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Posts posted by matt1122

  1. Guys, I'm not saying which party are you for, republican or democrat, I'm asking that if there was a perfect split and they all stayed completely on their own side and DIDN'T fight so hard for the middle ground, THEN which party would you be for?

    Which are YOU not which PARTY are you for. There are plenty of conservative parties which aren't the republicans and there are plenty of liberal parties that aren't the democrats, which way do you lean, to the left or to the right? If the ballot said "Liberal" and "Conservative" which would you vote for?

  2. (thought I honestly think Clinton did a good job in a lot of areas)

    Not terrorism.

    The country definitely isn't at more risk now then before, the risk has always been there, you just weren't as aware. I think that's an obvious fact a lot of people ignore.

    Ignorance is bliss. George W. Bush took some of your bliss away by making you less ignorant of the terror situation in our country at any given time. Now you're in denial, pretending the threat wasn't there before and that you were never ignorant. This denial means pretending the threat is greater now than it was before (because, you know, they never tried to knock the WTC down BEFORE bush was in office). Because you deny this you feel that George W. Bush is at fault for our countries terror threat level, when in fact its the lifestyle of our entire country that the middle eastern terrorist organizations hate. Quite frankly, if you became president you'd be hated just as much as GW is, and if you make John Kerry our president he is going to be hated just as much and I highly doubt he will put up as strong a fight against that hate and terror as George W. Bush does, and his message will certainly not be as strong.

    PS By you I mean everyone else, not necessarily jross. ;)

  3. According to InlineTurbo's list, I'm conservative. However, according to how I would vote in this coming election, I'm a liberal.

    The big problem is that neither party is actually filling the position they claim they do, and are both instead jousting over some illusory "middle ground". They both sold out, and both suck jerk.

    That's a good reason to vote for a third party, while they have no chance of being on the electoral ballot this year if they get enough of a popular vote they could actually enter the race, at least that's the theory.

    And Doug, I never said anything about being extreme, I said which way do you lean. The way you vote is not a good indicator, the way you feel on the issues is. Anyone could vote for Kerry this election if they had been paying attention and made up their mind during the right point in his endless flip flopping. At least now he's starting to develop a more solid solidness to his campaign, though I still have my doubts. The next debates tomorrow, right?

  4. How many times is this thread going to be reincarnated. :rolleyes:

    This is the purest form it shall ever have - and the first time without all the stuff and whining. No issue discussion, not about who you're voting for, simply which are you, one or the other.

    Silly question. What definitions are you using?

    Your own definition, define it however you like, just pick a side.

    Or don't pick a side, but then you can't vote. ;)

  5. Wow, you're right that happens with the "gray" skin.

    Try switching over to the old skin when you go to use your gallery for now I guess, gallery works with the "Default" skin fine.

    (Go to the bottom of any page and use the drop-down box on the far left.)

  6. If you can't pick a team then you can't play, sorry.

    And those two say they are in the middle, that was my point.

    Maybe this will help: Which side are you voting for?

    If you are voting for: Republican, Constitutional, etc. and you like Fox News pick conservative.

    If you are voting for: Democratic, Green, Socialist, Communist, or if you watch a lot of MTV, etc. pick liberal.

    I too have somewhat liberal human rights ideals, JFTR.

  7. For the forum-wide/public gallery you just go to Gallery, into the album you want and click "New Image".

    For your personal albums go to My Controls and then click Your Albums on the left side. Create a new album then look to the right and you will see "upload image."

    Hope this helps. I'll add it to the FAQ in the SR Forum, too.

  8. I think it's pretty straight forward.

    I don't want to hear any of this "I'm kind of in the middle" bullshit. Everyone's in the middle. Here's a list of people who are in the middle:

    Bill O'Reilly

    Michael Moore

    Nuff Said

    Just to clarify, these are two examples of BSers who say they are in the middle. Like them, you are full of monkeys if you say you are in the middle.

    I only ask because it seems like the majority of VS regulars are a bit to the right, just wanted to see.

  9. That wasn't my point. His proposal is just that, a proposal. Here's the truth of it all. There some dispute on the exact numbers, but they would fall between 640mil and 1.2 bil a year. Here you go:

    Well, I hope he does get a bill passed on it, as then he can raise his 24 year count to having had 6 bills passed. :sheep: <-Sarcasm

  10. Health care spending is sure a hell of a lot better than national defense. With all the money and intelligence we have, we can't even keep ahead of any type of terrorist plot. In all reality, all the safeguards will never end terrorism. It's that simple. Someone will always hate the US, someone will always try to destroy it, and someone will prevail if they konw what they're doing.

    ... :huh: Do I actually need to tell you how bad what you just said sounds? ...

    Did you say you want to cut funding to our already insuficient intelligence and take money away from the military so we can send more of our boys out there without any body armor... and put it towards health care instead so Grandma has an easier time getting her medicine so she can do nothing all day for a few more years of her life and so that Billy's mom won't have to shell out cash for his next physical if Daddy gets laid off??

  11. About Bush and the anti-gay thing, i agree with Kenhoeve.

    As do I, but I don't think it's enough to justify voting for Kerry.

    Oh, and for all you 'the economy sucks' people try this on for size:

    Unemployment rate: 5.4%

    I know someone's going to pull the "9,000 jobs short" horseshit or whatever it is, so before they do I want them to recall all the jobs lost because of 9/11, accounting scandals and other situations that Bush has encountered during his first term which he had no control over.

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