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Posts posted by Smithwicks

  1. Speaking of cops. Coming back from downtown Milwaukee on the freeway just now, in the right lane with traffic all around, doing 45 in a 50 zone. I see a sheriff in a SUV coming up and that's when i checked my speed. He goes past and then all of the sudden I see another sheriff coming up with his lights on, not sure of his sirens. By this time my exit is right there and I pull off except the second cop follows me and turns off his lights, at the end of the off ramp he goes the opposite way. For once I was driving reasonably and something like this happens, just freaked me out. Can't figure out why they did what they did.

  2. Unemployment Benefits

    Gotta love election years especially when the economy is still crappy. Everything they (Repub&Dems alike) do, especially now is in order to win votes in November. It still cracks me up how Republicans are trying to market themselves as proponents of responsible government.

    Many Democrats also see the benefits as insurance against the economy sliding back into recession because laid off workers typically spend their payments quickly, stimulating the economy.

    Of course Dems dont want unemployment benefits to run out, a person getting a check a week is going to be a happier voter than one who isnt.

    Whats the current number of weeks max you can get?

    Wingnut, you could have fun in the comments section of that article. :D

  3. Vuvuzela Hero

    Currently have my 19t in my car right now and until I get a chance to play with the Greddy a little bit and get a tune, I have it set to only 5 psi, and holy shit is that boring. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have an NA.

    i hate you. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    and wow i didnt realize there were that many n/a people.

  4. Obama flew into Milwaukee today and since our job site is on the highway right by the airport we got shut down for about 4 hours along with all of the southbound traffic on I-94 while he went through. it was cool to see the huge caravan just go flying down the highway.

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  5. Haha I'm the guy that will get in both lanes and keep people from going past me and getting ahead. What I hate the most is when people try to merge onto an interstate at 30 mph. There's a long ass ramp to get up to speed.

    not everyone has super bewsties like you and can go fast on the acceleration ramp :lol:

    I'll see them doin the speed racer in my mirror and make sure to close any gaps they can use (while trying not to tailgate at the same time). So hard not to violate any of my own "rules" while trying to prevent other people from doing it.

    i usually do it just to keep the guy out, once im done i settle back. ALTHOUGH one time i was a little bit late to try and close the gap and the Sonata got in, got pissed that i tried to block him out and slammed on his brakes. apparently traffic had put him in a bad mood. :D

  6. Id have to go with the people who in heavy traffic will ride your ass even though every lane is going about 40mph somehow hoping it will make traffic go faster. That and while still traffic is congested, darting out into the other lane and then trying to squeeze in front of you. If i catch em early enough i usually just close up my gap with the car ahead.

  7. Just got back from Summerfest. Saw Tom Petty and the Heartbrakers. It was pretty good, although, I think I'm high just from standing in the crowd. dry.gifmad.gif

    no you probably didnt get high. if you had you would of added 'hehehehe' at the end of your post. :P

    still havent figured out if im going to any days of Summerfest this year.

  8. GOP making life harder for jobless...

    The GOP/federal government can't make life harder, they can only make life easier... (in this case at least)

    Liked this quote the best:

    "We have an obligation to care for the next generation," Obama said. "So I hope that when Congress returns next week, they do so with a greater spirit of compromise and cooperation. America will be watching."

    First, obligation to care for the next generation? I guess he's deciding not to lump in reducing the debt so the next generation isn't forced to sacrifice growth in order to correct the fiscal mistakes of the current and previous administrations... and not to just single them out, I'll add the federal government as a whole in with them as well. Who knows he might be waiting till the current news cycle dies down and he will have a speech for how we need to reduce spending...

    Secondly, America will be watching and.........


  9. I think I need to start charging my family for labor, this is getting ridiculous. I work 60 hours a week at work then another 20 or so fixing peoples cars at home

    lol you could always give them the 'stop by during my office hours' line. :P

    but thats kinda ridiculous. the only way i would do something like that would be if i enjoyed fixing their cars.

    and there are giant red blobs coming towards Milwaukee...lightning show in 3, 2, 1...


    pretty much. :P

  10. Went to lake winnipasakee with the gf and her friend to hang out on their friend's island home. Coincidentally, it was bike week in Laconia. This really isn't news, but I think anyone who puts a straight pipe on a harley is a douche. I'm so sick of hearing the thunder while you drive to the 7/11 for another pack of marlboro's.

    :lol: Dont ever get any closer to Milwaukee than you already are, especially during the summer...its bad. Although its gotten to the point where ive just zoned it out pretty much, except for the really loud ones.

  11. pretty sure some motor boating would put me in a good mood.

    had to drive down to Chicago for some stupid intern event. It was kinda interesting but of course on the way back, a storm came through which made terrible traffic even worse and a trip that took me 1 1/3 hour on the way down took me 2 1/2 hours on the way back up.

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