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Keep Calm Chive On

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Posts posted by Keep Calm Chive On

  1. Good call.

    you laugh but most people missed out on the 24 hr bbq lemans. It was glorious we had everything & I even shared some leftovers with justin out the back of my trunk haha.

    the good news, I finally used my 50 darra gift card to EST

  2. so perhaps a man is getting a frequent rub & tub at Madame Kamay's Filipino Palace and then suddenly someone was shot & killed... You were number 23 in line and number 24 killed them... suddenly your man sauce happens to be at the crime scene and now your on trial just because you asked for a happy ending that day... uh oh spadoodios

  3. bdimag













    JC 855 GLT-R (Jack)


    GltGreco (mike)







    R Moose (Dan)

    Prezman26 (Mike)

    T5power - Corey




    flyfishing3 mike

    64pvolvo1800 Paul

    4EVA (Owen)


    7 VII 7






    KaptainKurt / Napoleon BONERpants / Kurt :P

  4. Kewl, I've grown to like Lewis, def not as cocky as he used to be... Love the cars from that area with the turbos. cool.gif

    Really good stuff! I can't wait for the Senna movie to come out. Senna you either love him or hate him! I'm torn cause I love Prost and it still gets me made seeing that pass! Can wait to see the movie.

    Fantastic movie!!! Even though I saw it already I plan on seeing it again either in theater (if it makes it there) or at least on DVD. Let me know what you think on how they talk about prost though in the movie... I did not know much about it but the movie made me think some things

  5. scared the shit out of someone...


    okay laugh... but is this real or a prank?

    ill allow you to continually laugh after saying this... THAT! the whole snake magically swimmin up & into my toilet chompin my nuts off while droppin a D or taking a leak was a HUGE fear when I was a kid I was paranoid to pee in public or anything :( thanks for reminding me of my fear of snakes plus adding the fact if its true I was right and its possible to somehow have a snake in a toilet waiting for my balls

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  6. I just had surgery on Monday.

    2 tabs every 4 hours 7 times a day and I am still in pain, usually cant make it the 4 hour span

    After last surgery...

    1 spinal epidural

    1 morphine pump

    2 percoset every 3 hours

    I "thought" we came home the day of surgery... i was there for 5 days hahaha :lol:

  7. little fun fact for ya... ive been on & off surgery boy for about 7 years now & to reduce my intake of narcotic painkillers they prescribed me with some kinda of low dose antihistamine. Im not saying go get some of them but it made 1 vicodin work like 2... i took 2 & i was sweet... then tolerance built up. Dont go out gettin antihisamines & shit but as your doctor if theres anyway you can still have the effects of 2 vicodin without taking 2 vicodin. you need to make it sound smarter than that otherwise they might think your a crack head. If you take pepto or tums prior to the vicodin it will sorta wait there until it goes in your system it will delay the intake of it. Tylenol shouldnt be fucking up your stomach as much as your liver. Advil or anything like it fucks your stomach up because its very harsh on your stomach lining. Perhaps you were like me & ate a bottle a week because of the pain then did some damage & now you have a sensitive stomach. after that i switched to tylenol on the regular so now im blessed with a fucked up stomach & a fucked up liver :P

  8. Question...

    i dont really want to go through the whole process of an ad for a whopping 1 switch... i have about 20 little things & dont want to take the time to list each one individually... plus i noted something in my posts because it seems my pictures are too big, my information is too big, how the heck do i make a legit listing. I just want to make a list of all the switches I have & see if anyone needs them. Things like my load bars, ski carriers, stereo amp, and larger things i dont mind listing individually but i wont lie its quite a pain in the ass

    also what was these chuckie cheese tokins we were gunna get like 100 of them i only has 10 of them :(

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