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Pops Racer

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Posts posted by Pops Racer

  1. I'm not worried about my credibility. If she's crackpot then here isnt an honest journalist in the world. You once again have shown intolerance for opposing view points ,and a snobbish ideal that you and your opinions are absolute...typical of the left. So be it...oh never mind its like talking to a post sometimes.

    You do speak the truth about taxation, I'm all for closing personal and corporate loopholes, flat tax and everyone should pay...

    I will now take my customary 6 month break from this forum to lower my blood pressure.

    Keep dreaming bro, when the Euro collapses PM me.

    The Zombie Apocalypse cant get here fast enough...I know how to kill zombies...

  2. I'm actually, after 30 some odd years of giving a shit, shedding much of my naivete. I'm obviously an idealist. But I live as best I can by those ideals. I am not fooled by party labels. These guys are all asshats, but so am I and so are you. What I'm saying is there is no perfect person/ candidate. I support policies, ideas, and actions. So my goal is no more Obama. Stop that train first, then we can discuss upgrades in leadership from there. Again, my opinions and positions are what they are. The experiment of centralization and collectivism has 110 yr record of failure, disaster and death. My way has created the greatest civilization in the history of the world. You opinion may vary. Utopia doesn't exist, and taxing me to death to get there cant work.

    I know full well of Europe's hard left. Its going to be your downfall, as any sovereignty or national identity erodes from the lack of assimilation of immigrants, cultural norms, disappearing 'religioustity' and collective failure of the European markets. When you give up your currency you have taken the first step. The concepts of morale relativism and social justice are incentive killers, and is compounded by govts willingness to redistribute wealth to foster those dogmas is a downward spiral with no inertial braking system. Oh wait that sounds like whats happening here... I could go on about how weak Europe is militarily (Germany's complete armed forces is about the same size as our USMC). We are picking up that tab too. So you couldn't even defend yourself from USSR (its is still intact by the way, just re-branded and downsized), with out another countries aide. I guess I did go on huh? But I digress,... I like using that term lol, cuz I often do.

    Its simple. Unless I see a serious attempt to cut spending, I mean a painful cut, dont even think of asking me for more of my money.

    As far as transparency and embedded graft, read this, it will make you ill. Incest and nepotism, payolla, back scratching, insider deals and creative accounting...

    K Street’s super splurge

    The bipartisan debt panel to nowhere is ex­actly where K Street lobbyists want it to be: hopelessly dead­locked.

    A Nov. 23 deadline for agreement on $1.2 trillion in budget savings is looming, but no real reductions in the size, scope or spending of government are on the table. Instead, we are witnessing an­other obscene special-interest splurge to preserve the status quo.

    All in the name of “reform,” of course.

    The only thing “super” about the so-called budget-control super com­mittee is the size of lobbying muscle exerted on its members. Almost 100 registered lobbyists who are former employees of super-committee mem­bers are now “representing defense companies, health-care conglomer­ates, Wall Street banks and others with a vested interest in the outcome of the panel’s work,” The Washing­ton Post found in September. This in­cludes two dozen former staffers to Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., including three former chiefs of staff.

    On the other side of the revolving door, 10 of the panel’s 12 members have now raked in donations from foreign registered agents totaling more than $50,000 in direct cam­paign contributions during 2011 alone, according to government watchdogs. The additional amount raised through fundraisers held by these lobbying firms is unknown, ac­cording to the Project on Govern­ment Oversight. Moreover, all 12 super-committee members have been contacted by foreign lobbyists, eager to secure targeted exemptions, loopholes and protectionism.

    Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., the super-committee co-chair who re­fused to step down from her fundraising duties as head of the De­mocratic Senatorial Campaign Com­mittee, recently met with South Korean lobbyists employed by D.C.

    powerhouse firm Patton Boggs. Roll Call reported that while the panel’s negotiations wouldn’t have direct bearing on free-trade deals, Murray “could have access to information about how the timing of the debt de­liberations could affect passage of the free-trade agreements.”

    Murray’s in-your-face embrace of influence peddlers has her populist Pacific Northwest constituents cring­ing.

    Mind you: Murray’s office boasts no fewer than 17 revolving-door staffers turned lobbyists. That’s on top of her DSCC fundraising conflicts of interest.

