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Pops Racer

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Posts posted by Pops Racer

  1. sheep. bahbah.

    money? Nobama has spent 750 million to get elected. Talk about money.

    his PACS are some of the most vile organizations in the business. Move On, The Tides foundation, and other George Soros fed socialist orgs?

    get a grip people. if you can't be smart at least be objective. Look at the real numbers of the GM bailout. Including GMAC financing. Your getting taken and all you care about is that religion is in the converstion? no one is forcing you to go worship anything.

    straw men, you haz 'em

    • Upvote 2
  2. AH thread is still alive.

    Jenna, chicks that shoot are twice as hot.

    Got my pistol carry permit in record time took 6 weeks.

    In process of building my second M4. Also learning to reload from a prior service Marine. You have to pay close attention when you do that task.

  3. Now you are just looking for shit to find wrong?

    OK I'll play. I understood his grunts way better than anything Biden has ever said clearly. Biden is a stooge with no intellect, mired in the good old boy system of personal attacks and no substance. I can't wait for Ryan to debate that old fool. It'll be like baby seal hunting.

  4. Obama will be slightly better choice even with his pro-gay swing. Rommey surely cant connect with the mass as he paid 15% bracket given his income is in the 7 digits. Shit, i make less than 6 digits and im in 25% bracket. Fuck me.

    Your a loser then you should have workewd harder.

    He paid more in charitable donations then he did in taxes. Amore valuable allocatioN of funds i say. The Us Govt is a sink hole of waste and fraud. And payolla. And nepotism. and a pit of useless losers.

    Wheres my Obama dollars? I git freee moneeze cuz we Won!

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  5. Man can't run on hid re4cord? 4 yrs and no bragging rights. He sucks as a leader. Get me someone new. I'm done. Fucking 47 Czars and 15 t5riullion later and we still suck. Hes a lyi9ng fuck.

    8.3 %....

    If he gets reellected you dumb bastards get what you deserve. A gray/ beige society with no achievmebnt and no excellence. Mediaocrity and govt hand outs to kepp it all equloa. Then we will speak Mandarin.

    Your all a bunch of fucking sheep. And the wolf is your shepherd.

    And fuck spelling too. WHo needs it? Its close enough right little Johnny ? Losers.

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  6. He had his Air Jordans on he should have ran away.

    Zimmerman shouild have stayed in his car and gone home.

    Zimmerman walsk, the kid was beating the crap out of his fat ass.

    Firts line of defense is flight. Second is be in good physical condition and handle it with reason.

    Zimmerman fucked up, He didnt have a throw away to put in the kids hand.

    Whole thing is stupid. Cops fucked it up. Media screwed up the jury pool.

    America fucked up cuz they think with feelings and not logic.

    I aint hunting anybody, but some hood rat is putting my head in to the sidewalk one punch at a time, hes getting the trigger.

  7. Same with Fox News. The majority of what is broadcast on those stations is opinion, not fact.

    You have been gone a long time.

    Neenerneenerneener, found one! I still got mad skills. Carlisle code still works.

    New Japanese mid fielder looks good, G.

    I'll take the lesser of the 2 evils. Obama is not the answer, sorry. Romney is a place holder tll Superman comes...

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  8. Anybody but the Campaigner in Chief.

    110 fund raisewrs, 109 rounds of golf, met wth his Jobs council a handful, and his cabinet less.

    He's a dangerous liar, an obfuscator, The Wizard of OZ.

    If you vot for him you have been duped by a cult of personality. MIght as well elct Brittany Spears.

    And I told you so 3.5 yrs ago.

    And yes I'm back.

    MSNBC for 7-9 hours a day? REALLY!? I love you Mike, but you've gotta have better taste than that. They don't provide news they provide propaganda. Nothing more irritating than the EDRACHELAL Troica. Nothing.

    Anybody got a discount code for FCP? ;)


    Like the movie...(before most of your times,1971) a RAT.

