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Posts posted by s70turbo1998

  1. So my boyfriend Joe calls me when he gets off of work tonight. I tell him to come over, I'm making dinner, and I've rented a few movies, and since he doesn't work tomorrow, he can spend the night if he wanted. And he says, aww, I can't. WHY I ask. <_< He said, well, I had a big milkshake at lunch, and well, I've been sick all day. So I tell him to go home, let it rip, drink some Pepto, take a shower, get into his jammies and get over here. He says no cause he's all sore anyway and he just wants to stay home and fart... :ph34r:

    So now I'm alone, bored, and cant have any lovin' tonight cause my BF has lactose intolerance. Damn it! :angry:

    Is that like a straight dude not being able to get any or do anything at all cause his GF or wife is on the rag?!

    This sucks. I feel sorry for straight guys now. A week out of every month must be awful.

    :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    Yeah right. That's like BJ week for me :lol:

  2. i am a realist

    edit: chances are tons of guys said the same thing Danny did... chances are the girls opens up more than the Panama Canal... so chances are you are going to get something... c0nd0ms are not 100% mister

    Condoms and a super soaker full of bleach are 100 percent.

    Ordering CF trunk panel right now :lol:

  3. haha balllinn

    i just spent another 400 on my stereo.

    what do you to for work?

    Coach a dive team and started up a learn to dive clinic for people who don't want to join the actual team. I'm still waiting to get paid for the painting I've done this summer...

    If only I could spend this money on my car and not school :lol:

  4. i was there a couple weeks ago lol, luckily all i was doing was walking. but yeah, it's nothing compared to that here but it's way too hot to skateboard with any humidity over like 30%. your jeans just stick to your legs like crazy and i get all dehydrated. i'm probably just gonna chill inside for a couple hours and go out at like 3. the best times of days to go skate are in the morning and at night and thanks to the douches who bought the huge houses next to the skatepark it opens at 9am and closes at 8. all these rich people buy these houses by the skatepark, then complain about the noise, petition it and now it closes like an hour and a half before it even gets dark. 8-9pm = best time of day to do anything active.

    Those rich folk can complain because when they were kids they were working and not complaining about how it's too hot to skateboard outside.

  5. yeah and the fact that thousands die from every drug (including alcohol and tabacco) except weed is pretty sad as well

    risking death and addiction is just for grownups.

    In cali people see weed for what it really is. A healthier and safer way to take a break then a beer.

    I'm all about that dude, but seriously


  6. prolly woulda got flamed either way, seems like the way of life for certain individuals...no worries, brush it off, go on with your business :)

    if someone wants to make their balls seem bigger by puttin someone else down never give them the satisfaction

    :lol: WAT?

    i guess anything's possible. i figured asking a volvo forum would be a proactive way to find out. i guess i learned my lesson :P

    :lol: Post up in cosmetic/maintenance next time, you will get more help. You'll want to get a set of H1 bulbs for your fogs duder.

  7. :rolleyes: i guess i'll have to post that anytime someone asks a question from now on. it seems to me the page of recycled insults would be a better representation of that but whatever.

    You asked why your fogs did not work. Then said they have no bulbs. Then asked some more. In off topic. What the hell did you expect.

    That's like asking "so I took the bulbs out of my headlights, but now they don't work anymore. What happened?"

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