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Posts posted by Smithwicks

  1. Watch out for Pelosi, again. She wants to return $550 billion of TARP to help job loss. Problem is she lists only govt jobs and union public servants. Bridges roads, cops, teachers.

    Private sector and small business creates jobs, not govt. More rewards for those that support ObaMao.

    Anyone catch all the sleeping Cadets during ObaMao's speech? He had no conviction, and left them to swing in the wind.

    My cousin is a first year at West Point, actually got to tag along to WP when my aunt and uncle took him back. I talked to him today and he said those guys are getting brigade boards which is almost as high up as you can get on disciplinary boards. but he said he felt embarrassed that people fell asleep during the speech.

    But as for TARP, are they taking the left over money and putting into a jobs bill? Maybe your wording is throwing me off. What the hell happened to the first stimulus bill, i dont think weve gone through all that money yet? And that was suppose to be for infrastructure upgrades.

    And hell most roads are funded by government anyways. I cant lie when i say i like the part about roads/bridges, because hell the company im doing my co-op with and hopefully might work for is in road construction. But I understand your point.

  2. 1) para.1 you wrote "...you have the right to own a gun..."; para.2 you wrote "...To actually own a gun is a privilege."

    Which do you believe it to be, a right or a privilege?

    I'll help you out with a little hint: Have you ever heard or read the phrase "the right to keep and bear arms"? Where does that phrase come from?

    2)What if I'm unemployed/not working, but someone gives me some money, say an inheritance, or I win the lottery? Are you saying that then I don't have the right to buy a gun?

    And what do you mean by "X criteria"?

    3)your para.3: Surely you can think of more "industries" that that would be true for.

    4)I'll take the cost/benefit ratio of our current health care over the cost/benefit ratio any federal government social program.

    Okay then.

    1)The right to bear arms comes from the second amendment to the constitution of the united states of america which is one of the amendments in the US Bill of Rights. Happy? And as for what I said, looking back at it, it does contradict itself.

    2)I think your taking my example as being the one and only way you can buy a gun. Yes you can go out and buy a gun with an inheritance. I was taking a stab at relating the right in the 2nd Amendment to the 'right' to health care. By "x criteria" i mean background check, etc. And we're talking about health care not guns.

    3)The energy industry could be another example. Im sure there are others.

  3. Ah, the old "right versus privilege" argument.

    It sounds as though many of you would rather have a private insurance company decide just how much health you are "privileged" to enjoy? Very interesting. Perhaps we should allow the privatization of FEMA, so that when the next huge disaster hits and your home is leveled, someone whose company's profits depend on NOT paying out claims can tell you how much rebuilding you are privileged to receive.

    Here in the U.S., we will fight to the death for the "right" to own guns, but apparently we insist that being healthy enough to fire them is a privilege.

    Yes you have the right to own a gun...but the government doesnt give you the gun for free or at a cost thats a fraction of what it should be.

    Instead you have to work, make some money and then if you want to you have the right to purchase a gun, if you meet X criteria. To actually own a gun is a privilege.

    Now should Americans have access to 'affordable' healthcare...yes. Like Wingnut said, allowing competition across state lines would lower costs. If the costs are lower then more people will be able to have access to health care. The health care industry seems to be the one industry where technology hasn't succeeded lowered the costs of its products.

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