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Pops Racer

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Posts posted by Pops Racer

  1. deactivating-a-kitteh.gif

    Woah does that really work?

    cat people plz chime in?

    Yes it does work. When momma cat wants control of rowdy kitty, she grabs em there. Thats also how they relocate baby to new nest.

    My buddy has a rowdy Maine Coon cat. Big and smart, hell hunt your ass when hes feeling frisky. I snatch him by the scruff of the neck and he calms right the fuk down. Buddy looks at me in amazement.

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  2. Erik hits it right on the screws. Educated electorate makes good decisions and is not swayed by BS. But that doesnt keep zealots and ideologues from influencing voters. Unfortunately that not the case and people vote for who gives em the most shit, poor folks and corporations alike.

    Get rid of hand outs and let em stand on there on 2 feet and the merits of the issues. I'm tired of handouts...earn it or GTFO.

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  3. Not a democracy its a representative republic. big difference. You should study American History more. All of us should. 40% of high schools seniors in US couldn't pass the citizen exam for new US citizens. We are stupid.

    This little tool gets a $1 million pension and free life time health care. And a parking space.

    I want to thank James Carville, Paul Begala, and the rest of the Clintonistas for opening the door for Van Jones, William Aires, Cas Sustein, and other progressives to be directly involved in policy making, and regulation out side of the Congress. Social Justice, income redistribution, yaddayadda. If your exceptional your an enemy of THEIR state.

    If you say something about Bush I know your a fool.

    I swore off this Forum, but I'm boiling.

    President Booshdaag is going to a fundraiser in Manhattan tonight...$35,000 a plate. Trying to pull money out of the Wall street crowd he punishes and excoriates. What a fucking hypocrite.

    Defend it, go ahead. Your talking to a wall.

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  4. looks like a home invasion invitation, I could get into your house with a 16 oz hammer.

    Its not intended to weaken you against illegal intruders its to facilitate ease of entry for Government entities. Scary ass shit, real scary.

    That is some of the dumbest shit I have ever read. Ban bolt locks on the doors, better yet ban doors. No I got it, hang a key on a nail outside the door. Cuz thats what dat is.

    No cctv cams, no IR motion detectors, thats half of a good home security system. I install that shiit for a living, so imagine the jobs lost by killing that market?

    Canada is going to get invaded by Iceland.

  5. OK, why the -1 ? Not that I give a shit, give me -100. Just dont troll, and not comment on what I said that pissed you off or what you find offensive in your little world.

    I speak reality, not fantasy.

    I revel in no mans death. I wish it was all ponies and clowns, but its not. I find revenge cheap and undignified, but like Chuck says, its easy to cross the line and lose your moral hi ground.

    We didn't volunteer to wear the uniform to kill. We did it to defend and uphold the Constitution. And some of us enjoy shooting tank cannons at old mail trucks...but I enlisted in 1980, right after Carter fucked up Iran, and Reagan was elected. It was a patriotic move by me. With a free education thrown in. Ive never pointed a weapon at a human, and I'm sure it would be difficult to pull the trigger, but its someones job to do that, and that's what training is all about.

    I say again, its sad a kid has to drop these guys when called upon. But they are asking for it by not living within the boundaries of a civil society.

    I could go on about philosophy, mindset, and duty, but I wont.

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  6. It makes us exactly like them. I am glad he is burried at sea and recieved the correct last rites. What I am not sure about is why we did it instead of handing him over to a muslim country to do it.

    Because no one wanted his carcass. Could you imagine the security issues with an annual pilgrimage to his shrine?

    I kinda of disagree with you. These fanatics claim God as their motive. We claim peace and 'democracy'.

    By the way, what happened to you? Normally I would expect you would be bullish on this op, and disappointed they didn't turn the whole region into a pile of glass.

    I am being restrained and pensive myself. I have enough trouble reigning in emotions. I'm all about killing 'em all and letting Allah sort it out.

    My wife lost a good friend on the 102 floor, and one of my best friends was on a ferry heading to the WTC from Jersey City, he was late and missed the earlier boat. He lost many of his co workers, changed him forever. I was working in Westchester county, I could see plumes of smoke, and 5-6 guys on the job were rushing to get to their volunteer fire houses in the area. I heard scanner reports first hand. Chilling.

