just how I see it, maybe its not this way.

  4. My only suggestion is for someone to update the FAQ's and Cosmetic Reference pages. Some of the links and threads are non-existant now. It would be nice to have those either cleaned up or redone. I know its a lot of work and thats why I am hesitant to say anything about it. It would look good to new members that are told to read through the FAQ or Resource pages, to have everything updated and clean.

    Just a suggestion. I dont want to come off as busting anyones balls here.

  5. do that or talk with the officer before hand majority of the time they will knock down on what you got ,

    Or just write you a warning :)

    Just pay the ticket. Now you will be more aware of the speed you drive when it hits your bank account and then your insurance goes up for the next 3 years.

  6. I didn't get to watch to much of it, the Daytona prototypes get all the coverage mostly ya know, and it's hard to weed through the GT class since they're deemed slower and less important some how ~ that sucks though, how'd Atspeed's Porsche do ? Atleast an Audi didn't win. Didn't know GM ran a GXP-R either, pretty sweet lookin.

    I didnt check the final standings but I thought AtSpeed got knocked out by the wreck. Here are a couple shots that came out halfway decent without a tripod.

    These were from the FanZone if anyone is familiar with the speedway.



    And one movie before my camera died on me.


  7. lol.. but you can take a motorhome in with anything you want in it.... :monkey: the view from the television is pretty damn good.

    Yeah, if I paid to park in the infield I would have been able to bring it in. I was really angry when people were bringing in sleeping bags and I couldnt bring a damn backpack.

  8. I dont think I want to go back. First they wouldnt let me in with a backpack, so I had to walk all the way back to my car to put that away. Then they wouldnt let me in with a tripod, which I found just plain annoying. So I took what pictures I could before my camera died. I might catch the end of the race around 1 PM to take some more pictures that will come out.

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