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Posts posted by TM850R

  1. boooo... no speed channel at work. sucks for them. maybe they'll fix it and go!

    Should be on fox for a little while. Sucks about their car. Saw it too on the TV. Ill be there later tonight with camera and tripod but Im not sure how the pictures will come out.

    It was a wreck. Another Porsche took them out.

  2. I still have yet to figure out how to shrink an image down to 1024x1024k. DAMNIT

    use the resize part of this site. Theres a link in the news section for the idiots that cant resize their sigs.

  3. the democracy itself is not in a crisis....we still vote, and the high vote-getter wins, so technically it's still working the same way it was 200 years ago.

    the problem is the foreign policy, and everything that the current "democracy" is doing/not doing.

    the democratic process still lives on, but the individuals within it are the problem.

    For seats in the House and Senate the high vote getter wins. If the Presidential race was like that we might have seen Al Gore as President in 2000.

  4. I wouldnt go as far as calling it a crisis. Its the same thing different day. The biggest problem I see is corruption. It has a lot to do with big business and politicians in America. Obviously I cant give out names because I havent done research but from the news, we have a lot of corrupt political figures out there. Some have been caught, many have not. Why would someone who worked for the oil companies their entire lives, want to believe in Global Warming. I dunno. I should do some research before I just throw out straight crap from my ass. It is my opinion and I stand by it because its what makes sense. I know there will be some guys on here that will tear this apart and give me crap for it, but thats ok. Im open to constructive criticism.

  5. But when was that article written by him. I'm not saying he isnt qualified to make a call like that because he was an officer in the military. I am saying that he recently (August of 2006) said that civil war is not closer to becoming a reality in Iraq. Thats the second link there.

    I dont have time to read through that link right now, but I will get to it later.

  6. Ralph Peters (b. 1952) is a retired United States Army Lieutenant Colonel, novelist and essayist.


    I know Wikipedia is not the best source but I will hunt some more down.

    Heres one where Peters says "civil war is closer than before". http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadA...le.asp?ID=23653

    I dont want to shoot down that mans view (or your view) but there is a bias there from an ex-military officer.

  7. Dude, stop slobbering Michael Savage's cock and using his book title in every reference to liberalism. Think for yourself, make your own conclusions instead of just listening to what your church tells you and what ulta conservative op ed writers tell you. And shut the fuck up already with you conservative intelligentsia, you're no fucking 'smarter' than anyone here because of your political orientation of political school of though. (based on your posts and lack of an open mind I might even be so daring as to suggest you are less smart) There's plenty of intelligent people on both sides of the coin, and plenty of idiots (we have goddamn native americans and hippies sitting in the fucking oak trees they want to cut down to rebuild our football stadium. And there are psycho nut-jobs like yourself on the other side). So please, shut the fuck up already starfish. You are the only person who contributes to the political forum who is soo closed minded and a such a puppet of what they are told. Every other conservative person who posts here has at least a stable mind and can think critically outside of what they read in ridiculous articles, except yourself. Most every single liberal person here is able to admit to mistakes, and can see the other sides reason. So please, I'm sick and tired of you polluting these forums with your spamming bullshit, I'd rather jsut see ads for Cialis, Viagra, and Young Coeds who are local and ready to fuck!


    Well starfish, he has a point. I grew up a Roman Catholic without any guidance in politics. My family raised me to believe that I would make my own decisions whether or not they are right or wrong. I grew out of that phase of believing in mulit-millennium old folklore. Plus, religion should have nothing to do with how we view politics. If you are truly by the books, you would know about separation of church and state.

    Anyways, back to Iraq. How is that study going USMC850T?

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