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Pops Racer

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Posts posted by Pops Racer

  1. Minus one by a Che Guevera lover? Loser.

    "As the only other ranked Comandante besides Fidel Castro, Guevara was an extremely harsh disciplinarian who unhesitatingly shot defectors. Deserters were punished as traitors, and Guevara was known to send execution squads to hunt down those seeking to go AWOL. As a result, Guevara became feared for his brutality and ruthlessness. During the guerrilla campaign, Guevara was also responsible for the often summary execution of a number of men accused of being informers, deserters or spies"


    Love me some Commy discipline. You don't believe, you die.

    "The reality, as we learn from Cuban exile Humberto Fontova, is that Che wasn’t really a gentle soul and a selfless hero. He was a violent Communist who thought nothing of firing a gun into the stomach of a woman six months pregnant whose only crime was that her family opposed him. And he was a hypocrite who lusted after material luxuries while cultivating his image as a man of the people.

    Fontova reveals that Che openly talked about his desire to use nuclear weapons against New York City. Such was Che’s bloodthirsty hatred that Fontova considers him the godfather of modern terrorism."

    Amazon review.

    They are making a movie lionizing this half assed murderer. Typical Hollyweird liberal BS.

    "According to Fontova, the real Che was "a revolutionary Ringo Starr" who "fell in with the right bunch and rode their coattails to world fame." Presenting a failed physician, an inept guerrilla and a hapless sycophant, Fontova adds insult to injury by claiming Che was "deathly afraid to drive a motorcycle." (Referring to his Motorcycle Diaries, my note.) Fontova's charged language keeps things interesting, if occasionally dubious; midway through the book, after asserting that Che enjoyed killing dogs, Fontova concedes that, "You might put down your book here and think, this has to be propaganda." Though propaganda probably colors any consideration of this controversial figure, Fontova makes a convincing case that, in the words of one former political prisoner, "There was something seriously wrong with Che Guevera."

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  2. L O L

    Avatar....biggest flop waiting to happen evar

    $400 million dollars!??!!!!! ahahaaaaaaa

    OJ simpson was going to be the Terminator, oh this just keeps getting better

    Another enviro Nazi propaganda film. They should go after Commy Block countries. Chernobyl FTW.

    Whatever, I haven't gone to the movies in 10 yrs. Mostly Garbage and propaganda. And unoriginal remakes of good movies.

    Not true. I went to Harry Potter flicks, Star Wars with the boys.

  3. According to some tentative new taxes, income over $200k is rich


    Loving this one also.Oba Mao

    When he was in china, t-shirts were made up with a similar pic and slogan, but China banned them!

    I'm not quick enough, I would be rich and be able to pay my health care surtax. :rolleyes:

    Che only murdered a few.

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  4. I wonder if they take into account inflation. Seems like they are going to tax the shit out of technology innovation companies as well as drug innovators, bad idea. Thats where the jobs come from, duh.

    Heres the scary number

    $20,000,000,000,000 debt in 10 yrs.

    Lets see, 6,692,030,277 people in the world = 2989 Lego pieces per person.

  5. "Its an assumption that when something like this is announced, its because of the current administration, which it is in fact, not. Its due to the political heat of Health Care reform and its all about divisive politics"

    I think ( big deal), that many of us are skeptical about Govt ability to run anything. I'm still not convinced that anything is done in the best interest of the country any more. The more I read the more it seems the change promised is just more of the same, no transparency and special interests rule the country. I keep replaying vids of Obama rallying SEIU/ACORN, and referring to these losers as major player in policy. The person who has visited the WH the most? Andy Stern head of SEIU. At least 22 times by my count. I checked the WH visitor registry, Bill Ayers was on there a couple of times also. Michael Jordan 5 times :lol::lol: Michael Moore 8 times :angry:

    I still have a bad feeling about all this, Bush leftovers not withstanding. It's almost a blessing they are trying to ram an assload of shit down our throats, as opposed to a trickle over time. We are reacting faster, and with more verve than if it was a gradual erosion. So they are stupid, and will get caught. It won't be pretty in 2010- 2012.

    The Dems still think were stupid, but they are already busted by middle America and the Independents are running, not walking away from the Dems.

