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Posts posted by Smithwicks

  1. Yeah, UW-Milwaukee.

    I'm starting to get sick of Milwaukee though, the number of robberies around campus is out of control right now. And the Open Pantry right off of campus was robbed two nights in a row a couple weeks ago.

    cool cool. im over at marquette but not right now.

    From the sounds of it, it seems like Milwaukee hasnt changed much since I left.

  2. Already? I still have another month before I can sign up for spring classes. This year is going by super fast. Only 3 more semesters after this one though! :D

    Yeah, signed up this morning. Got all my classes with the teachers I wanted, so next semester for me actually aint looking that bad. Although technically ive been out of skool for about a year so...it should be interesting going back. :unsure:

    Are you at skool somewhere in Milwaukee?

    i just did that this morning. though im hoping next semester i am going to try and get a co-op. if i get one its going to be like getting my acceptance letter to college. im going to have senior-itise (even tho im not a senior)

    :lol: yeah idk about the senior-itise part, but being told i had a co-op was freaking awesome. Are you going into your spring semester of junior year now?


    A huge flock of birds descended on the grassy slope behind our building. Like the Hitchcock movie.

    shotgun time.

  3. Does anyone support him anymore?

    most likely some of the people that voted for Obama just felt inspired and wanted to be a part of something so they voted for him without listening to what he was supporting.

    also read a liberal opinion article talking about the rally that was held outside the capitol the week before the bill was voted on. the guy went on and on about how 5 people required medical attention during the rally and how the physicians on hand at the capitol building rushed to their aid and helped them. then he went on to refer to those incidents as basically how wonderful health care will be if the bill passes. :rolleyes:

  4. Pelosi hails it a landmark vote, along the significance of Social Security And Medicare.

    SS, billions of $'s underfunded, bankrupt. Fail

    Medicare, billions of dollars underfunded, bankrupt. Fail

    Thank you for pointing this out! It is rather interesting how she left out how SS and Medicare are now doing. Not surprised though.

    All this anti-gov't sentiment is really pointless. Unless you're going to mount a bloody anarchistic revolution and overthrow the "evil empire," I don't see what the point in whining is. The other thing that gets me, is that why did all this anti-Big Brother talk just start, after Obama became elected? I never saw or heard ANYTHING about people complaining to this degree about the Gov't...yet it's un-changed...exactly the same as it's always been...getting worse one day at a time...until now, all of a sudden, people think it's the end of the world.

    Fair point. I have noticed it post-election.

    Well after the election Republicans didnt have much of anything to define wtf they were doing and in the end they found the anti-govt movement and jumped on it. And Fox News got on board with it as well. It seems Republicans dont want big government when they arent in power...but when they are, well...

    And its kinda funny how the Republican party is all gung-ho about small government now when in fact they did all they could to get Ron Paul off the stage during the Republican primaries <_< <_< ...who was the only one up there who was in favor of smaller government then. Ask them about that one.

    In the end...Democrat...Republican...their all politicians first.

  5. Dad sent me these couple today...not sure on the first one....

    Q: What's the difference between Obama and Hitler?

    A: Hitler wrote his own book.

    Q: What's another difference between Obama and Hitler?

    A: Hitler got the Olympics to come to his country.

  6. so the 850 came from the 440?

    i loled at the cetus rims in the adv. looks close, but for some reason the front of the 440 reminds me of the first gen. s40.

    and for some reason ive been having this weird urge to commit acts of terrorism including wanting to blow up the Houses of Parliament....hmmm.

  7. oh we still rock the mullet here. listen to 102.5. they have a skit called mullet talk. trans am and fighting. hahaha.

    :facepalm: :lol:

    I need to go and eat at some of the Pitts famous eateries, and I hear the city is beautiful.

    soo Primanti Brothers? maybe Max & Erma's? But Pitt has pretty nice...when the sun has been shining...which as of late is a luxury. Not much different from Wisconsin so Im used to it :lol:

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