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Everything posted by nictalope

  1. If you can, take a look at it, you may be disgusted (I was by Minute 7) http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/02132009/watch.html
  2. Chuck, I have been here some time, I am just not a serial poster... Your message board has some pretty good strength in numbers, at 20,000 members you are catching maybe 1.5% of the total number of cars sold by Volvo between 1990 and now, not counting repetitions like me (between me and my brother we have 6 1990 and newer). But a lot of the members also work as "connectors", people come to ask questions to them and such, you may be reaching a good 5% of cars on the ground. I am miffed as to why dealers and repair shops wouldn't want to buy into your portal. You may be using Google's software (or not) and a dealer or shop could target people based on the profile for cents per view... much better than mass mailings. The other thing is that you may have to target the post 99 crowd by changing the classes and have a better breakdown, call it a "lazy" approach, but if I spent many $$ on a car maybe I want to talk to people that have the same type of car and specific stuff. I almost never look for the S40 stuff, one reason is that it is under warranty and I just let my wife deal with the dealer, but it's also a crowded field... pre 99 is 850 and S/V70, post 99, you know how it goes. I am not advocating you do it like others, but I just couldn't squeeze the noodle enough tonight to give you a breakdown too.. Thanks for running this site. Dan
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