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Pops Racer

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Posts posted by Pops Racer

  1. And crushing everyone else in the ratings. Odd so many duped idiots watching Fox instead of ed schultz, rachel maddow, keith olberman.

    Those are journalists my friend, do you really see a difference, or do you just see a difference of opinion? Honestly, look in the mirror now. Come on. Seriously.

    Lets be clear right now. My opinions and beliefs were formed well before Beck was a DJ on ZOO 100. Before Hannity got outta High school. Before Rush worked for the Kansas City Royals. And don't confuse me with a Republican sycophant. I got a real good idea how both sides work.

    And no none can have these convos with the intent of conversion. Its just you cant ignore information, from anyone, and you cant take it for face from any one.

    For crying out loud, The NY Times has been busted 10 times for a out right lying in print!!

    THE paper of record lying in print!! Their reader ship is waaay down, and there's talk of govt bailouts for the NEWSPAPER industry!? WTF.

    So dont hand me FOX and say its the real culprit. And if you like what DC is doing right now, then you get what you deserve. Income redistribution that will lead to mediocrity.

    • Upvote 1
  2. True political bazaar arguments on the wwwebz. Lead to this ?

    First if you can say that about FOx you better realize every other 'news' station is in the pocket of the left.

    Beck bazaar? Yup, but its seems to be true. No one has disputed his challenges or his information he provides.

    Challenge his topics, or his info...

    Call him a liar and then prove it, like a rational debate needs, honest facts and counterpoints.

    VT your a smart guy, I've met you. You live in CT, you see how F'd up they all are. Dem supermajority, RHINO Guv, spendspendspend, no real cuts, and tax increases. Its my money they are playing roulette with. Micro of Washington, protect jobs and power thats all.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Love this thread. I laughed, I cried, I built a fall-out shelter in the back yard. Good times.

    "The bullshit that passes for 'conventional wisdom' among conservatives would be laughable if it wasn't so dangerous. Oh but wait, you're not a conservative. You're a completely independent-thinking dude who just happens to regurgitate Fox 'News' narratives verbatim. :rolleyes:"

    Why did you edit your post? You must have realized you proved my point by personal attack with no facts or basis?

    Keep it up, I wont have to say a damn thing.

    And George is also correct, Repubs did steer the party way from its base.

    I still cant get over you guys and other who are mesmerized by the left. If you think socialized medicine astounding spending, and czars and Secratary's making laws then...

    Obama is the Wizard of Oz. And no politician ever fixed nothing. I keep saying govt needs to get the fuck outta the way, its not helping anything. I treust you smart guys would figure it out and the country could heal it self. I trust the population not the politicos.

    Tax the rich, Arizona is racist state, The Tea Party is full of monsters...

    Jeez can they/you create any more demons? And I'm way more concerned about 'socialist/communist' ideals embedded in the administration than I am 'racists' in the Tea Party.

    This is fun, my blood is running again!! This thread was dead for a while, glad its hot again. :lol:

    Any way, public opinion does not favor Prez and his lackies by now. And I'm not looking at Fox pole either.

    And I watch CNN, MSNBC(ugh), et al, and know exactly what the enemy is up to!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Upvote 1
  4. The thing is, Bush was never a fiscal conservative, like a good Republican would be. The Conservatives took over the Republican party and steered it away from its fundamental values.

    Cheney scared me more than Obama.

    People change. Obama wasn't "hanging out" with them during their radical phases. If people didn't change, then why wasn't Jane Fonda deported in the 70s? :)

    Obama spends too much, but keep in mind that part of what is going out is to suppor the two wars that Bush started.

    She shoulda been put in jail, and she didnt change, she married a radical leftist that became a congress man, and a leftist billion aire media mogul with a big mouth and a habit for sticking his foot in it.

    You all forget Carter.

  5. prove it and call them out on it. show me where they lied. dont forget, some of this is personal opinion or point of view. and thats hard to debate.

    No one of reputable news organization has or can. I keep waiting but the left just calls names with no facts or info.

    You put a uniform on, you should read the Constitution.

    And then see what happened.

    I suspect the younger generation of the Ipod and 30 second sound bites doesnt take the time to read.

    but if you dont see the issues with his personnel choices, and the people Obama trained under or emulated, then you are being naive and dishonest perhaps, to your self.

    I've seen my spectrum of 'leaders' and politicos, and will take my chances that people who emulate founding fathers and use their documents as creedo are on the right path.

    You can roll the dice with these leftist elites all you want.

  6. I know, I try to live in the present. I was never a cheer leader for Bush and Co. realize that. No one really represents my position and beliefs.

    We're so civil.

    But during Bush I never worried about my security. Just the Constitution a bit, but these guys really scare me , no kidding.

    Hmm haven't heard much Clinton shit from him, but his team invented the art of personal destruction.

    And Bush ne3vfer hung with Jeremia Wright, or bomber bill ayers, or commie van jones. You should look into who he mentored with, some scary people.

    Unless you are a Socialist or progressive, then hes your guy.

    1000th post in Obama Nation!

    • Upvote 1
  7. Now George, he hasnt been prez for 19 months its alllll Obamas now.

