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Pops Racer

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Posts posted by Pops Racer

  1. Ummm, facts are still true about the 3 stooges.

    And I don't think the right wing cabal you speak of wanted to destroy the system by putting everyone on welfare and over taxing the social safety net.

    And then shredding the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

    Still trying to justify your vote for Obama or what? :D

  2. I like how that article uses a windchill factor from the midwest as evidence that it's cold outside during the winter.

    if earth was god, then we would all be worried about the climate trends... since money is the almighty god, we all deny them because guess which country emits the most CO2 in the world per person and guess which people will have to pay to change that.

    CO2 is a necessary gas for life. The Smoky Mountains are smokey because....? All the damn oak trees are emitting CO2. Cut all those trees down. Now. Until China and India are spending what we spend on environmental protection there is no real discussion.

    Unilateral self destruction, that's what it amounts to. And Al Gore and GE making more money than God, I mean Earth...

    I like how I'm freezing my balls off, Its been 5 degrees colder than normal here for a month. All I know is my local situation, and thats what I care about. That and not letting some New World Order take over my life.

    Interesting how the west coasters are calling me out, you guys have been paying out the ass for fuel, car emission controls and inspections, and mandates on business. Must be killing your jobs, no? Hows it feel to pay a grocery bagger $22/hour so they can afford to live out there? You have bigger problems than climate change out there. That and all the dopers in Mendocino, puffing it up and soaking the soil with poisonous fertilizers.

    • Downvote 1
  3. Zappo, if you think Fox is bias, where do you get your news from? the Internet?

    How about all you Cali guys dumping your one rider one car system and ride some bikes or take the bus?

    The first guy to buy an electric car and dump his turbocharged Volvo is the winner. <_<

    I'm waiting for global warming, cuz i'll have beachfront property. But they call it climate change now, just like they do when they get busted on facts all the time. Used to be Socialists, now they are Progressives.

    Ask England about warming.

    I'm burning propane in my furnace as fast as they can refine it. Boy that makes sense.

    I'm all for environmental guardianship, but not at the cost of putting folks outta work, or losing my freedom. We do better than most developed industrial nations, but world controlling mandates from bureaucrats won't get it done. Again its an attempt at income redistribution, haves to the have nots. I'm not for sending billions to Angola for some dictators hookers and blow.

    By the way, what poisonous byproducts are created by the batteries manufactured? What happens to the batteries when they wear out? Sounds like an environmental disaster waiting to happen. And lets put some big CF windmills up. First major hurricane and were cleaning up CF splinters all over the Atlantic coast.

    Awesomeand this Even more awesome

    We can help Iran get fuel for nuclear reactors but we can't build 'em here? We have more Natural gas reserves than Saudis have oil and we can't get leases to pump it?

    We are stupid, and you guys are wearing the blinders.

  4. Hmmm -- citing a completely unbiased source, I see: Red baiting R Us

    Does not dispute the facts and history of Alinsky, Cloward and Pivens. Use another source, I don't care what it is, and tell me that these are lies about those 3 communists. Tell me their intent isn't to change the structure of the U.S. Change my mind.

    I got pics of C&P on the dais with Clinton as he signs a bill, the fraud ridden Motor-Voter law.More info, if you take off the Rose colored glasses.

    Is it a coincidence that C&P were professors at Columbia University, Obamas Alma matter, and a CHicago based community organizer? Or that Alinsky was a Chicago based radical/ community organizer during the times the Chicago ward politics was at it's hay day? And a Capone sycophant in his youth? Mrs. Clinton was also a Chicago area wonk in the day.

    Whats your unbiased source, CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, LA Times, Chicago Tribune?

    You can gloss over history all you want but you can't change the truth. Start disputing facts without opinion.

  5. I don't want them built at all. Don't care if they are built in your back yard. They are not needed. Spend money, or not, on more pressing issues or needs.

    Like condoms for Spanky, the mom tapper.

    Spend it on body armor upgrades, better intelligence equipment, my health care cost increase or paying down the debt. Or maybe getting you a clue. ;)

    Prayers have been answered:

    Chris Dodd will not be my Senator again. One more criminal out of the system.

  6. Even defense expenditures are pork based. Those C17's are built in some assholes district.

    Another soldier was killed yesterday from my area. shot inthe back unloading medical supplies.

    2 tours in Iraq, just got to Afghanistan 1 month ago.

