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Posts posted by matt1122

  1. _____Haldex:  Crap.  Used in a sentence; "Haldex is crap"

    No, I'm sorry but using the definition is not allowed, you need a sentence using the word Haldex, not defining it again. That's cheating!

  2. Indeed, if you aren't a jerk you really don't have to worry, plus if you have a few friends who are mods and lower your warning because they like you you're fine, so suck up to the mods. :ph34r:

    Speaking of active mods... I miss Chopper...

    Why'd we let him buy a BMW. We should have burned his house down. :P :duck:

  3. I have no idea how they are keeping an eye on it. My guess is they have someone checking the prices on the barrels and the prices its being sold to stations for. I doubt they're monitoring it at a station level, though.

    I know in my area the average stations only earning .03 or .04 cents per galon and the prices are retarded high... I know I paid around 2.41 the other day per galon. I wish they would sell 91 so i could save some $$.

  4. I would list to state my position on this once again... oh wait, it was the first post in the thread.

    - Enter MEXICO illegally.  Never mind immigration quotas, visas, international law, or any of that nonsense.

    - Once there, demand that the local government provide free medical care for you and your entire family.

    - Demand bilingual nurses and doctors.

    - Demand free bilingual local government forms, bulletins, etc. Procreate abundantly.

    - Deflect any criticism of this allegedly irresponsible reproductive behavior with, "It is a cultural U.S.A. thing.  You would not understand, pal."

    - Keep your American identity strong.  Fly Old Glory from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window or on your car bumper.

    - Speak only English at home and in public and insist that your children do likewise.

    - Demand classes on American culture in the Mexican school system.

    - Demand a local Mexican driver license.  This will afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimize your unauthorized, illegal, presence in Mexico.  Drive around with no liability insurance......and ignore local traffic laws.

    - Insist that local Mexican law enforcement teach English to all its officers.

    Good luck!  You'll be demanding for the rest of time or soon dead.  Because it will never happen.  It will not happen in Mexico or any other country in the world... except right here in the United States... Land of the naive!

    Whoever wrote that is smart for a hater.

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