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Posts posted by s70turbo1998

  1. It's good news in that it won't be voted on in August. They're trying to push this bill through fast so the press can't talk about it for long and make everyone hate it even more.

    I actually wrote Senator Harry Reid and thanked him for saying that they needed to slow down and think this reform through in it's entirety. Not so sure why Obama feels the need to engage in a reform Blitzkrieg.

  2. Your white hat is showing.

    BO should not be commenting on police affairs. This was his buddy who probably acted like a "I'm an academic elitist, you're just a cop" douchebag.

    It's simple: comply with a police officer's requests.

    Other stuff


    Senate setback for health reform

    _46105751_007694455-1.jpg Passing a healthcare reform bill is a top priority for Mr Obama The US Senate says it will not be able to vote on a US healthcare reform bill by August, in a setback to President Barack Obama's proposed timetable.

    But Mr Obama said he still wanted to see the bill passed by year's end.

    He said his intention was not to add to the country's fiscal deficit of over $1 trillion, but to address it by tackling spiralling health costs.

    But Republicans and leading Democrats have objected to the rush, saying the bill will be taken up after the summer.

    "I think that it's better to have a product that is one that's based on quality and thoughtfulness rather than trying to jam something through," Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid told reporters.

    The BBC's Jane O'Brien in Washington says the setback is substantial but not terminal.

    'Difficult issues'

    In a major televised news conference on Wednesday, the president stressed the importance of passing the bills by the end of the first week in August, so he would be in a position to sign a final, combined, bill in October.

    o.gif HEALTHCARE IN THE US 47 million uninsured, 25 million under-insured Healthcare costs represent 16% of GDP, almost twice OECD average Reform plans would require all Americans to get insurance Some propose public insurance option to compete with private insurers inline_dashed_line.gif

    Q&A: US healthcare reform US readers' views on health reform On Thursday, Mr Obama conceded the bills would be delayed, but said he still wanted to see progress.

    "I want the bill to get out of the committees," he told a town hall meeting in Shaker Heights, Ohio.

    "I have no problem if people are really working through these difficult issues in making sure we get it right."

    The reform package is intended to reduce health costs, increase choice and widen coverage.

    President Obama declared he would not sign the bill if it added even a dime to the deficit over the next decade. He also said that two-thirds of the cost of reform could be met by reallocating money already in the system.

    The bill will now be taken up in September when Congress returns from its summer break.

    Critics will see this as a challenge to the president's authority and will question his ability to control members of his own party, our correspondent says.

    Long road

    Five congressional committees are currently working on healthcare bills.

    Although there is consensus on some aspects of reform, lawmakers are divided on whether to set up a public health insurance scheme for Americans without employer-sponsored coverage.

    There is also much disagreement about how to raise revenue to fund the proposed expansion of healthcare coverage.

    Some 47 million Americans do not currently have health insurance, and rising healthcare costs are a major contributing factor to America's spiralling budget deficit.

    One Senate committee has passed a bill, and three House of Representatives committees have published a joint proposal.

    Both of these bills would require all Americans to take out health insurance, and would provide subsidies to help make coverage affordable.

    They would also give Americans without employer-provided coverage the option to join a public insurance scheme.

    But the powerful Senate Finance Committee has yet to complete its version of the bill, amid calls from prominent moderate senators for a delay while a bipartisan compromise is reached.

    Some opinion polls show that barely half of Americans now approve of the way Mr Obama is handling healthcare reform.

    I challenge him to not "add a dime" to the already immense debt the way he is trying to rush this health care deform through.

  3. Geico sucks balls, I can't get the adjuster to even return my phone calls, I cant get a rental because I'm not 21, they wont let my dad have the rental even though he is a co owner. I have a feeling I'm going to have to get a lawyer to get Geico to do anything.

    Fuck the asshole adjuster called earlier and my brother answered asked him to wait 5 minutes because I was outside, and the fucker just hung up instead of holding. On top of that I have given him my cell phone 5 times and everytime he calls the house line. If he had called my cell once he wouldn't have had to have been put on hold.

