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Status Updates posted by CoRalV70

  1. i swear to god my 245 is like driving a 850 turbo with bald tires in the front... poking christ

  2. dear mustang driver: hitting your brakes in the middle of the snow covered hill was your downfall, dumbass

  3. why is dewars drinkable on the rocks but mixed with coke is terrible...

  4. spending money on the 245.. wut

  5. happy 25th of december, 'murika! wait .... yea thats it

  6. arguing with my dad over junking the 72 chevelle wagon lol yay christmas eve

  7. yay now i have a license that the liquor stores wont claim is fake

  8. Well the windshield wiper fuse only blew once on the way home compared to 5 on the way to work.......

  9. I have accepted the fact the 245 does not like me, that murderous oh yeah!.

  10. Don't even have the s-10 yet and im buying stuff lmao

  11. days like today i miss this stuff monkey you Gabriel Simutiu..... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h-pC5mMrsBs

  12. snow ruined my day.... this pos would be out front

  13. anyone local want to drive to harrisburg tommorow morning during the blizzard lol?

  14. $60 in mega millions tickets amounted to $9 in winnings lol

  15. lol found a droid razr m next to my car.... on my property.....its mine lmao

  16. you know your at tyad when you walk in the bathroom and have to turn the lights on and someone is in the shitter snoring

  17. why are decent 2door s-10 blazer first gens so poking expensive.... they are not and never were worth $7500....

  18. Dear volvo, thanks for reminding me you are a volvo by being a volvo and smelling like gas and coolant....thanks volvo.

  19. land is stupid cheap in az.... i think ill buy some lmao

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