    This week, the Seattle Times dis­closed that Murray held a two-day staff retreat at heavyweight lobbying outfit Strategies 360, which was founded by Democratic political op­erative Ron Dotzauer. The group do­nated meeting space to Murray’s team and skirted ethics rules by of­fering similar deals to nonprofits.

    Murray’s former deputy state direc­tor, Karen Waters, is now a senior vice president at the firm. Another of its lobbyists, Melanie Mihara, used to work for Murray’s Democratic col­league Sen. Maria Cantwell. Accord­ing to OpenSecrets.org, Strategies 360 has conducted $985,000 worth of lobbying targeting more than a dozen government agencies this year.

    A spokesman for the senator (who made her name attacking the Belt­way insider culture) sniffed that the report was a “non-story.” Given Murray’s status as the second-high­est recipient of lobbying money among all members of Congress be­hind Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, her staff is right: This little perk is chump change compared to her career haul.

    Lobbying, of course, is perfectly legal. It’s Murray’s pretense as a white hat public-interest crusader that should gall both sides of the aisle. One left-wing Seattle blogger rather generously called Murray “tone-deaf” and spelled out the rank hypocrisy of Murray’s entrenched and unrepentant lobbying ties: “This while members of her own party are up in arms over the increasing influ­ence of money in American politics.

    This while a giant hunk of the liberal electorate is ‘Occupying’ the streets to protest corporate greed and dis­proportional representation. This while the very term ‘lobbyist’ has come to represent all that is bad about special-interest influence.”

    Yep, all that and a bag of back­scratching chips.

    Murray’s backroom meetings come as business as usual, as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi grand­stands over the need for more “trans­parency” in the super-committee dealings. After ramming through Obamacare in secret (with the help of top staffer Brendan Daly, who is now a lobbyist for groups opposed to the law he helped pass), Pelosi has now called for televised debt-panel hearings. On publicly broadcasting the debt-panel members’ meetings with lobbyists, Pelosi no doubt re­main mum.

    Michelle Malkin (malkinblog@gmail.com) is a syndicated colum­nist.

    Malkins editorial from today post.

    AND its happening on the other side of the aisle too. Depressing, status quo as usual.

  3. Its all relative to where you stand. Nazi is far right, I aint no Nazi.

    And you dont have the document I swore to uphold against all enemies foreign and domestic. The Constitution has been stretched and molded to fit, that's the real problem. Without that discussion first your just all pissing in the wind. Start by seeing how the 'welfare clause' has been bent to grow entitlements or the 'commerce clause' manipulated so the Fed has jurisdiction over states rights usurping the 10th Amendment. And of course the ' establishment clause' that has been perverted to deny religion in the public forum, when it was clearly written to deny govt the power to establish a state chosen religion. And the power expansion of the Executive branch allowing regulation czars to by pass Congress with law making. Or the use of the courts to defeat majority votes by activist minority factions. Loose interpretations of the base document have lead to a huge centrist system filled with greed, graft, inefficiency, red tape and apathy.

    The scale has tipped, the definitions have slid. Centrist in USA can easily be called a right wing nut by Obamas kids. A Democrat from 1955 would be considered a fascist.

    We used to be independent self sufficient individuals, whose combined power created a great civilization. Now we are slaves to govt handouts and power mongers. Nanny states make babies that need nursing to the grave. See Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal...et al.

    I'm sorry if your ethnocentric position cant let you see what America should be and was. Its not whats in your minds eye I can assure you.

  4. Really? You think Obama will do LESS damage if given 4 more years? REALLY? Your a sensible man, do you really like what s been done the last 3. 5 yrs? If your party loyalties and dislikes trump what is good for the country self analysis is in order.

    I long for Clinton right now... These folks are just way too European leftist for my liking. Its not about him, its about his czars, regulators, Cabinet heads, and court appointments. And his penchant for executive orders that kill growth. You approve of his meddling in the free market and choosing winners and losers by govt fiat? SOLYNDRA AND OTHERS? Green subsidies in Spain are really working well...not. And killing the latest pipeline deal was genius...

    If a Republican president was where this overwhelmed, inexperienced street radical was the press would be killing him and it would be a walk next November. Its amazing to me that this bastard even has a chance. With Joe Biden around his neck to boot...sad, folks cant admit the experiment went horribly wrong, and would further wreck shit just to be 'winners'. Its not whats right for America to these ideologues, its about THEM being right. Neener-neener-neener...

    Sound bite city, Video game mentalities and pop culture icons.

    popularity and style trump substance and ideas. Nothing will change and the DC behemoth will continue to ingest huge portions of the private sector capital.

