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Posts posted by s70turbo1998

  1. Typical response from someone who neither has the spine to offend someone with a differing point of view or is too inept to make a conscious, educated decision.

    I don't like McCain either, but I sure as hell am never going to vote for someone with a (D) next to their name.

    I wholly agree.

  2. no.. it's different from school to school. i'm taking precalc as a junior. calculus is an AP class that only seniors take besides a few overachiever kids.

    i'll probably end up taking calculus in college but i like to think it's over :lol: kinda just depends on what i'm gonna do which i really haven't decided on yet.

    Take AP calc and AP stats if you can. They teach to the AP test and as long as you get a 4 or 5 on the test, most colleges will accept that as credit. I didn't have to take college calculus because I got a 4 on my Calc AP test and it counted toward the Calculus class my school offers.

  3. Lets make it even simpler for everyone to understand .

    If I give you a box of volvo parts and you shake and shake and shake and shake will that build a car ?

    or give the other "idea" put a bomb in a box of parts and now explode it will that build a car ?

    And I havent gone to church in a long time either due to the lack of abilty to follow what they preach or even if they can follow what is supposed to be done there in the frist place but I understand that it is the correct thing when followed correctly, and I by no means follow it perfectly but I am not willing to listen to somoene who cops a feel on quiro boys either :lol:

    There is a reason all of those "ideas" are called theories. Nobody fucking knows. But to say some dude started going woogity woo and created life...well.

    I see religion as more of a story. A couple of old school intellectuals crafting morals and ethics into a belief, that spread like wildfire in a time where people were ruled by fear and needed something to guide them.

  4. Buddist and no other religon belive in homosexualty as correct .

    Only incompetent athiest do since there so retarded that they think we came from monkeys :lol:

    yes some do here look like close relatives but come one how daft and dumb to do you have to belive there is no one being who created everything :lol:

    You could say, "how daft and dumb do you have to be to believe that one guy created everything and now just kind of sits back and chills".

    I can barely recite the Lord's Prayer, and I only have that one down in case I do go to church for some odd reason. Haven't gone in 6 years. I feel if I had gone for these past 6 years I'd be a bit more close minded...

  5. :lol:

    But if you need to stretch a tank there are some pretty easy ways to increase your mileage by 20-30%.

    The guy who founded the forum lives in Houston and can get 106 mpg in his Prius on his morning commute.

    Yeah but he's probably that driver. :lol:

  6. Is she hot? :) j/k. It's always been funny for me how lesbians (gay women) are more socially acceptable than gay men.

    That's because they can scissor.

    I was looking for South Park:


    but I found this:


    But seriously, child molesters catch less flak then gay people. I don't get it. If you're straight and you know it, why would it bother you so much? Live and let be. There are two gay guys in my fraternity and we're pretty damn sure a third is a closet case. But that doesn't affect who they are as people. If the one gay guy gets too drunk, he will actually take home girls. I wouldn't be surprised if the gay community (the normal part) was also in the same boat as you Dave. By that I mean sick of the flamboyant one's that have to get attention and make this whole marriage deal bigger then it really is. Marriage isn't a binding contract from God, everybody has different beliefs. Marriage is based on love and respect, and if two people want to do it, why get in their way?

  7. Question for all you folks with manual 850s and S70s. Can a person who is about 5'3 push the clutch all the way down with ease?

    I ask this because I'm a little over 5'3 and last time I tried pushing the clutch of a 740, I couldn't get it all the way down. I really want the next car I get to be a manual and also a Volvo... so a stick S70 or 850 is being thought of, but I'm worried about not being able to push the clutch all the way down like in the 740.

    Wear boots :lol:

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