    ANd the debt number from the new guy is outta control.

    Plus we havnt seen the bill for health care yet or the damage from it either. Wait till the the VAT tax is implemented after the election this year. And of course cap and trade will lower the cost of goods and services, plus I'm sure energy bills will go down too...

    Stop blaming Bush folks, he's gone...Its not like these assholes are cleaning up his mess they are shoveling more garbage on it and lighting it on fire.

    ANd every policy seems to be going threw an organization called The Institute for American Progress. Or Andy Stein former head of SEIU/ACORN purple shirts.

    Beware any organization that has the word progress or progressive in it.

    Cept I know this stuff before Beck goes on the air. Its all public knowledge and record. Just start googling them and their speeches.

    • Upvote 1
  8. We can never let military trump civilian rule. Thats what a well maintained civilian militia is for.

    Unless some wacko takes over WH, and runs up massive debt, forces socialistic ideals, hires 'progressive' czars that dont have to answer to the congress, debases our values, weakens our borders, destroys our currency, and controls the media to thwart his opponents ideas and opinions...

    Wait a minute...

    • Upvote 1
  9. I was going to be an athlete, football. I was faster, could jump higher and was tougher than anyone I played with.

    I read books on running techniques, tackling, blocking. I watched games religiously old and new.

    I was 10 yrs old. This physical ability continued thru high school. Problem was, I broke my leg when I was 13 and Pops said find a new fall sport. Shattered.

    So I played soccer instead. It got me into college, but my brain was not in gear so the next dream of being a graphic designer fell by the wayside.

    Odd jobs, part time school, and partying. Then I met my wife. And college came back to me, an viola! I'm an Electronics tech, with a wife of impeccable class. And patience. So my goal changed, pay the rent yadda yadda.

    Then 2 sons and a mortgage. And 3 layoffs in 10 yrs. Scramble to pay the bills, but they always got paid. Then the boys grew up and needed coaches for baseball, etc. I was there, nearly every game and practice for 10 yrs.

    Then we discovered learning disabilities. They needed special attention from us, both to maintain focus, and to work with the school system. #2 just graduated. Next fall booth will be in college.

    My dreams were replaced with real life. I did my best, I hope. Only time will tell. Now my dreams are based on quality time with my friends and family.

    I'd hope my 7 yr old self would understand, and see me as a great dad and a faithful husband.

    I played my hand, and hope it pays off. I think it will.

    • Upvote 3
  10. I call BS on the canning of the general. What was SO wrong about what he said? Weak liberal pussies

    Read my first line again. Its insubordination.

    He should have known that doosh ( the author) was out to get him. He's in Afghanistan now trying to make US look bad again.

    Shoulda taken him out on patrol and left him out there. Prick.

    And the Generals staff should know better than to let that little prick hang around.

  11. McCrystral got canned, he spoke public out of the chain of command, not professional.

    however no one is saying he was wrong in his assessment.

    And Obama should have turned the resignation letter around and told him to get back to work.

    He is the most thinskinned politician, he is weak and preoccupied with his bases agenda and not America.

    Now he will appoint Paetraeus, who both Biden and Obama excoriated in 2007, I mean insulting his efforts in Iraq.

    McCrystal asked for 30k troops, or risk failure. Obama took months to send 20,000.

    We risk failure.

  12. This bastard...

    Obligation for what? WE have an obligation to take care of ourselves, not become serfs or indentured servants to the ruling class.

    Find where it says in the Constitution where we have an obligation to take care of people.

    Protect the borders and keep the law, thats the only obligation of care.

    The rest is up to you, or are you to inept, stupid, lazy, unlucky, uncaring, slovenly, or other wise indifferent to your condition?

    And why are there so many fat people on welfare and food stamps. And why do they have designer jeans, iphones and cable TV? Is that a Constitutional right I missed?

    I'm real sick of this abuse of power, and the elites that think they know better than me...about anything.

  13. I'm just a regular guy. I call 'em as I see 'em. My ideas are not radical, they are proven by history. And mainstream. My problem is if I can see this BS, and be pragmatic, why is it so hard for everyone else? Where did the idea that 32 unregulated Czars can run this country? Or that a guy with no experience running anything can have his finger on the button, or not?

    Or that the EPA has the power to create regulations with out Congregational approval?

    Your gettin me going JB...Its Fathers day, let me be for 24 hours. :lol:

    • Upvote 2
  14. weak to act and scatter brained.

    Obama is far more likely to get us attacked. and far more likely to respond like a community organizer.

    Open your eyes -1 loser, we've been attacked on our own soil more times in 18 months than in the past 20 yrs. Our enemies sense weakness and a lack of willingness to respond.

    He allows Iran to do whatever it wants.

    He poopoohs North Korea. They sunk and ally's submarine and killed 46. Thats an act of war.

    Russia got away with invasion of Georgia with not so much as a raised eyebrow from NoBAmA.

    He left Central Europe with no Missile defense, empowering Russia.

    He continues to exude weakness, that other cultures notice and get ideas from.

    He is not an executive of anything, never has been. He is in way over his head, and all he does is give speeches, fundraisers and news conferences.

    And kill the U.S. from within.

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