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Pops Racer

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Posts posted by Pops Racer

  1. CT is the same,m may be a federal standard. I understand your train of thought. Just threw a brief explanation, it shouldn't be confused with welfare, WIC or other payment.

    In a perfect world it should be self supporting, but we know it gets raided to pay for pork 'n stuff.

    In a perfect world we would have more cash in our pockets from lower taxes and fees, so a nest egg for an emergency could be built, or plan B, economy is running so well you would not be in between jobs long enough to put your situation in jeopardy.

    Or even better, plan C, your kids get a good job and you sponge off of them! :lol: :lol:

    Yeah, dats wat I'm talking bout, das right!

    • Upvote 1
  2. Employers pay into that fund, per employee. They make money off the employee, then pay a fee to unemployment. I'm sure income tax goes into it some how also.

    To get unemployment insurance which is what it is, you have had to have actually had a steady job, for a minimum term. This means paying a premium on an insurance policy, and like any insurance many pay in and few get bennies.If you never worked you never get paid insurance benefit, which it is. Not a general fund lay out for nontaxpaying, nonworkers.

    By the way :

    During 2006, Tax Foundation economists estimate that roughly 43.4 million tax returns, representing 91 million individuals, will face a zero or negative tax liability. That's out of a total of 136 million federal tax returns that will be filed. Adding to this figure the 15 million households and individuals who file no tax return at all, roughly 121 million Americans—or 41 percent of the U.S. population—will be completely outside the federal income tax system in 2006.1 This total includes those who pay no tax, and those who pay some tax upfront and are later refunded the full amount of the tax paid or more.

    Prolly higher now, and negative tax returns mean, I think ,they got rebates without paying in.

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  3. CT tax receipts are in the shitter, despite a new tax on millionaires.Why? Because they create the jobs, and are laying off to cover tax increases, if not just pulling up stakes and moving their businesses to more favorable environments.

    They just don't get it. Govt can't create wealth, it can only destroy it. But the Public sector jobs, i.e state employees etc. are getting raises and fantastic bennies. So we should all get jobs working for the govt. right?

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  4. Don't care. I'm not defending any Republican in any of my posts, they just happen to have a philosophy closer to mine than the Dems. Barely. If it's big and it's Govt, it will hurt us all and surely fail.

    Don't you get it? I'm not about partisanship, I think both major parties suck and are about power and control not about liberty, free choice, and personal responsibility.

    I'm a Constitutionalist, with no affiliation to anything but that document. Adherence to that piece of paper aned we would be out of this mess damn fast.

    Stop taxing business thats what grows employment, not govt largess.

    Missed you at Reins. B)

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  5. An dis is how we do it...

    "Obamacare is modeled after a Massachusetts program requiring residents to buy health insurance. Last week, six community hospitals sued the state for failing to adequately reimburse them for care given to patients insured by the government. Payments were "so low they do not cover the cost of medical care," reported The Boston Globe. The hospitals have eaten more than $100 million in expenses since 2006, resulting in "hundreds of layoffs and millions of dollars in cost cuts." The Massachusetts model, then, was many times more expensive than projected, significantly worsened the state's budget crisis, shortchanged hospitals and doctors, reduced the availability and raised the cost of care, and increased unemployment. Now President Obama and congressional Democrats want to inflict this on the rest of America. No thanks."

    Rocking govt run programs allll over!

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  6. And then....

    I whine and bitch about my teams losing, so this weekend I'm a winner!!@

    MY teams are so awesome, I can't express my self! Can I get a witnes, praise God-duh!

    Manchester United win. Even better Chelsea lost! And Liverpool sinks like a stone!! :P

    UCONN football win. They needed that one. Can I get an AMEN!

    UCONN men hoops win. They suck this year but Harvard looks real good!

    Rangers beat the Saber's on the road

    Knickerbockers get the Nets back to their losing ways, have mercy!

    The G-men sweep Dallas, Oh Glory is mine sayeth the righteous!!

    And the pain continues in western PA, as the slobbering Steelers fall to the lowly RAIDUHS!

    And then....

    The Pats lose to da fish! Man if Only Texas had lost yesterday, this would have been the best sports weekend evaaarrrr.

    Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord...

  7. Jeez, let me see, none. Thats cuz FDR, managed to do exactly what we are doing now and stifled job growth in the private sector and starting the massive growth in Govt blocking out the sun. SS was initiated plus CCC, and TVA. Before that the Republicans were instrumental in starting the income tax, at 2%, take that now wouldn't ya? Instead of leaving the cash for the private sector (loans and other capital investment), he/they sucked it up into huge Govt social programs. Gold was taken out of coin and made illegal for private citizens to own. A chicken and two cars, if I recall. So 1929 to 1949 we were in the shit. We are getting 7 more years of this shit.