    What really sucks is a found a car i like, its over 1000 miles away, but i'll be on vacation next week and will literally drive past the car on my way to vacation. If Geico will just settle for a reasonable amount I can bring the new car home with me from vacation, but i doubt that will happen

    Try getting in touch with the adjuster's boss. Might speed things up a bit.

  4. Was stuck in traffic on 301 today coming back from Virginia Beach/Chesepeake when a trucker next to me started honking and told me to roll down my window. He starts pointing at the front of my car and my first thought is "oh crap, my turn signal fell out". Nope. He starts asking me where I got the headlights, what year my car was, and then proceeded to tell me about his 95 850. Even told me to stop so he could drive by and get another look at my car :lol: Made traffic interesting!

  5. 1993–94: Sexual abuse accusations and marriage

    Main article: 1993 child sexual abuse accusations against Michael Jackson Jackson gave a 90-minute interview with Oprah Winfrey in February 1993, his first television interview since 1979. He grimaced when speaking of his childhood abuse at the hands of his father; he believed he had missed out on much of his childhood years, admitting that he often cried from loneliness. He denied previous tabloid rumors that he bought the bones of the Elephant Man or slept in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. The entertainer went on to dispel suggestions that he bleached his skin, stating for the first time that he had vitiligo. The interview was watched by 90 million Americans, becoming the fourth most-viewed non-sport program in US history. It also started a public debate on the topic of vitiligo, a relatively unknown condition before then. Dangerous re-entered the album chart top 10, more than a year after its original release.[10][11][75]

    Jackson was accused of child sexual abuse by a 13-year-old child named Jordan Chandler and his father Evan Chandler.[82] The friendship between Jackson and Evan Chandler broke down. Sometime afterwards, Evan Chandler was tape-recorded saying amongst other things, "If I go through with this, I win big-time. There's no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever...Michael's career will be over".[83] A year after they had met, under the influence of sodium amytal, a controversial sedative, Jordan Chandler told his father that Jackson had touched his penis.[84] Evan Chandler and Jackson, represented by their legal teams, then engaged in unsuccessful negotiations to resolve the issue in a financial settlement; the negotiations were initiated by Chandler but Jackson did make several counter offers. Jordan Chandler then told a psychiatrist and later police that he and Jackson had engaged in acts of kissing, masturbation and oral sex, as well as giving a detailed description of what he alleged were the singer's genitals.[85]

    An official investigation began, with Jordan Chandler's mother adamant that there was no wrongdoing on Jackson's part. Neverland Ranch was searched; multiple children and family members denied that he was a pedophile.[85] Jackson's image took a further turn for the worse when his older sister La Toya Jackson accused him of being a pedophile, a statement she later retracted.[86] Jackson agreed to a 25-minute strip search, conducted at his ranch. The search was required to see if a description provided by Jordan Chandler was accurate. Doctors concluded that there were some strong similarities, but it was not a definitive match.[86] Jackson made an emotional public statement on the events; he proclaimed his innocence, criticized what he perceived as biased media coverage and told of his strip search.[82]

    Jackson began taking painkillers, Valium, Xanax and Ativan to deal with the stress of the allegations made against him. By the fall of 1993, Jackson was addicted to the drugs.[87] His health deteriorated to the extent that he canceled the remainder of the Dangerous World Tour and went into drug rehabilitation for a few months.[88] The stress of the allegations also caused Jackson to stop eating, and he lost a significant amount of weight.[89] With his health in decline, Jackson's friends and legal advisers took over his defense and finances; they called on him to settle the allegations out of court, believing that he could not endure a lengthy trial.[88][89]

    Tabloid reaction to the allegations put Jackson in an unfavorable light.[90] Complaints about the coverage and media included everything from bias against Jackson, accepting stories of alleged criminal activity for money to accepting confidential leaked material from the police investigation in return for money paid.[91] On January 1, 1994, Jackson settled with the Chandler family and their legal team out of court, in a civil lawsuit for $22 million. After the settlement Jordan Chandler refused to continue with police regarding criminal proceedings. Jackson was never charged, and the state closed its criminal investigation, citing lack of evidence.[92]