    It's interesting. I was afraid of what would happen, and I had lost confidence, a bit, in the folks. But they have stood up and recognized the problem. And reaffirmed my belief that the best asset the US has is an informed electorate.Despite the efforts of the pols to hide the truth.

    Plus whats so great about 10 yrs of tax increases to pay for 4 yrs of shitty health care. Just start looking at the numbers, deeply, its damn scary.

  6. ONOZE! Not a -1!

    What ever shall I do.

    They fear my massive intellect.

    You should have to post your member name when you rate someone. Positive or negative.

    Otherwise it's like a Congressman passing a tax increase in the middle of the night on a Friday. Cowardly.

    Otherwise I call NO BALLS. Or E-Balls.

    Bring it.

    HHS secretary just said woman should keep doing what they have been doing, self checks and over 40 mamygrams. To her credit.

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  7. Thats what they want, Dave. Govt has a competitive advantage. They make the rules. And they'll tax you if you already have a decent plan, now that's f'd up. Everyone jump on the govt train, on tracks that are too short.

    2000 pages of HCB went to the Senate. 30 million will STILL not be covered! So whats the point if not control and power?

    2000 pages of a bill that doesnt do what they want, 17 pages of the Constitution runs the whole country. With abortion for all.

    Shit, I rant for a living.

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  8. Closet Obamites -1 Dave again!

    However I don't get de-rated for posting the original info.

    Hey, I'm sure this translates into prostate cancer prevention also. Or endoscopy for colon cancer.

    Ask your wives, moms and girlfriends what they think about this. I know what my wife thinks.

    We prefer the scare of a false positive. And the accompanying relief after further testing.

    But then again we pay for our health care.

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  9. I need a definition of "Rich". Anyone have an idea?

    "Classical liberalism and direct democracy are not necessarily friends. Classical liberalism affirms the freedom of the individual and argues for just enough government to protect that freedom from enemies abroad and criminals at home. Direct democracy means the rule of a majority of those eligible to vote. If a majority of the people turns out to be thieves, liberalism and democracy fall out and a nation can fall into civil war."

    I guess I'm a liberal.

    Read Federalist #10. James Madison.

  10. Government changes mammogram recommendations

    Posted: Nov 16, 2009 10:57 PM EST Updated: Nov 16, 2009 10:57 PM EST

    (NBC) – The government is changing its recommendation when it comes to who needs to get mammograms and when.

    The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force now says women how are not high risk for breast cancer can wait until they’re 50 to be screened. Then they only need to be screened every other year.

    Computer models convinced the government experts to change their advice. Those models show getting mammograms too soon may cause more harm than good.

    "That is, the likelihood of having a false positive test with all the attendant anxiety, the additional imaging tests, perhaps even leading to biopsy that may have been unnecessary," said Dr. Diana Petitti of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.

    However, some major medical groups think the government’s making a big mistake. They still recommend mammograms under 50 years of age and worry this new advice may confuse patients.

    "The worst outcome for this study would be for women to throw up their arms and say, 'well, I’m not going to get screened at all,'" said the American Cancer Society’s Len Lichtenfeld.

    They argue the government puts more emphasis on computer models than real patients.

    "We're not satisfied at this point that the approach that they used is sufficient and adequate to discard a proven way of saving lives from breast cancer," Lichtenfeld said.

    Now, it is unclear if insurance will pay for mammograms for those under 50 because of the new recommendations.

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  11. Y'all gonna make me lose my mind, up in here, up in here.

    L8apeks attacks the messenger without addressing the facts or the issues. Clowder-Pivens Strategy. The other part of the plan Alinsky Doctrine.

    Obama is a Graduate of Columbia University and the Chicago political machine, Both cited here.

    Hillary Clinton is also a disciple of Alinsky. The behavior of the Clinton WH, friends and staffers, can be attributed to these policies. Don't like what I want or stand for? They destroy you personally. Paul Begala and James Carville were the pro's pro's at this. Just ask any woman who tried to level a charge against Bubba.

    The Pelosians and the Obamites are slaves to these ideas.

    • Upvote 3
  12. I just lost my mind in the Political Forum. Again.

    All my team lost this weekend. Except Wolcott High School football team.

