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Pops Racer

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Posts posted by Pops Racer

  1. He's not alone. Millions of people here watch Fox 'News' and suffer the delusion that it's an actual news network! The tragically funny part is that when they go out in public and repeat the network's "talking points" verbatim, they seem genuinely surprised to encounter actual disagreement from other people. In their worldview, though, we've all been brainwashed by the "liberal media."




    Nice blanket statement. Yeah yuck it up, cuz I'm delusional..., no BFD, I considered the source.

    You are perhaps the most cynical person in Political Forums...and that saying a ton coming from me.

    The guy didnt burn the Quran. And the Govt did get involved, Sec. of Def. Robert Gates called the minister.

    If no one burned the church down from Arizona that protests at soldiers funerals... not sure what would incite the crazy right wing nuts more than that.

    The mosque will be built in Manhattan, 2 blocks from the WTC site.

    And those folks have every right to protest its building with out being called wackos.

    NO violence, no big deal. I guess it takes SEIU to bring violence to a protest/rally... :P

    Fudgie is going to hell for putting up a pick of Him... :rolleyes:

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  2. It is just more fuel on the fire becuase the media will be all over it. If it was downplayed and not really covered by the press, it wouldn't be a big deal, but that won't happen. There will probably be more press at the event then actual attendees and it will get national air time and probably be broadcast live on the 24 hour news stations.

    I think you mean the MAJORAITY of Christians and Jews have moved on. This is obviously a radical Christian sect and not the only one in the use. Another well known one are the idiots who protest at funerals of soldiers killed in Afganistan or Iraq.

    This is definately an attack against the religion and not terrorists.

    OK, 100 parishioners, that's a statistical zero.

    I think its partly because no real Muslim of any importance at all has condemned the tactics, motives or beliefs of the radical element in Islam.

    They are also afraid of these thugs and murderers. I submit that Muslim on Muslim violence has accounted for more deaths than at the hands of the US. A significant number.

    As far as the media is concerned, if it bleeds it leads. If you dont think they know they can create a fire storm of cover able news by pumping this thing up then your drinking the koolaid also.

    Nothing has happened yet, but protests and riots have already started in Afghanistan.

    And no one is taking about the Arab Christians being pushed out of their homes and neighborhoods. There is a lot of 'em too.

    Its all a liberal plot to distract us from the fuck up in chief and his cabinet of clowns. ;)

  3. but its ok for the govt to use trickle down?

    My school system is excellent, and we are the 149th in spending in CT.

    So lets keep the schools under the domain of the Govt?

    Bad joojoo. You cant have both.

    lets see, Soros invests a cazilian dolars into a brazilian oil company, then obama approves a subsidy to the same corp.?

    Ohhh thats right transparency and no lobbyists.

    Your outta your mind.

    750 billion stimulus. we need 50 more. that tells me the first one didnt work.

    and dont tell me its worse than they thought. if they didnt know how bad it was then they are stupid and YOU voted for morons.

    black or gay? no. liberal/communist/socialist? you bet your ass.

    keep drinking the koolaid. your getting a nice cherry mustache.

    Jeez dude what do you do for a living? you sound bitter. Im not impotent in the work [place. if i dont like my job i can leave and find another one. or i can go back to school and retrain for another one. or i can invent something and get rich.

    ive done all these so im not sure what you mean. :lol:

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  4. wow.

    they dont need a reason to hate us, its already built in.

    so, we should be careful what we say and do, so some crazy wont be unreasonable and blow up a building?

    If you burned a Bible they would not murder Muslims, or call out a fatwah on all 'nonbelievers'.

    We are dealing with apples and wackos. The radical Islamists live in the 7th century. And want to keep it there.

    Christians and Jews have managed to move on and at least pretend to be reasonable.

    If Jihadists need this for motivation than their cause is fading.

    Do you think they will run faster with a bomb on their backs to blow up a patrol?

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  5. The big deal is that two relatively unknown oil billionaire brothers have gone beyond merely funding an organization to further their agendas, they've invented a make-believe political party and pretended that it's a populist movement. The kicker: They're counting on people to show up to their events to lend them a flimsy veneer of legitimacy.

    Wrong again, Pops. The latest issue arrived at my rural mailbox while I was splitting firewood. But hey, don't let me ruin a good cliche for you!

    Oh thats right because a rich white guy in the hills of Connecticut is a different demographic? Im guessing your income, according to Obama and COngress believe me your rich! HAHAHA.

