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Posts posted by ///RonalT5

  1. A government taxing is legalized theft. The government did not feed the pig, they did not butcher the pig, they did not make the ham sandwich. They did though take money from the consumer to buy a drink to go with their sandwich. My personal yearly outlay in federal, state and local taxes on my income, property and purchases exceeds 1/3 and maybe closer to 1/2 of my annual pay. There is no way to convince me that I do not pay my fair share of taxes and that I will support an increase.

    It is not theft, unless you want to pay for a private education your whole life, want to hire your own military to protect you against "terrorists," build roads for you to drive on, and other things that you could not live without. I thought you were patriotic, GIVE BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY WHAT IT GIVES YOU, hahahaha.


  2. Point 1. You can't tax a corporation without taxing a person.

    Point 2. We can't tax a pig but we can tax a ham sandwich. We can't tax a tree but we can tax the lumber to build a house. We can't tax an oil company but we can tax the gasoline you put in your car.

    Question - A tax on corporate profit does you what good personally?

    Answer - See point 1. You wind up paying higher prices for the product as the cost gets passed down to the purchaser.

    And what problem is there with taxing a person? Would you notice a couple penny increase on anything you buy? Think of how much money the government would get with that extra pocket change!


  3. Evolve my reply was not about politics but economics 101. Corporations do not pay taxes, people pay taxes. Corporations are owned by shareholders. Many everyday average Americans are shareholders, therefore many Americans are profiting when any corporation that they are a shareholder in does well. This potential profit is taxed upon the sale of the share. if the share is held for a long term or a short term a differnent tax level applies. If we cut the tax rate on the short term gain more shareholders will be willing to sell and lock in a profit. This short term sell is extremely profitable to the department of revenue.

    I see your point, and a well made one. :) But, there should be some way to tax the corporation as a whole versus directly taxing the share holders. Any suggestions? The government should get a portion of the profit without taking it away from the share holders.


  4. No matter how many accurate facts are presented it is ironic that "Evolve" can not evolve but continues to be stuck on stupid. Mike, we are not living in a zero sum gain economy so none of your perceived inequality of tax fairness is logical. An across the board tax cut is fair. If you pay tax you will have a lower obligation of tax burden. If you do not pay tax than you are not entitled to any tax cut. There is no tax on wealth, only on the accumulation of wealth.

    Being caught up in the government having a deficit is really not much of a concern if the economy is growing, which it is by looking at the GDP. It was never a tax cut, nor a war, nor a hurricane, nor corrupt corporation executives that got the government into a deficit in the first place, but too much pork projects and entitlements given out by elected representatives. If the government were to cut out corruption and foolish spending the problem will heal itself in time as our GDP continues to grow. This tax cut has helped that occur. Making the tax cut permanent will ensure that the revenues continue to flow at record pace.

    Wrong, again, liberals are "evolving," not cnoservatives who just think one mindedly and don't look towards the future. We keep on having tax cuts, then we will be stuck in debt for a long time. The stock market is not a measurable comparrison on how rich our government is, rather how much money profitable corporations are making. And guess where the government takes their money from, other branchesof funding, such as scial security, public education, and other important aspects of our lives. Texaco made a record profit in the trillions, and do they get taked that much, NOOOO!!! I that fair? I think not. And USMC, you read my post wrong, the extra $500 dollars each would gain 105 billion dollars. The point is that if we tax a little, what differnece does it make to the common man? Don't b*tch about a little extra cash to help out the government. I bet none of you would even notice a 2 penny increase in taxing goods. And I have just now realized why USMC is so dumb and follows Bush without asking questions. That is what his proffesion teaches, blind obediance. Does USMC = United States Marine Core? :monkey: If not, then disregard the last three sentences...


    EDIT: I want to hear what the common-man thinks about this, not some marine or Republican extremist.

  5. Studies have revealed that GW Bush Tax Cuts DO work.

    -- more tax revenue is being collected

    -- the wealthy are enduring more of the tax burden

    -- everyone (large income or small) is benefiting

    They work because the wealthy have less incentive to play games sheltering their income and have placed lower emphasis on tax effect in their investment strategy.


    -- the top 50% of people reporting an income pay 96% of federal income taxes

    -- the top 25% pay 83%

    -- the top 10% pay 65%

    -- the top 1% pay 35%



    Social Security is 12.4%, and Medicare is 2.9%

    You are responsible for half; your employer the other half

    Federal Unemployment is .8% of 1st $7,000 -- paid by employer

    State Income Rate varies by state. Indiana is 3.4%

    State Unemployment varies by state. Indiana is 2.7% of 1st $7,000 -- paid by employer

    Sales Tax varies by state. Indiana (Indianapolis) is 7%

    If you have a $20,000 salary, then you and your employer have paid a combined $4,655.66 -- an amazing 23%, before including any Federal income taxes.