    NY Knicks- losers

    NY Rangers- losers

    Notre Dame- losers

    UConn- losers

    Manchester United FC- losers

    NYFUcKING Football Giants-BIG losers

    Can't wait for next weekend! :lol:

  13. L8APEKS,

    You don't know me. At all.

    I've been on these bastards since Reagan. And if you check my posts, I'm on Congress and Senate as well as The Holy One.

    Stop whining? How about I have the right to complain about anything I want whenever I want?

    Just sit there and take the fist in the ass, what are you fucking nuts? I've called all 5 congressman in CT, and both Senators. Plus emails. You think I waste my voice on your dumb ass, without letting the people who can do something about know how I feel? I'm not some dumb sheep you can lead to the slaughter, bone head.

    ANd yeah, if the situation warranted an uprising, I'd be there. How bout you? You'd rather sit there in your fat little life and let them suck your freedom from you, you free speech, your free thought, your free association?

    Read the Constitution, every friggin word, and get back to me about how things can't be changed. I spent 15 yrs in uniform defending that document, and I'll damn well say what the fuck ever I want to about the un-American scum in the White House and the Capitol. Do you really believe they are doing whats best for the country?

    Bet you don't even vote, loser.

    These motherfuckers are gonna kill small business with taxes and health care mandates, killing any hope of job growth. Finance a bridge? Where do the jobs go when the bridge is built?. Health care savings accounts will be gone. Care will be delayed, there fore care is denied.

    Oregon just reported that the stimulus created 9000 new jobs. 6000 of 'em were govt positions. Govt jobs FTMFL.

    Wake up or bend over. I'm tired of this passive bullshit from people who don't know shit about politics, economics, or sociology. Or more importantly history.

    The whole fucking concept of the Fed in my life is un-Constitutional.

    Lock and Load bitches. It's as American as you can get. And yeah I'm pissed and a bit crazy. Nothing personal, just business, Fredo.

    • Upvote 6
  14. It passed last night along party lines.

    Pelosi hails it a landmark vote, along the significance of Social Security And Medicare.

    SS, billions of $'s underfunded, bankrupt. Fail

    Medicare, billions of dollars underfunded, bankrupt. Fail


    US Dept of Education. Fail, dropout rates and literacy rates in the shitter.

    CASh4clunkers? $24,000 per car and most vehicles bought were pickup trucks, that had worse gas mileage than the ones scrapped. or japmoblies.

    FannyMae, FreddyMac?--Broke and begging for more money, and helped start this economic misery.

    Trillion dollar stimulus, and 10.2% unemployment.

    Are there any other govt run plans that you can think of that are broken? :blink:

    Keep sending them money, and they will find a way to blow it.

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  15. Movie piracy? I've been getting video tapes and DVD's from the flea market in New Haven for 30 yrs. Free commentary and surround sound motion.

    " Don't go in there girl, he's behind da doh!"

    "I tol hher not to do it, but da bitch dinnit listen..."

    Andy's act is old.

    I don't watch it too often, I ususally eat and walk the dog after fooball.

    Poor UCONN kids, where's the safety on the 20?

    The New York Football Giants blow.

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  16. Big Pharma has been behind closed doors with the administration orchestrating deals for months now. They will get paid by this massive bloated bureaucracy. And insurance companies hate this plan, it kills them.

    So your are condoning using non-U.S. citizens for test subjects? Sounds like the Tuskegee Project to me. I know you don't, I'm just stirring the pot.

    I never get flu shots, last time I did I was in the Army and was sick for 3 days.

    It's the principle of the thing. I don't like govt doing anything related to my health. And if they instituted some type of tort reform, allowed competition across state lines, and killed the public option, I'd consider it. In 1965 Medicare cost $4 billion, the CBO estimated it would cost $12 billion in 1990. Actual cost? $110 billion. Congress says this plan will cost $1 trillion. You do the math. Govt does nothing efficiently except kill growth. Income tax rates would have to double by 2050 to cover this crap. Your looking at a 75% tax rate for your grand kids by 2082. You'll be dead, but thats sick. I'll take my capitalist chances with what I have.

    I don't a have sister. How's yours doing?

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