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  5. true dat George. I think Newt would kick Obama's ass in a debate, however. If it stuck to facts and not rhetoric or personal attacks.

    Many things can be overlooked, like associations with known terrorists, lying about relationships with radical clergy, taking money from confessed radical socialists and employing confessed communists like Van Jones...but I digress. This is about Republican candidates.

    I'm telling you Romney is a poser.

    Huntsman is intriguing, and I truthfully dig Gary Johnson from NM.

    Newt has accomplished things despite his personal life. He balanced a budget with Bubba, got a Republican Prez reelected for the first time in almost 70 yrs ( Reagan). He's smart as all get out, tenacious, knows his shit about US history, and understands the limits of Govt in its relationship with the free market. Its time to stop fucking around with semantics, there isnt enough cash in the world to get us out of our debt. Literally.

    If you dont have the balls to cut spending then we a re destined to be Greece. Lie to your selves all you want, we need to bite the bullet or its gonna be too late. People are gonna cry, and scream about not getting theirs but its not up to Govt to support 35% of the population with other peoples hard earned cash. Gingrich knows this, its what I believe. The problem is people are afraid cuz they dont know shit about how to take care of themselves.

    A bit OT but its the root cause of the issues that need discussing and solving. Does your candidate understand this? if not its all lip service and status quo. Same BS we get for the last 100 yrs. I'm about small Govt and personal responsibility, DUH!

    120/73 I'm calm in my convictions. Obama is not the answer. Neither are his regulators, regulations, Govt interference in the free market, his Justice Dept, IRS and EPA state police. They promised transparency, yet its the most clouded in recent memory. I'm Ninja calm, cuz when the shit goes down, I know I can feed my family and get by in a bad situation. Some people are gonna starve or riot. Darwin on steroids. But thats natures law so ....

  6. Yes, he is. it seems you don't have to be very bright to be govenor. Both Perry and Palin have demonstrated that because neither of them can answer questions on the fly.

    OK, Obama needs a TelePrompter to order a pizza...just sayin...

    Newts growing on me.

    And the Chargers blow.

    WTF are you doing in Cali? Wisconsin throw you out?

  7. Yeah, wrong forum for that. Of course, Pops "joke" wasn't funny either.

    yeah yeah yeah...its too serious, and too true to be funny. My bad.

    A president, a treasury secretary and An EPA administrator walk into a bar...

    Freshen this thread up a bit. At this point in my life, I'm finding politics more interesting to laugh at than get serious about.

    Republican and Democrat

    A Republican and a Democrat were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person.

    The Republican gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his business for a job. He then took twenty dollars out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person.

    The Democrat was very impressed, and when they came to another homeless person, he decided to help. He walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions to the welfare office. He then reached into the Republican's pocket and got out twenty dollars. He kept $15 for administrative fees and gave the homeless person five.

    Winner winner chicken dinner.

  8. Earth is God, don't you get it?

    I love the protestors, LL Bean sleeping bags, living off dad's trust fund. Posting on Ipads, drinking Starbucks, wearing Nikes and Levis...Evidently not using Unilever's soaps much.

    Harrisburg, PA, declared bankruptcy today. A step in the right direction. DC next. Please.

    Jesus was a Jew till the day he died...

    Spam and ammo, the new currency.

  9. No social safety net is not my goal. There are def legitimate folks who need help. Eliminate the ability to game the system.

    Mike, if govt was not so busy replacing the father in the house with Uncle Sams programs, we'd be better off. research LBJs war on poverty utter failure.

    Govt does nothing well, I say again find a program that is working under budget, no fraud and helping its intended victims/ subjects/ feudal serfs.

    I want my money back . Product failure and planned obsolescence. Its too slow, and red tape kills initiative. USA owes me $1700 a month as it stands now. If you think I'll see that in 10 yrs I got a bridge for ya, or a house that's upside down on its mortgage.

    If your answer is to tax and spend more you fail. Scrap it and start over. Massive spending has never will never and cant work just because of the nature of the beast.

    They don't collect taxes in Angola or Somalia Chuck? They got any beach front property ?

    Propping up failures of any kind is wrong and kills innovation, and motivation. GM should have died so company with ideas and capital could have taken its place. Thats how the free market works. Providing and unfair market advantage to losers skews the whole ball of crap.

