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Posts posted by Che'_Moderator

  1. And I'm pretty certain all gov contracts and all gov work must be done in compliance with the constitution.

    I know you do not actually believe that. Not saying it should not be that way, just telling the others its not that way and it never will be. Even carnivore was only voluntarily pulled and then put right back up.

  2. Which if you'll recall means it belongs to the people. Our tax dollars not the federal government's. We provide them to the government in order to provide the services that we as people require.

    But whatever your military background might be Chuck, surely you remember that DOD reports to the CIC and to whom does he report? The people.

    The gov is not coming into your house. If you do not like the policy, stop using the internet. If I wanted I could read every PM and every email notification sent through this server, and the others I manage. CC info, addresses, private messages, photos, FB logins and so on. But I do not. Why? Because who cares. In the 15 year history of VS I think I have read maybe 10 PMs and a hand full of emails and that was to curb abuse that was reported. Using your tax dollar logic, you should go ask for some seat time in a F35

  3. I was starting to wonder what happened to this guy... but then I just assumed they told him that if he didn't go along with the program, he'd get to ride in a special motorcade in Dallas....... in a sweet convertible. :-|

    He was a shitty choice for president, thats what happened to him. That said, its not really his fault. He was very green and had not been part of any oversight committees. At the time of his election I held a higher clearance. So its kinda hard to comment on the inner workings of nation security when you have no idea how it works... No idea why anyone who voted for him is surprised how he 180ed on some issues. RE Fudge: 1 word. ARPANET. Remember whos playground you are on.

  4. I'm amazed at how readily you accept the idea of giving up your natural born rights to a government entity who doesn't give a rats ass about you other than ensuring you pay your taxes and don't cause too many problems.

    As long as they keep the Chinese out and let me build assault rifles in my back yard I don't give two shits what the government does.

    • Upvote 1
  5. I think this stuff was common knowledge. Everyone knew this stuff was going on. Doesn't really change that its potentially a constitutional violation. Now there's just some evidence.

    You know how many secret laws are on the books. Most violate some court ruling and all are classified.

  6. In an era where the government is taking on liberties contrary to the Constitution I want more people willing to speak up rather then fewer. Too many secrets.

    Nothing new is going on. This has gone on for years. Did anyone here really think your on-line data was private?

  7. Im all for direct democracy only because it would be funny. I would be madmaxing it up within 18 months if you FB define all policy. They need to round this fucker up and shoot him in the head. Same goes for every congressman who leaked info and that dipshit pvt that was involved with wikileak. Security leaks put personnel in danger period! Intelligence channels should be protected whenever possible.

  8. It makes our democracy a hypocrisy on the world stage. If we are a beacon for freedom, and dictate international policy under the rights of said freedoms, how are we any different than countries we condem and invade when we use the same practices on ourselves and our citizens?

    We are a representative democracy

  9. If you called out the US government with illegal activities and had legit proof if it would YOU stay in the country? I would run away

    And have an "accident" in Hong Kong? I think not. Again, if you were really proud of what you did, you would own it. Well anyone with a backbone, you Kevin... You would probably end up like David Caradine.

  10. LULZ. Read my post from years ago. I have told you all this before. Worked on some of the systems back when I was still with the gov. It not new and been going on for decades. They have all the information, that does not mean they monitor it. Anyone who thinks anything on the internet is secure or private is a moron.

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  11. ipdsale.jpg

    Wednesday, June 05, 2013 - ipd staff

    Welcome to ipd’s first web sale event for 2013! We’re celebrating our 50th Anniversary! Each year we blast off summer with savings you can’t afford to miss. Everything you see will be a minimum of 10% off and we've even made some select exclusive items 15% off! There’s no better time than now to go shopping for your Volvo. Everything from maintenance to performance products will be on sale for a full week! Thank you for joining us during this wonderful celebration of being a part of the Volvo community for 50 years!

    Click the image above for list of sale prices.

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