    Obama has generally been a waste but for someone in my position (age) I'm glad the health deal went through.

    Other than that, he hasn't done too much although he WAS right about the auto industry bailout!

    Romney is such an elitist, he hasn't a clue about the 99% and frankly, I don't trust him, plus he has 0 experience on.

    foreign policy.

    I don't care which one becomes president as long as the congress gets back close to 50/50 and the right wing nut jobs are voted out. Some of these people are truly bizzare and dangerous!

    I'm taking a wait and see right now, ask me this quesion in the middle of Oct.

    Your gonna be the first one of us they deny care to. You wil be our canary in a coal mine.

    Good luck, sir.

    Britain has euthanized over 100,000 in their Social Medicine experiment.

    Drip, drip, drip, as the Constitution gets eroded by czars and judges and lawyers.

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  9. LOLOLOL, and then there is the French DNA right at home in the Host Body eating it away from the inside.

    Let them go already, Quebec deserves to be its own country. New Foundland will invade and go all Viking on them and wipe them alll the fuck out.

    Now thats a bit Draconian, huh?

  10. 9 guys. 50 meter range. Big rocka burm back stop, local PD has been conacted years ago to check it out, approved with flying colors, complete with frequent visits to check us out. Its 11 acres backed by undeveloped power company property. ANd trees everywher. The chances of a bullet hitting an innocent bystander is way less than someone getting hurt by a car we are driving to the shoot.

    It seems like a lot, but many guys are collectors. More than a few of the weapons were rare or antique. 3 of us are prior service, one is in training to be a LEO. The guy that owns the property used to hold massive paintball wars there. He is also an avid 3-gun competitor. I only own one rifle now (sold a couple off), but am working towards my CCW permit, and am in procees of building my next rifle from scratch.

    I have been a range NCO/ safety NCO on multiple US Army range operations, including machine gun training, M203 grenade launcher, M16 rifle range for annual qualifications, infantry platoon assault courses, hand gun qual courses, TOW missile ranges ,armor gunnery ranges, 4.2 inch mortar ranges, adn hand grenade. I've also been trained in demolitions and mines . Both day and night fire. I'm safe to a fault and so is anyone that goes thru my ranges. To a point, I was picking up downed tree limbs and moving rocks out of the way to reduce trip hazards. No alcohol allowed, and no smoking on the firing line. I dont fuck around.

    After every cease fire or if a weapon is not being fired, bolt/ slide gets locked to the rear, chamber gets inspected to confirm its empty, and a cleaning rod goes down the bore to confirm. No weapons are allowed to be handled during a cease fire, not even to put it in its case.

  11. Mike, I spent 15 yrs learning hopw to kill human beings with various weapons. I never drew a gun of any kind on an individual. I dont hunt. I kill trout with feathers and wire.

    I love to shoot. I build my own rifles. I have friends who reload and have learned their craft from generations of shooters. Many of them own legal suppressors. Most of them carry. Many of their wives carry. Some pay out the ass for tax stamps and license. Do you know how much it costs to convert to full auto? About $5,000. Theres your pay to play hommie. The paper work is already oppressive, and it takes about 6 months to get approved for an NFA item, suppresor, short barrled rifle (under16 inches). The ATF is bombed by paperwork right now. So are local LEO's with CCW paperwork.

    I'm still trying to find a murder by someone with a legal handgun, or semi auto M4. You can't I bet. I, however, can find thousands of instances where an assault, home invasion, or rape attempt was haulted by a leagaly owned fire arm. Most of us, and I mean 99.9999999999% take this very seriously. We pay for training, range time, and compliance. Never mind licensing fees going to support govt boondoggles, taxes on ammo and fire arms going to habitat and species preservation and safety awareness. And providing jobs for store owners, manufacturers, range owners, gunsmiths. It's a massive sport, supported by the Olympics, and participated in by millions. Safely.

