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Pops Racer

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Posts posted by Pops Racer

  1. woo! that's a lot of edgukashun!

    Don't be a snob, DD. Come on, I went to a community college for 3 years after flunking out of a state school. And I get by just fine. :rolleyes: Not every one can be an educated elitist! :D

    She ran a state very well with an $11 billion budget--- How would you do with your 4 year degree?

    Wow, she lost and she is still getting hammered. When do we get to move on? I realize she may not meet your standards to be Prez, yet, but It shouldnt take a rocket scientist to use sound judgment and common sense decision making principles. Plus, thats what advisors are for.

    Can't wait for Bidens first mistake in office. It will be interesting to see how that gets covered hear. Oh wait, he wont. He will disapear into oblivion and will not be permitted near anything resembling decision making or policy, he'll be the coat girl at the WH.

  2. SO the old and ignorant voted for McCain? I know some folks under 30 that I wouldnt trust with a vote. And the urban youth population? I beg to differ on BA, BS. We can't get kids out of high school. This is just a pissing contest now.

    It's simple. I want a reason to vote for this guy in 4 years. If he accomplishes that, I assure you the country will be back on track. Thats right, if he meets my standards for success, we will all be in good shape. :lol:

  3. I talked to a few people at the poles, all voted McCain. Most of my family voted that way too.

    Kinda weird, but my town is a small conservative leaning community in CT, and it was like 5-3 McCain. State went over the top for Obama. And approved same sex marriage, or what ever it is. Us and Mass, but not Cali. Thats real weird!

    No Republican Congressmen or Senators in all of New England, 22-0. Hows that for taxation without representation if your a Republican up here!! :lol:

    Oh well, we shall see.

  4. Cult of Personality.

    Commemorative Kennedy fitty cent piece with Obamas head on it, gold of course, with red, white and blue back drop. Don't know if it was diamond encrusted or not.

    152 days in the Senate voting "present" and 650 days on the campaign trail gets your picture on a coin. Wasn't a cover on Rolling Stone enough for now?

    Daughters sought after by Disney to be on Hannah Montana Show.

    And surprise, major news outlets admit slant in coverage. He was more interesting than McCain. The Hollywood Prez.


    Mother-in-law moving in to WH. Thats cool. It will be easier to give her Secret Service protection there than where she was living. Necessary, but weird. I can't remember another Mom living at the WH.

  5. Pelosi looks to introduce bill for Big Auto. And get this, no specific amount! Open check book.

    I said let 'em burn at the beginning of this thing. Politicians would have taken a bigger hit, putting their precious jobs on the line.

    Thats what eats my ass. They are not doing whats best for the country, IMHO.

    Who's next to line up for cash?

  6. I can't believe this is good, govt helped cause this now there helping with our money to bail them out? I'm a simple man and maybe I don't get it, but someone needs to go to jail. And pay back what they stole in salary. Big Auto is a dangerous ib=ndustry to let fall, but when does it end. More good money after bad? When do I get my bailout?

    I got it! I know, I'm a genius

    Perfect Solution to Financial Crisis

    From a European astronomy organization, we learn about the discovery of a "magnetar." Here's the background:

    "Astronomers have discovered a most bizarre celestial object that emitted 40 visible-light flashes before disappearing again. It is most likely to be a missing link in the family of neutron stars, the first case of an object with an amazingly powerful magnetic field that showed some brief, strong visible-light activity."

    But here's what's really interesting -- please forward this immediately to Ben Bernanke and Hank Paulson:

    The most likely candidate for this mystery object is a 'magnetar' located in our own Milky Way galaxy, about 15 000 light-years away towards the constellation of Vulpecula, the Fox. Magnetars are young neutron stars with an ultra-strong magnetic field a billion billion times stronger than that of the Earth. "A magnetar would wipe the information from all credit cards on Earth from a distance halfway to the Moon," says co-author Antonio de Ugarte Postigo.

  7. Bailing out auto industry to preserve those jobs. 50 billion total. Wheres that money coming from? JOb losses means less treasury revenue from taxes. WHo ya gonna tax? Rich folks. Who creates wealth and jobs? Rich folks. Who's gonna put their money in offshore accounts and pay accountants to show losses? Rich folks.

  8. Old Fashioned recipe

    Old-Fashioned Glass

    2 oz bourbon whiskey

    2 dashes Angostura® bitters

    1 splash water

    1 tsp sugar

    1 maraschino cherry

    1 orange wedge

    Mix sugar, water and angostura bitters in an old-fashioned glass. Drop in a cherry and an orange wedge. Muddle into a paste using a muddler or the back end of a spoon. Pour in bourbon, fill with ice cubes, and stir.

    found more OLD FASHION


    members only jacket=horizontal mombo.

    Hey, how'd you get my jacket? I've been looking for that thing for 25 yrs. Did my wife give that to you? I'm gonna kick her ass.

    Now what am I going to wear to Disco Nights at the VFW hall?

