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Everything posted by supernoob

  1. cool how ambiennnn got forumed into cup of hot chocolate yah!
  2. thats a professional...8 before 8!!!! i will be back after I take some sleeping pills I have been sick all day and need to forget about being sick! cup of hot chocolate 5mg 3x FTW
  3. OH SHHIITT didn't mean to really remove it, just thought it was a little out there.... but hey, what about the 1st amendment, bring it back! not needed for me though......
  4. the real violation is that the dude with the goatee is sucking on that bong....... please remove that picture......
  5. I can't sleep ....I am so excited about the NYC meet! hahahaha but really .....looking forward to it..... the shaggin wagon will be ready! big al
  6. YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I drive really slow..... and I don't want to get in trouble with the cops.... maybe we could print out directions, so that the slow people like me won't get lost...... I wanna enjoy the drive, not watch for cops..... big al
  7. rodrigo.... lets post im's like we talked about.... big al ...supernoob.....bronx.....AOL IM is etailerbob how bout that!
  8. yo.... umpy is actually JUMPY! know him from tbricks....... big al
  9. I get a cookie for asking the tbricks guys right? I cross pollenated us, by PM drftvlvo 240... gosh I am good.... hey, should we ask the swedespeed.com guys, too? any other boards? mattsvolvosite maybe..... big al .....syle3z34? what is that ? yah, I am down witht the quickness...
  10. what is flip cup, and how do you play? 2 vicodens 1 tylenol 3 with codine 5 beers feeling NNNNNNNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE...... little hung this morning,..... 2 double egg bacon chees on a roll, bronx style, and a coffee extra light..... yummy ...my day is started...... is anyone else into self medication>? I coulda topped off the night if I had started out with 5 mg cup of hot chocolate before I left the house...and 5 mg about an hour later after the first beer.....that is a way to P A R T Y !!!! Y? because we gotta!
  11. what is pwned and what is a supporting member? how do I become one of those? :ph34r:
  12. by the way, a friend of mine got fired from a job because he made fun of someone who was gggg aaaa yyyy had to type it that way or the system would edit me. How about that for giving them rights? he said something in jest...and 2 minutes later he was walked out of his job..... Not really a good behavior to display, and my friend lost his job over it.... some food for thought...thats it....HEY lets talk volvos!@!!!!@!@#!@#!
  13. people that cut lawns and trim shrubs and trees, are being cruel to earthly life forms...... those plants and blades of grass never did anything to him..... and, how about all the fertilizer he is putting on the lawns, and getting pesticides into the water table......that is not good for future generations right? if he has these opinions, to send them to his customer base is just plain dumb.... and I live in NYC, and one of my coolest (and most business savvy) bosses was a lesbian......and I have the utmost respect for her.... it is not my style....but she is free to choose, and it doesn't make her any worse for her choices..... by the way, the brokeback (this system won't let me type what I want ....I want to say gggg aaaa yyyy here....but they keep editing it to brokeback....that is dumb and a violation of my first amendment rights....) demographic are some of the best spenders/customers that are out there...... they are no beating around the topic, and straight to the point.... this guy really needs to shut the **** up...he can have his opinions, but to spread his view of the world onto others is just ...........argh.... he should ride the subway in NYC , and get some culture into his blood! AND WHY WHEN I TYPE STUFF, IT GETS EDITED OUT TO SAY OTHER STUFF!.....maybe just a censorship filter...
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