    Not going to get into the cost of WWII, and conspiracy theories on the way we got involved.

    Really, answering a question with a question?

    I gotta get out more on Friday nights, but I come back for more! :D

    I'm out, Pfunk on You tube.

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  8. I believe back into some sort of grant package. No details yet just your normal buzz. It was son the crawl on the telly tonight.

    That sucks about the boards. First, did they get caught because of TV? Or did they get caught by superiors in the act?

    Second, their buddies are suposed to give 'em an elboew when they drift off!

    Man, in classes and training you nod you are meat to a D.I., so your lookin' out for your buddy, ya know? To bad, maybe these Cadets should spend 4 months in infantry boot.

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  9. I'm trying to remember where or when I herd this interview with an Islamofacist. But the whole point of his position was that it may not be tomorrow or the next day, or in 100 yrs, but by bomb or by vote, everyone will either be dead or Muslim.

    They will wait, have more children than the rest of us, get on city councils, local and national govt's, become large voting blocks and institute Sharia. Even if it takes a 1000 yrs. They don't care if they die trying, don't forget the 72 virgins, tho I'd like to here what the virgins fathers have to say about that.

    They will use our freedoms against us, they laugh at our charity and attempt at bringing them into the world of humane behavior. ObaMao is a joke and comes off weak with them. As a matter of fact they were using ObaMao pics as target practice. They don't care if he is black, Hawaiian, Thai, Nigerian or Irish, they'd kill him just like they'd kill a Blackwater agent in Fallujah.

    An afterthought.

    If they try this shit with the Chinese or Russia, they will be massacred. Ask the Chechnyan's or the Uigars.

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  10. Cbon, smithywicks gets it.

    Good to see you at least researched the 2nd.

    Once again bric-a-brac like others has cherry picked one of my posts, ignoring most of the important points.

    My biggest argument, and the one that gives me the morale high ground in this debate?

    I'm not a socialist, nor do I wish to have a situation where money is taken and redistributed to those less fortunate than me, BY A BIG COERCIVE GOVERNMENT TRYING TO BUY VOTES FROM FOLKS THEY'VE MADE DEPENDENT ON THOSE SAME CASH SEIZURES! caps = yelling from my soap box.

    See post #44 for how it works with private donations.

    • Upvote 1
  11. and who will help me and when

    I don't want any help. I can do what they can do for myself, only cheaper and more efficiently. Just let me keep my money, I earned, with hard work, education, and ingenuity.

    They can't even deliver the mail.


    You fail Dave. That is the most corrupt of the corrupt. Your joking, I know, cuz I'm real smart.

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  12. Have you ever been told by an insurance company that you wouldn't be covered for a pre-existing condition? I have. Do you know what it is to live in a place where health care is provided to all citizens? I do.

    Perhaps if everyone ate healthy foods, didn't smoke, worked less and therefore did not live in a constant state of stress and sleep deprivation, we would all be sharp, self-sufficient types who invest their money intelligently and can live a life that is not dependent on the notion that government is the last resort for everything. Of course, banks and investment firms would also regulate themselves, manufacturers and heavy industries would not pollute, no company would send jobs to third world countries in order to maximize profits, and we would all gather together and sing "Kumbaya".

    No and no. What was the tax rate in that country? How many people were unemployed? I never said it should a lawless unregulated society. I said that if the Govt got the fuck outta the way, folks would be more self sufficient, resourceful, and compassionate. ANd then we would need less govt. Have you read the intentions of the founding fathers, the Federalist Papers or the Constitution? You can keep relying on DC, if you wish, and you will be in the fail boat.

    Here's my test for you pally, name one Govt program that has done what they said it would do, didn't exceed cost estimates, died a timely death, or created an impenetrable bureaucracy that wasn't cloaked in BS and red tape? Just one.

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  13. Watch out for Pelosi, again. She wants to return $550 billion of TARP to help job loss. Problem is she lists only govt jobs and union public servants. Bridges roads, cops, teachers.

    Private sector and small business creates jobs, not govt. More rewards for those that support ObaMao.

    Anyone catch all the sleeping Cadets during ObaMao's speech? He had no conviction, and left them to swing in the wind.