    And all of this "so-called" tax relief is all good, even though it is slanted because everyone I know says that the tax cuts only give it to the wealthy, but we will go with you on this one, WHERE DO WE EXPECT TO PAY FOR THE WAR!!! If he keeps on giving us tax breaks, I don't think people will donate money to the government to help pay for the 2 BILLION dollars we spend every F'ING week!!! People will not complain about having 500 dollars added onto their taxes at the end of the day, for middle america. And then the extremely wealthy pay arounud say 100k-500k every year extra...

    So, we have 300,000,000 people in the U.S.

    say 200,000,000 of the people are middle america...

    they pay an extra 500$ on top of what they are paying... YOU KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY WE WOULD HAVE?!?!?!?!

    100,000,000,000 DOLLARS!!!!!!!

    And on top of that, maybe 50,000 people are extremely wealthy, and they pay a measly 100k extra, which wouldn't matter cause they have billions of dollars...

    5,000,000,000 DOLLARS!!!!!!!

    Comming to a total of...

    105,000,000,000 DOLLARS!!!

    So don't oh yeah! about taxing, when a little can go a long ways, and I know that there would be democratic dumb@$$es that would pocket the money, but you have to see that no matter if we taxed a little more and tax the extremely wealthy, we wouldn't be 3 TRILLION dollars into debt.


    EDIT: And another thing, if you say that people will invest in the economy after tax breaks, who does that benefit? The corporations and the people, not the GOVERNMENT!!! And realize that these numbers are not accurate, the point is that by little taxing at a time, we can make up the deficit extremely quickly. And on top of that, when we don't have the money, guss where we get it from, CUTING SCHOOL BUDGETS!!! That is not right, so stop bitching and paya little more to support the country.

  6. Am I the only one that remembers the good ole days of double-digit inflation (Home Mortgages at interest rates over 12%) and double-digit unemployment?

    Those were just some of the consequences of the actions of the Carter administration.

    Right now, the current inflation rate is between 2 and 3 percent...


    and the current unemployment rate is 4.4 percent...


    Oh And BTW...

    the Dow Jones Index is running at record highs -- over 12,000.

    I am going to crawl in a hole for 2 years and then pray that I'm not the only one left that is not Muslim and doesn't speak Spanish when I come back out!!!

    -1. I hated Carter and he was a horrible president. The Dow Jones is a reflection of the profit of some corporations, not of the nation as a whole buddy.


  7. My ears are open and that's exactly what I heard on the news earlier today.

    What is the new reason? I'm sure it's the same as it always has been.

    O common dude, a week ago he said "I see no reason why he should resign" and "he has no intention of resigning" or something like that. And if you watched the press confrence, it was a train wreck. I watched it with two conservative friends and they thought he acted like a total retard and wouldn't answer questions. If the rep. would have won, Bush would have kept Rummy in power, there is something up... He knew that the dem. would press charges and get a commision report on how retarded rummy is, why else would he have done it, all of a sudden? :rolleyes:

    And about the excuse, the new one is, "We have to protect the oil from the terrorists," stated by, I think, the leader of the Republican national commitee AS THE MAIN GOAL!!! A while ago, it was to get Saddam out, then make democracy work, and now it is a "main" focus to not let them F*** with our oil. Tell your party to stop lying and say that they just want the oil. :unsure::rolleyes:


  8. WE GOT THE SENATE TOO!!!!!!!!!! Damn straight...

    This morning, when I woke up, my yard was filled with brokeback illegal immmigrants. Then like 50 terrorists tried to recruit me to terrorist camp, but my taxes had gotten so high by that point, I couldn't take any time off. I tried to ask some lady what had happened, but she was a damn lesbo and then I had some explaining to do to my kids. They told me that the country had gone democrat.

    after 2 hours of hannity, 3 hours of limbaugh. I felt much better. Then I tried to go to 7-11, but the damn clerk didnt make any sense, like he was speaking a second language or something. I was like WTF what should a republican do???

    Thanks for listening.

    1) I don't like illegal immagrants and not all democrats support it

    2) That has been happening more over the past six years than ever before

    3) How do you expect to pay for the war with low taxes. Their tactics don't work because the big companies just invest and the money does not go to anything but the stock-market. We need to tax the top 1%, not everyone. So, unless you're a multi-billionare and you want your children to pay for the war, don't complain about it.

    4) If you're an idealogical, head stuck in the rear person about gays, you need to open your eyes and mind and be aware of them for who they are, not their sexual orrientation.

    5) Limbaugh is the biggest douche and everyone knows it. I can't believe anyone still listens to him. Next to Bill O'Reily, he ranks high on the political douche ranking.

    6) Every 7-11 store has been like that for EVER, crappy analogy, the first one (although true, need stricter laws here in Cali) was better, haha.

    7) You're welcome :D:lol:;)


  9. BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50D-49R. Good timing. And what is up with Bush lying about Rumsfled not resigning? And the new guy is a total other story... I will admit that polosey is a little crazy, but I am happy with the results, just need Virginia to get Webb in, cause it is obvious he one!


