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Posts posted by matt1122

  1. We've all voted by now I think and we're just waiting for the results, so lets all lighten up a bit and make fun of our chosen candidates. :D

    I thought this one was good:

    There were three people on an airplane. One was Thomas Jefferson. One was George Bush. And the last was Bill Clinton. They opened up the airplane door and Thomas Jefferson threw out a 100 dollar bill and said "I just saved a family!" George Bush looked at Jefferson and then threw out 2 100 dollar bills. He then said, "I just saved TWO families!" Bill Clinton looked at Thomas Jefferson then at George. He sighed and pushed George Bush off the plane and said "I just saved the world!"
  2. Alright, so I'm sitting in one of the computer labs and I don't know what came over me.

    This girl next to me was talking to her friend, loudly and obnoxiously. The "official" transcript:

    Girl 1: "Did you vote yet?!!"

    Girl 2: "No, not yet but I'm going to."

    Girl 1: "Good..."


    Girl 2: "Kerry!"

    Me: (Never seen these two in my life.) "Well we can't all be perfect."

    Girl 1: *blank face*

    Girl 2: *blank face*

    Girl 1: "Who are you talking to."

    Me: "I wasn't talking to you I was talking to him, " points to guy next to me who has no idea who I am, "I was pointing out that you're an idiot."

    Girl 1: "I'm an idiot??"

    Me: "Yeah."

    Girl 1: "Why am I an idiot?"

    Me: "Do you know where Kerry stands on all the issues."


    Girl 1: "of course"

    Me: "Well good, that makes you and Kerry who know what the hell he plans on doing if he's actually elected, because for the rest of us we all have to wonder when he's just going to change his mind again and do something else."

    People then called me a jackass, wank and someone even called me a monkeybag. I sent them all links to various uberconservative anti kerry things and told them they were idiots and don't even know what they're voting for. After reading, the girls two friends were like "oh." Girl 1 left a few minutes later giving me the finger on her way out, but her two highly impressionable and horribly uneducated friends told me after leaving that they felt like idiots voting for someone with such a shitty record (the links I sent them were quite fabulous and biased and even had some lies in them). I convinced them to vote for Nader instead. :) The guy on the other side of me told me naders even worse, I led him to the constitutional parties website and now he's voting CP. I win. Conservatives rule. Pwnd.

  3. Dude, if someone put a bumper sticker on my car stuff would hit the fan. It's one thing to cover up someone else's sticker - you arent doing any "damage" to the car. You put a sticker on an unstickered car... remember that parade where they tied the guy to the back of the pickup? My car can go a lot faster than a pickup, and this time the hate will be justified. :angry:

    How's that for class. B) I think I win the least classy award now for sure.

  4. why isn't that done?

    You really need to read the 9/11 Comissions report, just the beginning part on how the hijackings went down and the way hijackings are handled by NORAD and the FAA, in order to understand how terrible the handling of the hijacking was. No one knows how the hijackers got into the cockpit for sure, if the doors were locked, and the pilots never signalled a hijacking in progress. I'm sure had they had any idea what was about to happen they would have been able to stop it. It was the simple fact that up until that point the best way to keep as many people alive as possible had been simply to listen to the hijackers and do what they say, we were never worried about this method of using an airplane as a weapon before, particularly in the case of a domestic flight.

    5 people w/ pepper spray and box cutters/knives vs. 55 people? The hijackers never should have been succesful. Fact is on 9/11 if the pilots had guns, based upon how things went down, chances are they wouldn't have actually gotten to use them, especially if they were locked away.

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