    In May 1994, Jackson married singer-songwriter Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of Elvis Presley. They had first met in 1975 during one of Jackson's family engagements at the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino, and were reconnected through a mutual friend in early 1993.[90] They stayed in contact every day over the telephone. As child molestation accusations became public, Jackson became dependent on Lisa Marie for emotional support; she was concerned about his faltering health and addiction to drugs.[87] Lisa Marie explained, "I believed he didn't do anything wrong and that he was wrongly accused and yes I started falling for him. I wanted to save him. I felt that I could do it."[93] In a phone call he made to her, she described him as high, incoherent and delusional.[87] Shortly afterwards, she tried to persuade Jackson to settle the allegations out of court and go into rehabilitation to recover—he subsequently did both.[87] Jackson proposed to Lisa Marie over the telephone towards the fall of 1993, saying, "If I asked you to marry me, would you do it?".[87] Presley and Jackson married in the Dominican Republic in secrecy; the parties denied they had been married for nearly two months.[94] The marriage was, in her words, "a married couple's life ... that was sexually active".[95] At the time, the tabloid media speculated that the wedding was a ploy to prop up Jackson's public image in light of prior sexual abuse allegations.[94] Jackson and Presley divorced less than two years later, remaining friendly.[96]

  6. White, had a lego block instead of a right testicle, and glitter down the right side of the shaft.

    ^See, not hard. Or who got a share of the 23 million that worked in his dressing room and may have had inside access? It's just a shame that such an iconic figure, who was dubbed 'Wacko Jacko' by the media, all while dealing with anorexia, his skin patching, childhood issues of his own, and now apparently a boatload of debt, has to have this tarnish his reputation. We don't know if he was a child molester. He certainly could have been, but there is just as much possibility that he was not. I do not envy the celebrity lifestyle. I envy the paycheck, but could you imagine getting a speeding ticket and then having people bug you about it for a month? Or a DUI, and your picture is in every magazine, people yell at you on the street, and MADD is sending you letters telling you you're a horrible person and that you're responsible for the next 15 teenage DUIs?

    He helped children all over the world, and his intentions were very good. He placed an emphasis on family values, and wanted to help those without those values to try and attain some level of understanding of them. His own childhood was messed up, but he did the best he could to make things work out, yet people still gave him shit. He helped millions of kids, yet everybody focuses on the one he supposedly messed with.

    I know someone as well by the way, very close. I don't think 23 million would have helped or could help. Certainly would make the good times better, but the rough times will always be rough.

  7. ? the payout of 23million proves his guilty with out a doubt.

    Simpley if you would view otherwise then why not let someone of your family sleep in his bed.

    If you wont that proves that regardless what you say your actions speak louder then words that he is guilty .

    Why not vidicate yourself through the court system ?

    Personal thats what I would do if I was not guilty .

    I would pay out if I was guilty .

    Not sure what you would do ?

    The court system is lengthy, especially with a celebrity who is being constantly attacked by the news. The media will take the most gripping story and run with it. By settling out of court, MJ ended the whole debacle immediately, as opposed to sitting through more time under the public eye, being scrutinized by every media outlet and person who felt like they had something important to say. He had the money to end it. I think if the parents really wanted their child's problems be vindicated, they would have said no. I don't think a $$ amount can be placed on the welfare of a child. Unless the parents had other motives.

    Hmm---MJ invites underpriviledged kids to his theme park he built, parents (out of work/not happy with where they are at/typical scumbag scheming lowlifes) decide they can get themselves attention, and hopefully some money. Think that was a possiblity?

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  8. I mean I've been in the newspaper a few times.

    Again, not defending him. I am appreciating MJ's contributions to popular culture and charity. I chose to recognize one aspect of his life, the positive. You are recognizing the negative.

    And if you're going to defend the law, know that I can say what I want and you can say what you want, and nobody can stop either of us. Might help on your first quiz.

    ? maybe I have lived a less shelterd life then the rest of you ? who knows.


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