    As much as I believe in God, Darwin rules.

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  10. OK, but how much should we pay? Who decides? Chuck works his balls off to make, manage and increase his wealth, why should he be punished for success? Because he made it on the backs of slaves? Because he knows how to game the system? Rules were made for these folks to use the fine print to beat the tax man, no doubt.

    Why does he have to pay for a pot smoking 10th grade dropout to get food and shelter?

    Hartford CT spends over $13,000 for each student and drop out and illiteracy rates are thru the roof. How much more of his/our cash is reasonable to throw down that black hole? Even after sticking us with that nut, we will still be paying for jail time, courts, social programs, drug rehab, and law enforcement, and abortions for those same kids we doled 13 k out for. When do we say enough?

    UTOPIA DOES NOT EXIST. Stop trying to lead us there please.

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  11. Go Chuck Go!

    You employ accountants to beat back the IRS. Your contribution.

    Flat tax no loopholes, everybody pays there piece. EVERYBODY.

    ANd IRS dies a slow death...saving billions in overhead.

    Europeans are ...well European. Sorry JC, your talking from a different environmental dynamic. Deal with Greece et al and get back to us. Just lost $20,00 today cuz of European market volatility. Thats my crabshack on Chucks Island.

    Its like you guys think people that are well off are just lucky, most folks got their cash from hard work and ingenuity. Guilt and jealousy that's what I'm seeing from the redistribution crowd.

    How much is enough? You tell me whats fair. Subjective.

    My buddy makes 60k a year, wife one kid and a house.

    14K for mortgage

    5k property taxes and insurance, not bad right?

    3k for health insurance

    3k to the state for income tax

    6k to fed for same

    3k SS tax

    2 k for medicare.

    $37, 000 out the forking door and no groceries, no clothes, no car insurance, no pizza, no vacation, no beer, no electricity, no heat, no phone paid yet. And Allah forbid he has a car break down or an emergency.

    Such a deal. You guys don't get it. Feed me Seymour. Big fat wasteful POS in DC. Suck it y'all.

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  12. Incumbents shape voting and fundraising regs to keep incumbents in power Dem or Rep. All the way down to the local level.

    It would take a seismic shift in powerful peoples ideology for a 3rd party to make any inroads.

    Im trying to find the article about what Net worth was for some Reps and Sens before and after they got in office. I do remember, cuz shes one of my fav punching bags, Pelosi $2 million to $17 million. Plenty of Republicans are listed also.

    They know its a money maker, and influence is bought, its graft and corruption in highest and refined form. No ones gonna give that up with out a huge fight. Including character assassination, deep vetting, parsing, and out of context quotes to demonize or marginalize the the Infidels.

    Lawyers making laws. You have no shot, Ron Paul, sorry.

  13. PFFFT...

    first Republican in this district in 90 yrs. Wiener beat the same guy by 22 points, Turner won this time by 8 points. Your Obama pissed off a a huge segment of his base, non-Orthodox Jews. This wasn't about Wiener.

    I don't vote for ideologues and zealots...but that depends on where you set your bar JC. If your European that bar is low. If your me, a zealot is not someone who abides by the Constitution, is God fearing. or thinks the Govt fuks shit up. I still cant fine one Govt program thast not over-budget, totally failing, full of pork and vigs, and filled with waste and fraud from the beneficiaries to the implementers.

    My challenge stands, bedsides NASA, name one that is successful.

    I'll start, the War on Poverty, Lyndon Johnson's 13 trillion dollar boondoggle that hasn't made a dent. 45 yrs of waste, fraud and govt expansion. Ruined 2 generations of minority Americans. When you get handouts you get lazy.

    Now for another 6 month break from this forum. I'm still watching my blood pressure and preparing my massive 4 yr I TOLD YOU SO wrap up.

    OOOOH a minus 1! I pissed of a hippy, good.

  14. New tin foil hat report? We shot our own helicopter down, to silence the ' truth'. Osama has been dead for 5-7 yrs, there's no way a gentic renal disease could have been treated in caves. NO Dialysis gear was found or photographed in his compound. NO pics of the body, and an extremely weak excuse to bury him at sea for Muslim reasons. So, SOCOM troops wacked 31 of their own to make the Prez look like a hero.

    SOme questions ther for sure, but WTF. There is no way any SOCOM troops are going to wack his own brother for anybody. I submit the Prez would catch a beatin before that happened...interpret that as you will.

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