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Posts posted by matt1122

  1. Wait wait wait. Let me get this straight. You can own a gun before your allowed to drive? Whoa. Let me think. Ok, I don't trust your jerk with a car, but I am going to give you booze and a gun. Boom!!! I don't think so. Crazy nanook ah.

    I thought a private citizen can't own a gun in canadia, period.

  2. I definitely don't think people should be drinking before they are driving though. Even if you could drink before you could drive I think they would need to keep the 0% BAC rule for minors. After driving for a while more and more responses to bad situations become second nature and require less thought because you already know what to do.

    If your response time is slowed you are definitely going to need that extra instinct.

    To answer the main question, underage drinking is not bad, the stupid things underage drinkers do are bad. As a result, people who are underage in general should not drink. You can't pick out the responsible ones and say "go ahead and drink because you're more responsible." It just wouldn't work. Otherwise I'd say that would be the way to go. Give them a lie detector test.

    Q1: Would you ever drink and drive?

    Q2: Is X number of beers too much?

    etc etc etc.

    If they are honest and pass as not being idiots they can drink unsupervised by adults once they turn 16. If they are supervised and don't leave the supervised area they may drink at the age of 12. Glass of whine with dinner, you know, that sort of thing.

    There's my idea.

  3. Well, this has to be a private school (I don't know which gave it away more, the "my baby" mother or the nameof the school). This is bullshit.

    On one end you have the fact that the principal really shouldn't have done that. I wouldn't want my kid paraded around in a cop car wearing handcuffs, but I would take it up with the principal, not demand that he is suspended or whine about "my poor baby" or anything like that. That's lame.

    On the other hand I can think of a few kids in my class I'd like to see driven off in a cop car. <_< J/K The real other hand is that even if he did something I think he shouldn't have done -

    1- he didn't do anything illegal.

    2- he did it with the childs best interests in mind.

    3- he did it with the schools best interests in mind.

    4- the kid wasn't hurt.

    5- obviously nothing else was working

    6- if it really was a bad thing to do the cops wouldn't have went along with it.

    lastly - such a thing makes the kid think he can get away with even more, because now anyone who punishes him gets stuff from mommy.

    PS what is a charter school? A private school you don't have to pay for? Lamer than ever.

  4. Back to square one again, I just noticed complaining against insurgent. Let me look this one up for you:

    in·sur·gent  Audio pronunciation of "Insurgent" ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (n-sûrjnt)


      1. Rising in revolt against established authority, especially a government.

      2. Rebelling against the leadership of a political party.


        One who is insurgent.

  5. What is your justification for calling it a christmas party, or a christmas gift drive?

    Are you celebrating the birth of christ at your party?

    Calling it a 'Holiday' party is more accurate than calling it a christmas party, has nothing to do with being politically correct. I would call it a holiday party because I have some Jewish friends who have no interest in celebrating christmas with us, but would love to party JUST for the sake of partying. The Holidays are an excuse to party, but no one is having a true Christmas party because that would be boring.

    Now, the whole 'December' gift drive thing is the result of the people running that gift drive being mongrel idiots, so don't let that get to you as a politically correct kind of thing - they're just morons.

    This is not a politically correct issue, it simply wouldn't be true to say 'I'm having a Christmas party," because you know damned well it has stuff to do with X-mass.

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