  9. i get yeungling really cheap but its not a cheap beer.

    also generally have a bottle of VO in the freezer.

    Nice, you keep the whiskey in the freezer. Boiler Makers at Mikes house!!!

    I gots the KettleOne there and the Modello Especial ready! Thats my fad beer for this summer. But that shit aint cheap!

    On topic. Wonder what Obama drinks. Could tell a lot about a man. :lol:

  10. Ahhh, I thought this thread was dead!

    If I think about it enough, it seems the electoral college is the hedge against an uniformed or "fucking moron" vote. However, NY and Cali have so many electoral votes that the middle of the country can go unrepresented very easily.

    Now, lets consider a man that has spent less than 160 days on the job, yet became Prez of the most powerful, wealthy, and influential country in the history of the world. That could scare some folks, me a little. He's smart. But he's gotta be a dumb ass taking this job in this time in history, with the country a mess. His big plans will take a back seat until were straight again. $450 billion for health care? Wheres it coming from? Nothing is free. 2010 will tell you how he's doing, mid-term elections always do. I'm watching these guys, we all should. The Dems have the reins, now lets see what they can do.

    Its interesting thing. Because we are the largest consumer nation in the world, producer country's take it in the mush when we have no money to buy. Iran is a mess because they over produced oil when it was outta control and didnt hedge for low price times. Same with Venezuela and Russia. Thats good. It keeps them in their place a little bit. We didnt have to fire a shot in Georgia, we just pulled business and cash out of the Russian stock market. , and they folded. Thats our biggest weapon, not nukes. Money and investment, and no one does or has more of it than us.

    Chalk one up for the free market and capitalism. I love them both! But I love Mike more.LOL

  11. hahah. no kidding sean.

    thats the exact reason i don't bet. maybe a dollar or a beer but nothing major. 1. i stink at gambling 2. i'm cheap. lol.

    i do believe she dragged down JM. he was my choice. dave was giving me heck for making my choice because of the VP. a president doesn't make all the decisions himself. if he is going to surround himself with people like her, this would be a terrible cabinet.

    Market down again today.

    But I bet you dont drink cheap beer! :D

  12. The infighting has begun in the McCain campaign. It's all Palins fault. And staffers are scrambling to cover their ass's. They were so incompetent....The Stupid Party.

    Be what you are, don't try to please every one, you'll end up pleasing no one, and you'll lose your base.

    wheres all the Mass stoners? Decrim of less than an ounce plus medical maryjane?

    My back hurts and I can't sleep, Doc. And I get an upset stomach from any oral meds. But I've got a bong, so whatta ya got?

    CT approves of gay marriage, and has a conceal/ carry law, and I'm right next to stoner heaven. And Vermont wants to secede from the Union. Thats some weird shit raht thar.

    New England for the win. ;)

  13. Here in Washington state, 70% of the Republican cadidates running are running under the GOP name. Republican is never mentioned.

    True enough. It happened here also, but I noticed it was true of Dems equally. No one wanted to be affiliated to anything!

    I think its an attempt to get independents and undecideds as apposed to being embarrassed or something about their affiliation.

    ONe guy, Chris Murphy showed up on the ballot twice. Once as a Dem and again as some 3rd party candidate, Family Party or something like it. Weird.

  14. looks like 500-

    holy crap i had that wrong. thats the exact reason i don't gamble. a person has to know their own game.

    And don't forget your prediction that Palin would bail!

    "i don't believe she'll make it to election time. she'll back out do to some daughter preg. problem or the need to be home with her special needs 5 month old."

    I'm making tons of money on you, Mike. Betting the opposite of what you say!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    October job numbers came out and uncertainty of Obama economic intentions. Plus profit takers from the recent market climb.

    You got hosed by timing of the reports!!!

  15. All of you American Idiots still ranting about who won and didnt win needs to read Wednesday's papers again. Obama is the president....like it or not.

    Get behind it, or get left behind.

    What's the first move you sore losers?

    I'm not saying this as an Obama backer, but rather as basically an outsider looking in, seeing the opposing (losing) party's supporters crying and whining.

    Essentially, what all you loser whiners are saying is that 65% of the United States' population who voted is stupid, illiterate, and voted blindly. They all didn't vote for McCain because why? I think most of you idiots knows that most voters are educated enough to choose the candidate that they feel will benefit them the most.....Well, American Idiots, let me tell you, again, that 65% of the voters feel that Obama will benefit them the most. If you can't open your eyes and remove the American Idiot blinders you have on, then you, in fact, are the dumb illiterate, whether you went to Yale, Harvard or any other pricey snobbish "we are winners" schools out there. Let me remind you also that 65% is almost twice 35%. That's how badly Americans wanted a drastic change in the country. Live with it, deal with it, and wake up tomorrow morning knowing that the reason this man was voted into office (not to mention the swing in the senate), is because something was totally fucked with what happened in the last 8 years, and someone needs to fix it......65% of voters think that Obama will do it.....not easy to swallow, but the numbers give you a fact.