    No but really, WHO reads those ? Their readership is in the toilet and the Times is looking to sell out. Outta touch thats what they are.

    And the Tea Party has as much right to advance their ideas as the NAACP.

    But hey who am I to get in the way of a good boogie man story.

    The fact that they have caused so much furor means they have hit a big nerve. And thats OK by me if it shakes up a few wonks.

    How was that Kev?

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  6. you forgot the money for the teachers unions, AFSCME, SEIU, UAW, and municipal, state budgets to pay govt employees.

    Who in turn, pay dues that the unions use to campaign/donate for/to politicians that will give them more money. Patronage at its highest form, if not down right corruption.

    You just described Keynesian Economics. It has never worked in the history of the world, it prolonged the great depression, and was a precursor to increase in domestic taxes and fees to pay for it all. And a huge Govt class.

    The theory is basically religion in social-democratic states (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain, ...see a trend?)

    It crowds out private profit, and is based on the collective not the individual. It surmises that 'over saving' as a population is bad because of lack of consumption, but in truth the spending commences when the prices go down from thrifty consumers behavior (Friedman/monaterism). Its all about wages/labor and the cost of money. And achieving equilibrium. Not outta control spending.

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  7. Fuck you Volvotool

    Ive been reading this bullshit from you, and its just BS,

    Collective bargainnig and unions have inflated cost of manufacturing.

    This is a Republic not a Democracy, so start there.

    Over regulation and taxation has driven companies over seas. Its stiffled ingenuity and investment, and chance taking.

    You and your kind are the reason this state , and this country are fucked up.

    You never call out Barney Frank, or Chris Dodd.

    Or the dumbasses that decided they can afford a house they cant afford.

    NO mention of Freddie and Fannie, or Obamas boy that ran 'em into the ground.

    Pull pin and throw, duck bitches. BOOM.

    ANd your an asshole for the mosque comment too. I lost 2 friends in that mass murder, and its a historical fact that Muslims build Mosques on sites of their conquests. Like the temple mount in Jerusalem.

    I'm an ignorant fucker with a ton of street sense and experience, the position you and others have taken in this thread is comical.

    When the bottom drops out again next year, look for somebody else to blame.

    And I bet your portfolio is filled with stocks of companies that moved work outta states.

    I will be back in a few days to read the rest of your nonfactual whiny progressive drivel.

    I'm gonna go do some bass fishing and get drunk, then shoot some beer cans.

    Your all so fucking smug it makes my neck turn red.

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  8. I think we're missing the main point here... fox is full of sh!t, and the republican population refuses to watch anything else, so eventually they are bound to be full of sh!t as well tongue.gif

    Your drinking the koolaid again. Your Commander in Chief is anything but. Hes a word smith, forever campaigning, and selling his snake oil. If the country voted now he'd be out on his ass. And so would his politburo.

    Fox is kicking every other networks ass. Period, by 6-1. Thats a lotta pissed off conservatives if you ask me. and probably a bunch of pissed off Dems also. And i"m betting independents.

    WHY? Because we got sick of half truths from the 89% left leaning media. Research the numbers and report back.

    I say again, for the umpteenth time, I'll take my chances with my traditionalist views. You can worship at the alter of Obama and his leftist cohorts all you want. I'll take those wacky guys Jefferson, Madison, and Washington. Gun toting, God fearing, right wing nuts.

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  9. Your a guilt ridden white man. You feel bad that your social and economic position was made possible by the degradation and repression of people of color.

    The race war is perpetuated by NAACP, Rainbow coalition et al. And the 2 whiny crooks, Waters and Rangle.

    If you call out race baiters your a racist huh? You cant question motive at all can you?

    Your obsession with FOX is interesting, you must watch it 24/7 to get all your facts(:rolleyes:) straight.

    I bet you live in a town with a very low population of minorities, right? Why?

    I can find hypocrisy in every rationalization.

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  10. i dont get AM talk on my radio, cuz its a POS.

    But I know the routine.

    I wish you would list the crazy rants from, Ed Schultz and Keith Olberman.

    But like I said, no one listens/watches them.

    The ratings are like 6-1, soo somebody is watching FOX, other than wacko's like me.

    Anyway, as usual, I have reached my point of apathy. It happens after a back and forth.