    Guns kill people like pencils write books. Ban cars and trucks, you'll save thousands of lives every year, like 10 times per year the total loses in Iraq.

    Pics from our New Years eve shoot. Mine is the one with the OD flashlight. Notice the big brown rifle in pic 2? Its a Mosin Nagant, maybe 80 yrs old, Soviet bolt gun, I split a boulder in half with it from 50 meters. Also note at least 2 silencers, and an SBR. I was range safety officer for the day. NO one got hurt, the local LEO came by, checked us out, fired a couple of the choice weapons and left . Ear and eye protection was mandatory. We policed up our trash and spent casings. At least 8000 rnds got fired that morning.


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  12. I thought my libtard state was fucked up. Canada is turning into England.

    Now I know where to go if I want to invade a home. For beaver pelts of course.

    You guys have no ability to defend yourselves, or have fun outside of hockey sticks and curling...and Labatts...I guess.

    I have to register my long guns in Ct also, but at least I can own an evilblackrifle and hi cap mags. And handguns. And full auto. And...all it takes is proper paper work, no criminal record, and money for tax stamps and process fees.

    Canadians, send me all your BB guns, they are next.

  13. Atlantic salmon in the Ct River had the same stigma as the lobster. Ran so thick that wagons crossing at fords would run them over. Now they only count a few hundred returning during spawning run.

    A general rule in biology is that the larger the species the fewer offspring and longer gestation periods. Not conducive to bounce back from predation. Whales, elephants, rhinos. They gotta be able to find each other to mate, and da ocean be big. It eventually becomes a numbers game.

    Japanese and others are also mauling the tuna population. And they don't care to self regulate.

    I'm down with Chuck's thinking, use your cash and clout to lobby. Or buy some of the whale licenses. Either in their lottery, or direct from the fishing companies. Scalp 'em. Good Ol Capitalism, buy the bastards off.

    I love the mayhem on the show. I'm waiting for the Japs to put a harpoon threw the hull of one of those hippy boats and drag it around.

  14. i've never written into a paper before, but there's a letter in OP ED that tries to make a case that if you do not pay taxes, you should not be allowed to vote.

    basically saying, if you don't pay taxes, you aren't up on the topics, so your vote is meaningless.

    i guess, if you don't pay taxes, you're stupid, uneducated, wotrhless and weak. and should only be around to mow my yard.

    this is such a closed minded view. also takes all you students out of the mix. ;)

    god forbid you aren't part of the 1% in this world.

    You wrote God without capitalizing. Your going to Hell. :lol:

    about 50% of folks dont pay income tax, and of course GE neither... They can vote, but its pure idiocy that they should get an earned income tax credit and get a "refund". ..

    The problem is many of the folks not paying are getting handouts and vote for the person that hands it out in the biggest stack. With out regard to other issue. Or whats best for the country. And that means corporations too.

    Flat tax and cut govt spending and I'll know your serious. Anything else is a farce and just prolongs status quo.

    And God doesn't pick your station for your. You get free will. Thats the gift. The rest is up to you. And if its handed to you, somebody somewhere in your family tree worked their asses off and sacrificed and invested and took chances to get it. See my sig line.

    Rich people can survive bad stuff, poor folks get helped thru bad stuff, the middle better be able to hustle.

  15. And I'll be amotherfucher, the Euro almost did collapse. Couple more days and JCViggen would be sending me a PM...

    Hows it feel to bail out Europe, by printing more US Dollars, that will increase the cost of everything you buy? And they got a 1.5% discount in the swap!

    Yeah I'm a right wing wacko all right...jeeze man, your so far left in your ideology I truly believe you think I

    am a Fascist. Problem is there are 200 million Americans just like me.

    Oh and Belgium cant even get on the same language. The parliament or whatever you call it, is divided between French speaking factions and Dutch speaking. And are getting bailed out. Without plans to fix what got em here.

    You know what, I thought the US was screwed...

    thread completely derailed thank you very much.

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