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Posts posted by Smithwicks

  1. Whenever I'm in a group, I always take the initiative to be the "group leader", it's a lot of extra work and dealing with group members about turning stuff in but I don't trust anyone else to handle my work that my grade is riding on. Aaaand I may enjoy sending that angry email every once in a while. :rolleyes::lol:

    Eh really never had to do many non-engineering group projects thankfully. After freshman year people in engineering formed their own little groups that you would usually do projects & homework with. Thankfully most of the people i do work with pull their own weight.

  2. I can feel my arteries clogging from just watching that.

    i think mine did from just watching it. :lol:

    i just watched a bunch of their videos, they clearly neglect one thing! They edit out the part where they smoke about a pound of pot before they eat those things...unreal but i lol'd at a few..."next time......we eat a tiger" :lol:

    hmmm looking back...yeah they do look a little gone. lol.

  3. I haven't heard anything about an FE exam, I know theres an exam to become a certified engineer that they recommend. I'm ME and IIRC your Civil?

    Yeah Im Civil, although the ME's at my school have to take the test before they graduate. Its the test that makes you an 'engineer in training' or something close to that. 'X' years after you've taken the FE, you can then take the PE Exam...iirc. They recommend to take it our senior year here since the topics covered are all classes you took in college, so while its still fresh in your memory kind of.

  4. I also hate when Professors intentionally write an exam to be so long it would be difficult to complete in the time alloted. When is a professional engineer ever asked to do his job and not allowed to check his solution or double check his work? Or use a calculator...

    That's because school is nothing like the real world, your not judged primarily on 1-hour pressure filled tests...you may have a busy day but still. <_< I cant wait till next May when Im done with my undergraduate career...hopefully I can land a job before then. :lol:

    Do you have to take the FE Exam before you graduate?

  5. Yeah, the Eastside is horrible. Robberies, burglaries, vandalism....hipsters. :lol::D:):mellow:<_<:angry::pizza:

    I just requested admission/transfer information from University of Virginia.

    good luck with the admissions process.

    and yeah hipsters, they know you dont like them. :D maybe their behind it. :P you'd think for the amount of hipsters over there things would be better. but the situation your in sucks, ik if id have to be dealing with that stuff right now i wouldnt be able to. one of the reasons why i shell out the money to park in a university structure.

  6. Fucking tell me about. Every single year I'm in Milwaukee, I hate it more and more. I don't care what anyone says about this city...it's a shit hole, it's not progressive, it's regressive, it's the most hypersegregated city in the US behind Detroit

    Yeah...welcome to Milwaukee. <_<

    Theres always the occasional bad incident on Marquettes campus but I guess its never been as bad as UWM. Then again Marquette spends a ton of money on security and what not.

  7. Beautiful Friday that I could be using to give the car a much needed wash, and I'm stuck here in a lecture till 4 <_<. Takes about 2 hours to commute, so by the time I get home, it'll be dark. Booo!

    :lol: :lol:

    on your way back home just find a construction site with a light plant and 'borrow it' for a couple hours. :lol:

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