  10. B)-->

    QUOTE(Plan B @ Nov 7 2006, 11:59 PM)

    Hope that was towards the comment and not me, haha. :lol: But ya, we need to realize that there are other people and it is not immoral to be homosexual, it is the most immoral and unethical thing to say that it is not. I, however and Grant don't take offense, think that brokeback marriage should have another name, but still have all of the benefits of a 'marriage,' because a marriage is between a man in a woman, imo. But we should all be aware and not shut down just cause something is differnet and we do not know about it!!!


  11. wow......how many times can you say that in this thread

    who thinks starfish is a homo in hiding?

    He is not a homo, don't insult Grant... He is uber conservative who can't hold his thoughts inside himself. And how can he be against homosexuals? That is soooooo wrong in every aspect. You need to be more accepting and open your eyes. Another thing, if you think that Jesus was conservative, you are a total retard. The Jewish heirarchy was conservative, Jesus was a liberal. He allowed women to preach with him and went against basically everything that the faith believed in... And he prayed with sinners, something the conservatives would not do. Starfish needs to take his head out of his @$$ and realize that there are other views of people, and that you need to be more excepting, common' dude. :)


  12. Bush does that a lot. He did it with Brown, then forced him to resign within a week.

    I don't see Rumsfeld resigning though, and I don't see Bush forcing him to. Rumsfeld believes he is running things the best that can be done, and Bush believes it also. Neither of them seem to listen to the military commanders.

    +1. I will reiterate this again... DEMOCRACY WILL NOT WORK IN THE MIDDLE EAST!!!

    It doesn't take a genius to realize it. Bush has his own ideology but will not look at the facts. When has forcing a democracy actually worked on a country who had just had a dictator in power for the last thirty or so years. It took the U.S. a long time to perfect democracy (which is a little sketchy now), but we have a good idea how to put it into effect. Here in the U.S., we have a seperation of church and state, and in the middle east, everything is related to religion. the religious sects will fight each other no matter what, and they will assasinate the commanders who they don't like and there will always be corruption. We need to realize that and come up with a new stratagy. We all make mistakes, but we need to realize when we do it and change course to make the outcome better. And USMC, I agree that Terrorists are not included in the Geneva 'conventions,' but the definition of 'terrorist' is pretty wide in bush's mind. We take people into torture places that have nothing to do with terrorist organizations. They have no power to defend themselves with an attorney or anything. How would you like to be picked off the street and tortured for three years without a fair trial or anything? Don't know how it would feel, ask Majar Arar, the Canadian... It is a disgrace what this country is comming to, and we need to change our policies for a GOAL, not just fighting random insurgents...


    P.S. Thanks for opening the forum up to the regular members. :)

  13. The Democrats indeed have a plan. It’s in the media on a daily basis. They tell us it on a daily basis. Why can’t you recognize it?

    In the simplest terms, the liberal Democrat plan is opposition to anything constructive that would help end this war quickly. It is to attack the Bush agenda by creating a hysteria of hopelessness in the cause, by defeating the Patriot Act, by leaking intelligence to the enemy, by giving the enemy rights, by attacking the US soldier, by releasing the enemy from capture, by denying our ability to use our intelligence to track and bring the terrorists to justice, by giving the enemy comfort, by creating propaganda against the president or our military during wartime, by allowing the media to show the enemies snuff film propaganda on our televisions, by excusing the enemies plots, by using the US soldiers injury, death or funeral as a political tool, by becoming a traitor or failing to prosecute traitors, by being a general nuisance.

    Ever heard of the Constitution? How about the Geneva Acords? What about all the self dignity that this country prides itself on? You wanna sacrifise all that to torture someone you have no information on? Ever heard of Majar Arar? The Patriot Act is just a ridiculous plan to invade the privacy of the citizens that suspends Habeas Corpus... you know the last time somone did that? I believe it was Lincoln. The democrats, I agree, need to get a plan, but there plan, imo, would be better than the one now. RaZoR, I support you brother. We need new authority cuase the one right now isn't doing such great job.


  14. Not winning the war? :unsure: We haven't lost a military battle yet! :lol:

    :blink: Winning 'battles' at the cost of inocent human lives that did no have to be lost is not considered winning. :blink:

    And to Grant, It is a civil war with radical islamic sects fighting each other under the same borders. This is why Democracy will not work, and I still do not know how the Republicans think it will, it is just flat out stupid. It took a long time for democracy to work in the U.S., and we didn't have different religious groups bombing the crap out each other! I just don't see where this war is going, and neither does the rest of the World. Bush says that Democrats don't have a plan... well he is right, cause the democrats are perplexed where to start because the administration has F'ed so much stuff up, it is hard to say where to start. Sorry, I am a little pissed because my uncle is going off for a third trip to Iraq, and I don't think he should go, I apologize. :(


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