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Posts posted by Smithwicks

  1. The attacks on Lieberman's wife are despicable, but par for the course for the wacky leftists.

    :huh: Who said what? I know John Stewart was PMSing on his show about Lieberman.

    Sadly I did know some people up there who voted for him, and when I asked them why they did they said "We thought he was a funny guy".

    Shit, take a guess at how many people voted for Obama because it was the 'cool' thing to do in 2008.

    • Upvote 1
  2. What ideas did Ron Paul have that were so "out there" or that make him "borderline crazy"? (Serious question)

    Going back to the gold standard is the one that sticks out most in my mind. And I wouldn't say he was borderline crazy, just filled with too much common sense. ;)

    That and immediately pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan. He was big about that during the 2008 primaries and still is.

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  3. tech question...will my vizio lcd be okay if i leave it in the trunk of my car till monday morning? the overnight lows go down to 28 pretty much every night.

    ...took a brief look through the user manual and for non-operating temperatures, you can go down to -20°C.

    still, is it good for the tv?

  4. prediction: Packers take the lead 21-20 with 0:01 left on the clock in the fourth quarter after being shut out for the first three quarters.

    :lol: But this entire week...well since they lost to Cleveland, I havent heard one positive remark about the Steelers, people on my job site are betting against them. Its really sad. I'm cautiously optimistic about the game.

    cool tom.

    you said you wanted to make this game.

    almost a lock you see a win for your favorite team.

    Yeah, I got tickets through work again. I had asked at the beginning of the internship and my project manager came through. One of the inspectors on my job is from Wisconsin as well and is going to the game with his gf so hopefully Ill meet up with them. Only thing Im sad about is I wont have my Cheesehead with me...although I would probably get at least one bottle chucked at me during the course of the game. :lol:

  5. Until the bottom falls out, and they go the way of GM.

    the difference between GM and the Fed Gov't...the government can create more money when it wants to.

    And the way I figure with Ron Paul... even though he had some 'out there' ideas...at least he wasnt going to waste your money.

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  6. An dis is how we do it...

    "Obamacare is modeled after a Massachusetts program requiring residents to buy health insurance. Last week, six community hospitals sued the state for failing to adequately reimburse them for care given to patients insured by the government. Payments were "so low they do not cover the cost of medical care," reported The Boston Globe. The hospitals have eaten more than $100 million in expenses since 2006, resulting in "hundreds of layoffs and millions of dollars in cost cuts." The Massachusetts model, then, was many times more expensive than projected, significantly worsened the state's budget crisis, shortchanged hospitals and doctors, reduced the availability and raised the cost of care, and increased unemployment. Now President Obama and congressional Democrats want to inflict this on the rest of America. No thanks."

    Rocking govt run programs allll over!

    yeah but the wonderful 'engineers' in Washington will be running the show if the health care bill passes and they will do no wrong. :rolleyes:

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