    And by American Idiots, I mean anyone who whines after an election, be it Republican or Democrat. Move the fuck on, we live in a democracy. It's what happens. If it were Republican all the time, or Democrat all the time, we'd be living in North Korea you dumb monkeys.

    Let's get back to what President-Elect Obama must do as his first move...................

    Wait, your not an American citizen? If not I respectfully say STFU! I don't see any whining here, just what-ifs and what-nows. And most of us on "the other side" have wished the new Prez well, and true to form for true Americans we'll be behind the guy because he's ours. Now go tend to the Hindu Vs Muslim issues over there, Poverty and the growing Aids crisis and sex slave problems. Noticed a lot of misaligned teeth over there also. The rant on the Ivy League suggests you couldnt get into a school of that caliber, or am I wrong? Listen to me, I went to a community college :lol: :lol: . Yup, I'm a tool, but youre way off base.

    And check the popular vote, not the landslide you may think.

    " You'll never fit in! Now you come to elf practice, learn how to wiggle your ears, chuckle warmly, go hee-hee and ho-ho, and important stuff like that. A dentist! Good grief!"

    Am I being too mean? :P

    And anyone who would vote for Al Franken is an idiot.

    And I was just going to remark on how us VSers are more tolerant of differing opinions than TBrickers. 86 that!

  16. I have no choice but to give it a chance. I said before I hope it works.

    We shall see.

    I will now spread many Winston Churchill quotes about the forum. Like magic fairy dust.

    "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries. "

    "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. "

    "Some people regard private enterprise as a predatory tiger to be shot. Others look on it as a cow they can milk. Not enough people see it as a healthy horse, pulling a sturdy wagon. "

    "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. "

    "If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law. "

    And my personal favorite:

    "We have always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be English. "

    The guy is a genius.

  17. I think the missile shield is a dumb idea in the first place. It's a waste of money. I just think it's funny that the administration is pushing so hard for it and that it's causing so many problems between the US and Russia. We should probably send more armor to Iraq and Afghanistan before building this thing.

    Thats exactly why they are pushing for it, it drive the Ruskies nuts. And forces them to spend money on counter measures. The new arms race has begun.

    Hey, we shot a freaking satellite moving at 17,000 mph, and hit it in a specific spot. That defintly got their bowels in an uproar.

    And that was with technology we've had for 20 years. I used to work on the Aegis system back in the early '80's.

  18. Russia threatened to electronically jam the US missile shield :o onoz!

    With what? 2 bottles of vodka and a can of sterno? That only matters if they are shooting missiles. They can't do shit about the stealth aircraft in the inventory. You could fly a Raptor around Kremlin Square for 6 hours and they wouldnt be able to do damn thing about it.

    Typically paranoid Soviets.

  19. Who's holding Obama responsible for the hate garbage and lies spouted by MoveOn, Huffington Post, DailyKos? Not you evidently, Boosty. Who's holding him responsible for Joe's privacy being invaded? Or the partisanship of ACORN?

    SO because KKK was out of their minds it's OK for The Panthers to act like thugs?

    Moral relativism. Very lame.

    And lets talk about "Reparitive Economics". Thats what is driving his socialist money grab from the haves. He believes we owe the down trodden because we made money on their backs. Thats approaching Marxism, forget socialism. The issue of reparations for slavery is in there also. But I never owned any slaves, so why do I have to pay? They should be going after tribal chiefs in Africa that sold them into slavery in the first place. And continue to do so, by the way.

    It's very messy, I know. But the idea of kicking in my hard earned cash for folks not even trying to pull their weight flies in the face of all things we built this country on. And it evidently flies in the face of over 125 well known, main stream economists. His economic plan sucks. Get your hands out of my pocket and I'll have some left over to donate.

    Shit, I got none now and I still wrote United Way a check. And the American Cancer Society. And to my church. And to my volunteer fire dept. And the Police Benevolent Assoc. And the thousands of dollars of childrens clothing over the last 10 yrs. And all the old bikes and sporting gear I renovated and gave to inner city kids.

    How'd the market do today? Down almost 500 points. Why? They don't think Obamas plan will get us out of the hole.

    Good news, my gas is down to $2.29. Now go by a V8 pickup and save the economy.

  20. I think you are right. I think the financial collapse is what did him it, or at least it would have been a lot closer.

    :lol::lol: I didn't even know he was running until last night. Did he win? Does he acually know anything?

    The Republicans used to be like that. The party has been tainted by the religious groups and others who latched onto it and tried to steer it in their direction. If McCain had the right campaign people for the 2000 election he would have been President instead of W.

    The Republicans needed a good beating in the polls to wake up and fix the party. If they go back to Reagan era they can start winning again.

    Amazingly enough, its in recount.

    And they do need to regroup. Not sure who will come out as the leader. They will get it together, defining their message. The problem was they wanted to be all things to all people and were nothing for anybody. The late, conservative columnist Samuel Francis referred to the GOP as "The Stupid Party", for their inability to grasp issues and make them their own.

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