    How many soldiers are we going to sacrifice? They wont quit, and dont care about a time line. If it takes 1000 years, they will eventually own us. They are willing to die, give up their children and husbands for Allah. Are we that committed? All it takes is a community, like in Michigan or Virginia, to elect a town councilman, then a congress man or a senator, appoint a judge,then ...Sharia.


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  7. said like a true hippy.

    At first I thought his head should be on a pike ( Vlad the Impaler style) at ground zero.

    Then I heard they gave him a proper Muslim burial at sea and was a bit outraged at that. But then I thought it was cool cuz then they cant build a shrine to the POS.

    Then I realized we helped bread his mentality. Then I thought it must have been strange to be the SEAL that pulled the trigger. Then I was glad he was dead and not caught alive, to have a platform here, and stir more hatred.

    Then I realized he wasn't important and a cowardly person. And that it wouldnt matter one lick that he was dead, they will carry on anyway with their 7th century barbarism.

    Then I was pissed that Hope and Change got credit for pushing the go button, when he opposed the hole thing to begin with.

    Then I felt sad that an American kid is gonna be scarred for life cuz he's gonna have to shoot a boatload of those animals.

    I don't hate, I'm too pragmatic.

    But it felt good to watch and thought it justified, the crowds cheering at ball parks, in Manhattan, in DC, cheering and jumping around like...

    the Muslims did around the world on 9/11, when the Towers came down. Are we like them now? When can we stop killing them? When will they stop hating us? Probably never. That saddens me.

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  8. Russia and China have a pipeline deal. I bet they will sell us oil at a reasonable price...cuz they are our friends.

    Obama issued one drill permit for the gulf...314 days after BP deal.

    He said gas would necessarily have to be $5 a gallon. I heard it with my own 2 eyes.

    More wind mill parts for my gas tank please.

  9. Merit scholarships. End of conversation. They keep stuffing kids into schools, not qualified, just because of 'social' condition.

    If you can't make the grade dig ditches.

    Whos fault the kids not prepared? #1 PARENTS or lack there of. #2 Educational system. Pumping money in doesnt help. Successful students come from diligent parents involved in their towns schools.

    Thanks Lyndon Banes Johnson and your war on poverty...you destroyed the minority family and replaced it with govt handouts. Babydaddy is now Uncle Sam.

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  10. I hope prices of fuel go to 10 dollars per gallon:

    And tax reform laws that were proposed in 2007 will tank the economy and lead to wide spread lay offs.

    You are THE King of Havoc.

    Chinese have singed exclusive oil deals with the likes of Venezuela, Nigeria etc. Locke din low price, while we have to go to the market and get it. Obamites says Canadian oil is dirty. I call treason ON the EPA and the environazis for putting us in a National Security pickle. The Armed Forces runs on Diesel and refined fuels. SO does your food harvesting and delivery equipment.

    $3.44 for 87 yesterday. And the Gov wants to jack gas tax. Love CT....not really.

  11. Gas = $3.50 a gallon thats what happened... we are fucked cuz the environazis in this country disallowed new nuke plants and drilling on our own soil for the last 30 yrs. A clear national security violation.

    I guess I'll put windmill and solar panels parts in my gas tank.

    Fucking hippies...its gonna drive up the cost of everything...food ...clothes...no to mention energy.

    Get ready... the shit has hit the fan.

    Go ahead call me reactionary, extreme, whateverthefuck you want... I'm stashing food and water. Keep your heads in the sand, they'll get you first. And more for me and my loved ones.

    Saudi Arabia falls and its all over.

    Chinese are drilling in Canada.

    Democracy? Hardly. The vacuum gets filled by Islamo-facsists every time. Why would this be any different than Iran in 1979?

    Israel will freak out and whack somebody, we cover their ass like we should and bingo, the Rapture is upon us.

    Settle with your God, Mother fuckers, cuz you aint got a snowballs chance in hell.

    And dont come my way, I'll shoot your unprepared ass.

    I stayed away from this forum... I told all you dumb bastards what was gonna happen and you got in my shit.

    Obama and his Czars have screwed you and you will vote him in again in 2 yrs, if we have a civil society left.

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