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Posts posted by Smithwicks

  1. Kinda overall. But watching Kid Cudi live made Shiny Toy Guns seem amazing. He is one person that should stick to produced music, live just isn't his thing.


    so a 98 V70T5M was posted FS just south of Milwaukee yesterday afternoon. was going to look at it this afternoon but it had been snatched up by 10:30 this morning. it looked good, original owner with 100k. :(

  2. wow those houses are beautiful

    p.s. had smithwicks the other day for the first time! didnt know it was pronounced "sminnicks" lol

    Most houses in our neighborhood are probably 1910's-1940's...pre-WW2 houses.

    Did you like it?? I tend drink it in large amounts during the colder months of the year. And yeah the like everyone has said, 'Smiddicks' or 'Smitticks' are the ones I've run across.

    hate to say it but dave is correct....a local pub don't serve you one if you pronounce it wrong...granted i've never heard someone order it there wrong :blink:

    Nice to see that a lot of people are educated on the unofficial pronunciation of the beer. Most my friends needed to be taught how to say it correctly.

    And i seem to remember Dongle telling a story how a bartender told a guy to get the hell out after he pronounced it Smith-wicks. :lol:

  3. Damn, going off of Tom's pictures. Had to give a buddy a ride home because he has a slammed GTI that won't make it through puddles and it was a bitch getting out of Milwaukee to get to wauwatosa. There's a giant sinkhole two blocks down from me with a Cadillac Escalade at the bottom of it, I had to drive through the median on one street and go against traffic because my side was flooded and trees were down, Miller Parkway by the stadium (miller park) is under 4 ft of water. And half the manholes in the city are uncovered.

    Oh, and I had to forge a road that was partially flooded with two cars that were dead in the middle of it, and one of them was an 850. laugh.gif And when I left to get my friend a street a few blocks down from me was flooded, thought about crossing it, decided not to, some jackass in a 350Z, lowered and black wheels, hauls ass through it and waterlogs. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif Car's dead. What a fucktard.

    Picture of sinkhole:



  4. I suspect the younger generation of the Ipod and 30 second sound bites doesnt take the time to read.

    Don't worry there's a couple of us who still actually read things.

    O'Reilly, Beck, Huckabee, Hannity, Susteren, the Fox and Friends team, etc. are all opinion and not news. This is according to Fox News itself. In 24 hours they probably only have 5-6 hours of actual news. This is probably true for all the 24 hour news channels.

    O'Reilly used to be the radical on there, but with Beck and Hannity on the channel, Bill has become the moderate. :lol: Beck is in a class by himself for some of the bizarre stuff he comes up with. IQ was definitely not a requirement to become part of Fox and Friends.

    Probably the same thing on MSNBC also because they have their own set of crazies, but the Fox staff are better known.

    Fox News and most cable news outlets are jokes, FN just takes the cake i think. They all sensationalize things and make them dramatic and end of the world in order to get people watching...

    The one thing Im going to be keeping an eye on in the coming weeks is the legal battle between the WH & Arizona over their immigration law...

  5. by the looks of it you'll be getting more. Smaller bands to the south west/west of you with a jet stream pushing straight at you. Pack your ore tomorrow just incase :lol: .

    yeah...hopefully our jobsite isnt too flooded tomorrow morning. <_<

    My oldest boy got a new lady friend this summer. She's super cool!!!

    damn he found a winner. does she know car stuff at all?

    pics about 8-10 houses down from me...looks like we found the low point. water is bubbling up from the manholes. :o



  6. soooo pretty much half of Milwaukee and the surrounding areas seems to be flooded. we got hit by a big line of storms @ 6 and it really hasn't stopped raining. taking the highway home was a fun adventure...stayed in the middle lane to avoid the outer lanes that have become flooded due to piss poor drainage on the road. plenty of streets flooded with cars stranded trying to get through them.

    went though a puddle myself, only reason why i knew it to be safe was because of two cars making it through safe.

    picture of one of the highways that eventually got shut down:


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