    The main problem is for me, its all rhetoric, and nobody acts on their BS. Its become so factional, and they all benefit while we struggle.

    I wish I had a yacht in RI. It must be nice to be Senator or Congressman. HOw do they accumulate so much wealth on $150k a year? Teresa Heinze aside.

    DC is starting to look like some weird politburo.

    I want SOuth Korean style parliamentary debate, fists fling and chairs being tossed.

    Cuz I'm all about the train wreck, dont ya know, ala George Carlin.

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  11. The Daily show wrote his lines at his last speech. NO kidding.

    Sorry, Boy Scouts has helped build more men than the Govt has. ANd I had black kids in both my CubScout and Boy scout troops, as a matter of fact my den mother was african american.

    Yeah cuz being a good christain is awful for society...


    We need jobs you and I. :lol:

    PS, I didnt -1 you, I dont do that for good debate. Now if you want govt money to flip your N/A to a Turbo car, then you fail... ;)

    • Upvote 3
  12. Obama sends a tingle up my leg...Chris Mathews.

    OK so Breitbarts out of context clip was one thing, but they had that woman canned before the piece EVEN AIRED.

    Rants and accusations about race is the last gasp of a desperate policy. When the shit hits the fan and things are going to hell, its all about the children, poor/old people and race.

    It so predictable as to be comical. Sorry to mock, but its lame. Hes a racist cuz he wants smaller govt and lower taxes, nice.

    How about its racist to destroy black families by replacing the father with the nanny state?

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  13. Yeah cuz going on the view is all about campaigning. Its all PR. His % of women is dropping like a rock.

    It diminishes the Office of The President. It shows the connection to elite, and Hollywood.

    That same night he went to a posh Manhattan DNC fundraiser, held and hosted by the publisher of Vogue.

    So shallow. He coulda done better for his image by showing up at the Jamboree. But he would be a hypocrite, he's not in line with their values.

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  14. Nahhhh, I'm gonna stay outta this one...cept fer this.

    ACLU TV add, with local chapter prez, who is of Hispanic decent.

    Working in his yard and gets jumped by APD.

    That is misrepresentation and dishonesty in its highest from. An organization made up of lawyers running an out right adulteration of the law. It also may be an ABA violation as well as FCC.

    Unless you commit a crime you will not be profiled, and of story.

    And the Feds should stay the fuck out of it. They haven't done shit for 16 yrs. And Congress just kicked immigration reform can down the road to next session. Why do they get paid again?

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  15. I love the conservative bashing. Have you ever read the Federalist papers, and other documents related to the formation of this country? My definition of a conservative is someone who believes those documents and there writers, and that those ideals should be adhered to in a strict manor, and not open to interpretation by every dick trying to get a job on the bench or in office, then I'm a conservative.

    I defined my self you define yourselves, but taxing and spending money at a record clip had better be one of your favorite pastimes or you are dishonest, and that your Keynesian economic policy of big gov tax big gov spend will fix the markets, you will also need to look at history and see that it never works, only low taxes, reasonable regulation and smaller govt overhead is the way back to a healthy economy. I challenge you to prove me wrong, fuck this BS about your little news tiff. You continue to ignore, as usual the questions I asked and the challenges to your rhetoric, just blowing it off as a gateway drug to insanity. I come for facts you come to blame a TV station. Jeez America is soooooo stupid...

    Define a conservative for me, cuz I'm thinking I'll be laughing by the time your done. :P

    Oh as a P.S., you must watch fox a great deal to from such an educated opinion of every host, every contributor, every show. That would then lead me to believes that you dont have enough time to watch the Obama cheerleaders on MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, and the 3 major networks, so you wouldn't even know the drivel they spout now wouldja?. Their ratings suck cuz your watching FOX! So ironic...

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  16. And I want you to take a specific item Beck remarked about and show him wrong, cuz again all you did was name calling. And cracker America votes. And that statement bothers me, its snobbish and condescending. Those are the kinda statements that get under peoples skin, and prove my point again.

    Regular folks are the majority, dont you get it? Your not regular folks I guess, your better.

    Your smarter, you have a nicer house, you have more money, you have 3 cars and cute kids in college. You know better than the rest of America is that what your saying? YOu really think your ideologue is mainstream or the majority? Just asking. ;)

    They have what, God and their guns? Hmmm, I guess I'm one of 'em then. B)

    Just soze ya knbow, Im 6 stella drafts into my night, soooo.....

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