    I'm flipping. Get the fuck outta central asia, S. Korea, and N. Europe. Bring 'em home, and put 'em on our borders, on planes and in airports. Let the world see how fucked up they are without our help and our money. Let the terrorists blow them selves up on their own soil.

    And keep them off our land, restrict visas and profile the fuck outta them.

    Or keeping giving them lattes and Qurans.

  7. Dodd got funds cut for airport security, can't wait for Bradley Int. to get hit.

    None of this is surprising, it was predicted behavior. Kowtowing to unions and other special inetrests, closed door deals on spending that exclude opposition party, Scoffing at military, PCing terrorists, playing down the threat.

    Lets review:

    Russia attacks sovereign nation,no response.

    Iran murders hundreds, twice, no response

    Iran continues to acquire fissionable material, no response.

    N. Korea launches missiles, no response.

    Iran launches missiles, no response.

    Those were all tests, and Obama failed miserably. These murderous regimes now know we are weak minded and will not respond, this just emboldens them.

    It will get worse. Americans will die. And others seeking freedom will die.

    Check my sig, it's happening.

    I'm not a real conspiracy theorist, but I'm looking into it.

    • Upvote 2
  8. Cali has many illegal aliens in jail, gangbangers. Costing tax payers half a billion a year. They won't execute a single person. Ever.

    Non violent drug offenses are prevalent, big piece of the numbers you talk about, 3 strikes and mandatory minimums for many of those.

    DNA testing is freeing many convicted wrongly.

    I'd like to see the numbers of incarcerated scum bags wrongly convicted. I bet many needed/ should be in the slam any way

  9. Not me, I'd own up to it. I won't give -1 for honest debate.

    You have your own problems in Mass, Romney care = FAIL. Then we have something in common, Barnie and Chris. They combined to help deregulate banking/ mortgage finance enough so folks who had no business getting mortgages got mortgages.

    25 million still uninsured by this plan. It's a shoe horn for single payer.

    I wonder how many folks could have been covered by insurance, if DC had spent 12 trillion paying premiums inst4ead of paying off unions, govt workers, and each other.

    My wife and I have a similar plan, soon to be taxed out of our price range.

    It's not perfect, but we can afford it and get great care.

  10. It's fortunate that Joe-mentum and all his Senate colleagues get a comprehensive health care package paid for by the American public, isn't it?

    Why did you single out Joe? Oh your in CT right? He's no different than the rest, he just grew a spine the last 2 yrs. Check your own senator out. And your local teachers union benefit package.

    Ned Lamont would been a real winner.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Environmentalism is the new religion, Earth is the new God.

    Wait till capntrade hit, China will laugh as they dump 100x the poisons into the air and water, ignore any stupid treaty, grabbing the rest of our manufacturing and any other industry that produces carbon emissions.

    We are about to commit societal suicide. It's an attempt to level the economic playing field, we are killing Europe in world trade.

    • Upvote 1
  12. AL Franken is ans asshole and a disgrace to the Senate. If I was Joe I woulda walked up to him in the hall and smacked him.

    The attacks on Lieberman's wife are despicable, but par for the course for the wacky leftists.

    Who voted for Franken? Any of you losers on VS?

    • Upvote 1
  13. tech question...will my vizio lcd be okay if i leave it in the trunk of my car till monday morning? the overnight lows go down to 28 pretty much every night.

    ...took a brief look through the user manual and for non-operating temperatures, you can go down to -20°C.

    still, is it good for the tv?

    Condensation on the internals, and inside the screen cell. Bring it in the house and let it get to room temp, 24 hours out of the box, before plugging in and turning on.

    Ask me how I know.


    pegs FTL :lol:

    A little curb rash? If there 18's I'll take em.

  14. I'm selling a bumper valance tomorrow, yeah I am.

    OK, so I have an ironic story, I gotta be kinda vague to protect my self but It goes like this:

    I have client, 2 African American Drs. Nice people, work hard, nice big house. They are big Obama supporters, I mean like the stairway walls must have 20 pics, campaign posters, Text of speeches he's given, I mean almost spooky in it's shrine like feel. I'm doing my thing and she's in her office, 30ft away having a fight on the phone about medication costs, availability, paperwork and regs to get it, how much she can charge vs how mush it costs to get the shit.

    The govt says she can only make Y percent. FDA regs and transportation and handling paperwork, plus storage and dispensing costs her 5 x Y! And she walks out looks at me and starts in about wading thru the bureaucracy, regulations and fees!! :lol: :lol:

    I can't wait till after this thing goes down and talk with her then! Doctors are capitalists too.

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