    If your not going to go in there and kill every cocksucker that needs to be killed, get the fuck out, put the soldiers on our borders, in our airports, and check every one coming in for so much as a flea on their asses. They can plan all they want in Tora Bora for all I care. If they can't get in, they can't get to us. At this point, if those 7th century tribesman can't figure out whats good for them, screw 'em. France got drilled there, Russia got embarrassed there, how can we be so arrogant to think we can change a 4000 yr old culture. All they have is time, and thats their weapon.

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  14. Then lets get down to fines for overweight folks, smokers, drinkers, etc.

    I can get into a ton of shity what would be happening if govt didn't steal so much in taxes.

    Lets start with the extra cash I would have on hand to donate to private organizations that could provide help to those less fortunate, cuz God knows the Fed is great at that. Or that only one of us would have to work and thus strangers would not have to daycare my kids. And they'd be better citizens, causing less social havoc, requiring fewer cops and judges and prosecutors, thus lessening the Fed budget even more. FEMA? You still send your mail USPS, and they are $1 billion in the red from last year alone.

    LBJ and his war on poverty was a joke. It killed the African-American family structure and made a whole segment of the population slaves to govt handouts.

    Shall I go on? I got a whole big brain full of shit you never thought of. Stop taxing business to death to cover 70 yrs of failed social programs, so they could provide decent care as a perk. Let insurance companies compete across state lines, lowering prices. Get some goddam tort reform going so unnecessary procedures arn't prescribed to cover a Dr's ass. And the patient gets a ton of cash from that litigation, cuz lawyers work cheap. :rolleyes:

    Want some more? How about Social Security? I would be a rich motherfucker if I had taken all my SS taxes and invested them myself, even with the last years "crisis". No need to put me in a home or make decision on whether I get treatment or not, cuz I'd pay for what ever I wanted myself. And I'd retire earlier, creating a job slot for some up and coming youngster with a family.

    I'm just getting started, so pull my finger if you want more. :P

    Damn right Hollywood sucks.


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  15. I'm gonna defend Huckabee on this one. CNN spent ten minutes trying to hang him, with no reference to the other 20 yrs of this guys career in crime.

    He just commuted the sentence of a teenager, which means the guys sentence was reduced to 47 yrs. He didn't let the guy out that would be clemency or a pardon. That was parole board and others. Jump ahead to when the POS was in Washington, that lovely part of the country that regularly lets violent folks free in the name of hippie humanity. The guy had 8 FELONY arrests and 2 judges set the douche free. He committed rape on a 14 yr old, in Washington, and made $15,000 bail. All he had to do was give the bondsmen $1500 and he was free.

    He thought a teenager could be rehabbed, but the liberal courts dropped the ball. 1% bad on Huckabee. 99% bad on 2 douche judges and the NWC judicial system.

    Oregon and Washington should join Vermont and form their own country. It could be like a child rapist commune or penal colony (no pun intended), where their civil rights and freedoms can be protected. They're not bad people they just do bad things.

    I shouldn't talk tho. A convicted rapist and murderer, Ross, had to ASK to be executed here in CT.

    I'm still on the fence about capital. I used to want to hang 'em all. Then I started trying to resolve my conflict with my beliefs about abortion. Maybe it's hypocritical. I'm still not sure. These cases drag on for decades, rehashing and forcing the families to relive the horror and pain. Appeals cost a tons of money, and you end up paying for the scums lawyer. And DNA science has shown that a sure thing is not always a sure thing.

    I guess there are some REAL open and shut cases like this guy. Hmmm... 45 cal to the head. NO, one to each kneecap, one in the ass, then one in the head. 4 caps for 4 humans.

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  16. It's the worlds largest ponzi scheme!

    Al Gore made a ton of money, and got one of those dumb awards to boot.

    I'm down with global warming, oil consumption goes down, my front yard becomes beach property, crops grow longer, no freezing ass world series, warm water fishing improves off of L.I. Who needs a polar bear, really?

    Scams for research grants, and power for coercion to get folk's off of oil.

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  17. Wow! I agree with you on something and that is your opinion of Che. I hate those t-shirts and the idiots that wear them. They know nothing of what he stood for, what he did, and what wearing his mass produced image symbolizes.

    It's just youthful statement of rebellion, mostly. A little objective research, and I mean very little, can give you better perspective. People are eather lazy, ideologues, uninformed or some kinda chic' proletariat with Daddy's AMEX in their pocket and a $40k a year school enrollment.

    I have the advantage of 50 yrs of history, educated parents and grandparents with connections to the previous 2 centuries. Remember or repeat, right?

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