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Posts posted by s70turbo1998

  1. Last Night:

    Over the course of an hour, and in this order:

    Shot of tequila, a kamikaze, flaming doctor pepper, jagerbomb, double shot of tequila, chugged a beer.

    Drank a bit for the next two hours, apparently went to Sheetz, then came back home and this story occurs:

    Roommate and I are both hammered

    Size reference: n1573140018_30145990_1944.jpg

    Roommate (6' 1", ~250 pounds) says something.

    I (5' 9", ~140 pounds) smack him in the face.

    He pushes me over a couch and locks himself in his room.

    I back myself into the bathroom across from his door and kick it down, taking off a good chunk of the trim.

    He grabs piece of trim and checks me with it, causing it to break into my face. Bleeding chin.

    Other roommate comes out and steps between us before I manage to swing a piece of wood back at him.

    We go to our respective sides of the apartment.

    10 minutes later I walk into his room and say "woah dude, that wasn't supposed to happen". We laugh hysterically.

  2. Its what we have for the next four years so I'm hoping for the best as well.

    :lol: :lol: amazing.

    Agreed. I'm pissed that McCain didn't get it, and I'm still not 100% about Obama, but he will be our next President and as an American I gotta do what I can to help out.

  3. oh thats right you went to some school that uses three letters and you talk about the women with lose morals all the time.

    Don't hate. Dave can talk about women with loOse morals because there are so many at this three lettered school. And it's a damn good school as well. Loose women and great academics! (free beer too B) )

  4. Its ironic that the "idiots" in this case tend to be higher educated and living in more developed areas compared to the "real" smart people.

    :blink: I hate to go TB, but where'd you get that? The poor and minorities came out in droves for this election.

  5. What do you want to change? Do you even know? God I love how people say "we want change blah blah!" but don't know what kind of change...

    +10000 to everything Greg and Dave have pointed out.

    2012 here we come!

    Did you completely miss my point/not read any of my other posts? I was being completely sarcastic.

    Oh and :lol: at all the closet Democrats that couldn't make a valid debating point prior to the election but now that it is "over" here they come!

  6. (i know that is not your point Danny)

    ok, so what if he is not a old white man? does not help that Obama is the MOST left senator in history and shows and has connections to anti-American socialist connections... that does not back the fact that it is better than voting for an old white guy.

    and Change for the worse.

    (rebuttal from most people I ask that question):


  7. What I like is how everybody is in love with McCain's concession speech, and how they would have voted for "that McCain".

    And Young Burnsy, please explain how this came down to the VPs. Guarantee you half of Obama's "constituency" has no idea who Biden is.

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